Recruiting Closed

Peer Review Panel to Assess Toxicokinetics and Mode of Action for Reproductive Effects

Peer Review Panel to Assess Mode of Action for Reproductive Effects

Expertise needed (6 experts total):

Toxicokinetics Experts (3 experts)
  • Experience in assessing rodent/dog/human ADME studies (regulatory/mechanistic studies)

  • Experience in PBPK model design, validation and assessment, including pregnancy models, particularly related to the OECD standardisation criteria

  • Application of PBPK modelling results to hazard assessment and/or human health risk assessment, particularly within the European regulatory framework in the non-pharma space (chemicals, agrochemicals, biocides…)

Reproductive Toxicology Experts (3 experts)
  • Experience in assessing adverse outcomes in reproductive toxicity studies (regulatory/mechanistic studies), particularly in the area of parturition biology (dystocia). 

  • Assessment of human relevance of rodent reproductive effect within the context of the EU chemical hazard classification system (CLP), using the IPCS/WHO human relevance framework for assessment of non-cancer mode of actions.

Engagement Parameters
  • Anticipated hours of work: 20 hours
  • Pay: $3,750 USD
  • Blinding: Experts to remain anonymous during the peer review, unmasked upon completion and documented in any reports prepared
  • Dates: Roughly May 10 - June 13, 2022. There is a potential for follow-up work/phases, to be contracted separately.