Recruiting Closed

Critical review of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models for Nanomaterials

OECD guidelines will be used to guide the reviews

SciPinion is recruiting experts in PBPK modeling and respiratory tract deposition modeling to serve on an expert peer review panel to critically review select models/papers.
The specifics of this project are:
  • Blinding 
    • Double blinded during peer review panel recruitment, selection and engagement
    • Panelist’s identities will be disclosed post-review, in a report of the findings after the review. Individual responses to charge questions will not be linked to individual panelists
  • Work assignment 
    • Critically review and score several models and associated papers based on OECD guidelines
    • Address follow-up/clarification questions as needed
  • Time requirement 
    • We anticipate experts will require 18-20 hours to be completed over the scheduled participation window at their discretion
  • Compensation 
    • $3750
  • Schedule 
    • Expected start date: ~mid to late May, 2023
    • Expected completion date: ~mid to late June, 2023
  • Number of panelists 
    • ~8 modeling experts
  • Travel 
    • None (all work done online)
  • Follow-up work 
    • A subset of models and panelists will be selected for further work in Phase 2 (model evaluation & application), with additional compensation
    • Results from this panel engagement are expected to result in a publication