Recruiting Closed

Safety of dietary/medicinal ingredient

Experts needed to review and assess the safety of a dietary and medicinal ingredient.

SciPinion is recruiting experts in hepatic toxicology and nutrition to serve on an expert advisory panel to critically review the potential for a dietary/medicinal ingredient to cause drug-induced liver injury (DILI) in humans.
The specifics of this project are:
  • Blinding 
    • Single blinded during peer review panel recruitment, selection and engagement
    • Experts identity will be disclosed during selection and in a report of the findings after the review. The report will be used for internal decision-making by the review sponsor
  • Work assignment 
    • Critically evaluate a summary report and consult pertinent literature as needed
    • Provide professional opinion on potential causation and safety of the dietary/medicinal ingredient
    • Take part in three rounds of review; 1) review materials and answer charge questions, 2) online debate, 3) revisit answers to Round 1 and answer any follow-up/clarifying questions
  • Time requirement 
    • We anticipate experts will require ~10-20 hours or less to review
  • Compensation 
    • $2500 USD
  • Schedule 
    • Expected start date: ~March 13, 2023
    • Expected completion time/date: ~April 16, 2023
  • Number of panelists 
    • 5-6
  • Travel 
    • None (all work done online)
  • Follow-up work 
    • 2 additional engagements on this topic are possible (~$2500 each for a total up to $7500)