Recruiting Closed

Risk Assessment for Children Exposed to OTC Drugs

Panel to advise on safety dossier for accidental poisonings in children to OTC drugs and wellness ingredients.

SciPinion is working to develop guidelines for setting safe doses or potentially toxic doses (PTDs) in children for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and wellness compounds (e.g., vitamins).  Setting PTDs will help guide which dosage formulations should be packed in child protective packaging.  We are in need of experts in setting safe exposure levels in children, pharmacologists, and experts in packaging of products to serve on a peer review panel.  
This standing panel will be involved in two types of activities:
  • Helping SciPinion develop the severity index to set potentially toxic dose (PTD) levels.
  • Serve on a standing panel of experts to peer review individual drug/compound safety dossiers.
Panel Details:
  • Panel size: 
    • 10 experts
  • Review package: 
    • Safety dossiers averaging 10 pages in length
  • Time required: 
    • 2-6 hours (Phase 1)
    • 8-12 hours (Phase 2, when selected)
  • Pay:
    • $1,000 – Phase 1
    • $1,500 – Phase 2 
      • Pay is per drug safety dossier review

In your application statement, please indicate your extent and type of experience conducting risk assessments/evaluations for children.