Peer Review of draft manuscript: Analytical chemistry and solubility of plastics
SciPinion is seeking analytical chemists and scientists with expertise in microplastics to peer review of draft manuscript that attempts to differentiate water soluble polymers from nanoplastics at the molecular level.
SciPinion is seeking:
- Three experts in analytical chemistry techniques (dynamic light scattering, small angle X-ray scattering, and atomic force microscopy); and
- Three experts in plastic pollution
to peer review a draft manuscript on differentiating water soluble polymers from nanoplastics at the molecular level.
Work Description
Peer review of draft manuscript and take part in three rounds (Round 1- independent review and answer charge questions; Round 2 - online comment & debate; Round 3 - revisit charge question answers as needed, answer followup/clarification questions).
Review Format
Modified Delphi, 3 rounds
Triple blinding during recruitment, selection, and engagement; reviewer names will be included in our report of the review
Level of effort
6-8 hours
Review Period
Dates are approximate and subject to change
From February 3, 2025 until February 17, 2025
Number of panelists
None. All interactions are conducted online
Follow-up work
None anticipated