(11 Answers)

Answer Explanations

  • Other (please explain below)
    Expert 10

    For human risk assessment (e.g. for drinking water guidelines), in my opinion limited subgroups should be considered (see above answer). For assessment of PFAS based on their intrinsic probematic properties (as practised in the European Union), e.g. for restricting the use of PFAS in society going forward, a single group approach can be appropriate based on their extremely high persistence. Uses can be exempted from restriction based on their essentiality.

  • Multiple subgroups
    Expert 2

    Toxic mechanisms and mode of toxicity of PFAS are still not known. If there is a single/common toxic mode that can be applicable for all PFAS then it can be grouped as a single group. Toxic mechanisms and toxic potential differ widely among PFAS; bioaccumulation potential and metabolism vary widely among PFAS. Therefore, it is important categorize them based on some common properties, if possible toxic mechanisms. While persistence may be only common criterion many groups think about grouping them all into one category, toxicity, bioaccumulation, metabolism/toxico-kinetics vary among PFAS.

  • Other (please explain below)
    Expert 7

    Cannot be mixed. In principle, MUST start with single compound characterization and assessment.
    Hazard is an inherent property of the chemical and risk is a derived parameter and takes dose into consideration (which means toxicity and exposure pathways).
    This can be done on a single compound basis only. If common denominators are found, grouping may be possible.
    Terms such as “subgroup” and “homogenous” need to be defined (chemically, use, mode of action, endpoint, analytical strategy)?
    I would warn on just taking/accepting earlier assessments rather go back to the original literature and review with fresh eyes and from scratch for the purpose of this work.
    In addition, differentiation has to me made between scientific technical assessment and regulatory risk management, which would take a practical approach based on science but not describe single experiments and cannot be used to extrapolate to other single compounds. Example: The TEF for OCDD cannot be used to derive a TEF for a potential new dioxin-like compound like a pentachloronaphtahlene.
    In context to traditional (chlorinated but also brominated) persistent organic pollutants (POPs), PFAS are different due to water solubility (which does not exist for the fluoropolymers) but scientists/agencies keep the other attributes including persistence (and then be inconsistent and refer to precursor compounds and degradation pathways), toxicity, and bioaccumulation.
    With PFAS there is a clear lack of “hard” data. I am not aware that many experiments have been undertaken on the molecule such as exposure to uv light, degradation studies under defined conditions. Relevant concentrations have to be taken into account as well.
    I suggest starting with the two model compounds, PFOS and PFOA, find all necessary hazard information and all necessary toxicological information - facts (not modelling or back-tracing from monitoring observations with bad analytical data).
    With PFOS, there is already the problem with the linear and the branched isomers that cannot be neglected and I wonder what toxicologists have tested or if effects differ based on structure.
    A critical question would be how to handle the statement that "PFOS" is protein-bound" in the (human) body. If not free circulating, no effect?
    Careful reading/formulation of the legal text is necessary to include or exclude compounds.
    TOF, TOP, EOF outcomes cannot be used for risk assessment.

  • Multiple subgroups
    Expert 4

    The question focuses on management, not assessment, of risks, and so does my response. The risks/hazards should be managed in subgroups.

  • Multiple subgroups
    Expert 6

    From a practical viewpoint, aggregating all PFAS into a single group for risk assessment provides a more holistic approach, but it ignores the potentially significant differences in toxicological properties/MoA etc. Significant toxicological potency differences between PFAS carboxylates and sulfonates of similar chain lengths have been suggested (e.g. see Ali et al, Andersen et al and Luz et al Reg Tox Pcol 2019), so differentiation based on this characteristic could be considered. Otherwise, grouping according to common toxicological endpoints or MoA is a more conventional approach (see answer to 1.3).

  • Other (please explain below)
    Expert 11

    As discussed above, when a group is not defined on the basis of a specific mode of action, multiple modes of action are possible. In addition, PFAS have a wide range of physical and chemicals properties that can affect exposure potential and toxicokinetic behaviors. Multiple modes of action and exposure routes would be expected to warrant different management strategies structure for various sub-categories of PFAS. The potential for multiple modes of actions increases when broader definitions of PFAS are used. For example, PTFE does not have a polar moiety and its toxicity would be expected to be different than PFOA or PFOS.

    That said, there is always great value in developing screening approaches for eliminating concerns for low-risk exposures. As a result, I would recommend that effort be made to develop multiple tiered approaches for managing risk that used a range of ways of characterizing hazard some based on screens (total fluorine in a sample, the sum of all PFAS, sum of certain PFAS, etc.) and some higher tiers that are based on the amounts of specific substances. Such an approach is discussed in section 1.3.

  • Other (please explain below)
    Expert 3

    Risks and hazards are two different concepts. Hazard characterization or effects characterization includes identification of likely adverse health effects associated with an agent, as well as the dose response (potency) of that agent. By contrast, risk is defined as a function of both hazard and exposure. There is no risk in the absence of exposure. And an exposure is without risk if there is no hazard at that level, type, or route of exposure.

    It would make sense to divide PFAS into groups based on knowledge of exposure and of hazard. As noted below -- depending on the purpose of the assessment -- one might focus on a group of high production PFAS, or legacy PFAS, or observation of particular chemicals at a waste site or other source to environmental media. For a ranking exercise these groupings may be particularly useful. Or at another extreme for an assessment of a Superfund site (an RI/ FS) it would be most important to include those only PFAS amenable to analysis and/ or which have been identified at the site.

    Likewise the grouping may depend on the population potentially at risk by virtue of a type of exposure. For example, episodic, rather than continual low-dose chronic exposure, may raise concerns about developmental effects over liver toxicity; thus the in utero or childhood population would be of particular. The consideration of population exposure and susceptibility raises further questions as to the applicability of PFAS data across diverse endpoints.

    I expect that even once the purpose of the assessment has been defined and a conceptual model described, there will be iterations of subgroups based on several considerations.

  • Single group
    Expert 9

    Given the widespread occurrence of PFAS in the environment, their persistence, mobility, potential to bioaccumulate, potential and known toxicities, and/or continuation of exposure, PFAS risks/hazards should be managed as a single group. While sub-grouping approaches could be considered, it may be challenging to arrange sub-groups due to the high number of individual PFAS that have been studied minimally or not studied at all. Sub-grouping by more traditional structure-activity relationships and/or molecular initiating events, for example, would not be possible for a high number of PFAS. Cousins et al. (2020) compared and contrasted several sub-grouping approaches that could be applied to PFAS and with all but the "P-sufficient" approach, data requirements would likely prohibit the placement of understudied/unstudied PFAS into sub-groups. With the P-sufficient approach, no data are required as the vast majority of PFAS are persistent and even precursors that are not persistent degrade to stable PFAS end products that are persistent. Grouping all PFAS using a P-sufficient approach for management would require no additional data and is based on the very long environmental half-lives shared by the vast majority of PFAS.

  • Single group
    Expert 1

    The approach to risk assessment for mixtures of PFAS needs to match available analytical methods. Given the wide variety of PFAS and the limited number of analytes measured in current targeted chemical analyses, it would be most useful to determine screening guidance values for adsorbable organic fluorine (AOF) or extractable organic fluorine (EOF). Given the lack of toxicological studies on most PFAS, translating an existing health-based guidance value (e.g., PFOA/PFOS) into a AOF/EOF could be useful to quickly evaluate the risks of a given total organic fluorine dose/concentration.

  • Other (please explain below)
    Expert 8

    The "PFAS" which would be included in the broad OECD definition should not be considered as a group for the purposes of risk assessment. It is clear from the data on the legacy PFAS that there are vast differences in toxicity, MOA, half-life, exposure etc, and this will even be more complex as the PFAS world is extended beyond the legacy PFAS. The management of PFAS again depends upon the initial problem formulation and the risk management options that are available. For most known endpoints, the data do not support grouping. For example, both PFOS and PFOA cause neonatal mortality in mice but the MOA is totally different - neonatal mortality caused from PFOA is PPARa dependent whereas that caused by PFOS is PPARs independent. Risk management of novel "PFAS" already considers use, exposure, potential for release to the environment, pchem properties, and toxicity (either through data or read across) and largely limits any potential human exposure. There is greater concern for legacy PFAS which did not undergo a similar regulatory evaluation process before entering the market. Risk management of PFAS that are already present in the environment will likely involve single chemicals or perhaps subgroups. Risk management may also take a more pragmatic approach. For example, in drinking water the overall toxicity of a group of PFAS will likely be driven by those PFAS with the longest half-life. One might propose that the total level of PFAS allowed in drinking water is 1 unit and this can be filled by any of the PFAS as long as the total does not exceed 1 unit.
    For legacy PFAS as well as some "newer" PFAS, it is also important to consider the NHANES data which would reflect exposure from all routes. Although only a limited number of PFAS have been screened by in NHANES, these data may help inform which PFAS are of potential concern to the general US population. Obviously there may be hot spots where exposures are higher. But, for example, PFBS has been reported in serum of humans in the general population. In American Red Cross samples collected in 2015, 8.4% had a quantifiable serum PFBS concentration; the majority of samples were below the lower limit of quantitation (4.2 nanograms per milliliter [ng/mL]). The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2013–2014 data reported the 95th percentile for PFBS at or below the level of detection (0.1 ng/mL). Thus, exposure to PFBS is quite low in the general population, and may not be of top priority.

  • Other (please explain below)
    Expert 5

    Assessment via multiple subgroups is warranted when data indicate different (multiple) targets of toxicity and/or multiple modes of action.

    Optimally, assignment of a chemical to a given subgroup should reflect knowledge of target organ/tissue/system and mode of action. Without mode of action knowledge, subgroups should be based on target organ/tissue system. This approach would enable dose additive approaches based on hazard index when both exposure and acceptable level (e.g., Reference Dose) are known; or on relative potency, when an acceptable level is established for the index chemical and measures of potency can be developed (in vivo or - with caveats - in vitro) for members of the subgroup. Because risk is a function of exposure and hazard, and because differences in biological longevity (half-life, clearance, bioaccumulation) relate to exposure, differences in biological longevity should not be considered as a basis for grouping. Grouping should be accomplished on the basis of hazard (target organ/tissue/system) and refined if mode of action data are available and demonstrate different modes of action are evident within a given target.

    Modes of action should be determined/estimated for effects demonstrated at the animal point of departure and should not be speculated-on without knowledge of the relationship between the test dose/concentration and the dose/concentration pertinent to the animal point of departure. This information will be important, should discussions of the potential human relevance of the mode of action be instigated.

1 vote 1 0 votes
Expert 8
09/15/2021 11:01

A few of the reviewers stated that all PFAS should be grouped together and managed together. I am curious how one would propose to actually combine all PFAS and what regulatory action and what agency could possible have purview over all uses and exposures?

Expert 3
09/15/2021 13:25

Reviewer 4's comment made sense to me

As noted by several reviewers, one large group will likely not be practical. Rather iterations of subgroups can be defined as the assessment proceeds -- based on both need and data availability.

3 votes 3 0 votes
Expert 3
09/15/2021 13:34

Just want to stress that risk assessment is an iterative process. As the assessment proceeds, it is very likely that the subgroups will change both in composition and in rationale. All this needs to be documented.

3 votes 3 0 votes
Expert 1
09/16/2021 11:55

As mentioned by some of the reviewers, risk is only present when there's both hazard and exposure. Consequently, grouping strategies should ideally account for both hazard and exposure.

In terms of hazard, it's unrealistic to think we will have tox data on all existing PFAS and be able to keep track of new PFAS coming to the market every year. When facing uncertainty regarding MOA and potency of PFAS, it may be preferable to assume similar MOA and dose additivity. Yes, this may be a little on the conservative side, but the approach is simple and sustainable (doesn’t require tox data for each new PFAS).

With regards to exposure, data from national surveys could be used to assess internal exposure to a certain number of PFAS, but there’s still a lot we don’t know about the total PFAS load because many PFAS are not measured. Where total extractable fluorine and targeted analyses were performed on the same serum samples, targeted PFAS explained only a portion of the total organic fluorine. Data from NHANES and ATSDR contaminated communities show that the composition of PFAS in serum changes over time, and geographically. Again, we are facing uncertainty regarding exposure.

Although I agree that the most robust approach would be to group PFAS based on MOA and/or PK, it seems like this approach would exclude a large portion of PFAS, and potentially underestimate health risks.

1 vote 1 0 votes
Expert 5
09/16/2021 14:18

Managing the risk assumes that the risk has been assessed and the risk rises to the level that management is required. A screening risk assessment of on some worst-case scenario, and perhaps based on total fluorine might be feasible. However, such an approach might also be fraught with damning uncertainty. It is interesting to consider, and the management of risks could be accomplished on a class by class or group by group basis. given divergent differences in half-life and potency, I can imagine that management as a single class/group may exclude from use some fairly innocuous compounds whose economic importance may be fairly high.

Expert 11
09/17/2021 19:39

In several of the comments above, the issue of data gaps appears (can we detect all PFAS in a sample, can we characterize individual's combined exposures to all PFAS, do we know the toxicity and dose response of every PFAS compound). It would be good to take this on as a specific aspect of decision making for PFAS in a systematic way. How many and what are the exposure implications of the unknown PFASs seen in biomonitoring samples or in relevant exposure media. What are the likely ranges of toxicity for the compounds? How much risk is being missed. Which sources of exposure have the biggest data.

Up to now I have only seen this issue invoked on a piecemeal basis as a justification for a testing approach. I am concerned that without giving this question proper attention we may be making inappropriate decisions.

1 vote 1 0 votes
Expert 11
09/17/2021 19:59

I agree with expert 3 and 5. If total organic fluoride or total extractable fluoride was used as a low tier screen for samples, then a single measurement could be used for all PFAS with the assurance that no PFAS would be missed. The problem with such a screen is that if there is no higher tier assessment approach available, then measurements that fail the screen would trigger regulation. Depending on how the screening assessment was designed, this could be a substantial cause of over regulation. Thus, such a screen should be proposed with guidance on what to do if the finding comes back as positive.

Expert 2
09/19/2021 13:12

I still believe that there should several subgroups within the current class of PFAS defined in Buck et al. for the purpose of risk/hazards of PFAS. I do not support that idea that PFAS can be measured as total fluorine or extractable organic fluorine. That is a very crude approach, not only from analytical point of view (current EOF/TOF methods are not standardized/harmonized) but also from toxicological point of view (all PFASs do not have same mechanisms of toxicity); furthermore, inorganic fluorine which is present at much higher levels than those of PFASs can confound/affect the accuracy of the risk/hazard assessment.

Expert 6
09/19/2021 22:36

Most reviewers have noted the difficulty of grouping PFAS for risk assessment/risk management purposes where the available information on toxicological properties, relative potencies and environmental behaviour may by lacking. The inclusion of exposure into the grouping process (reviewer 1) is more novel, and while it equates more to the potential for health risk, the initial approach to grouping is, to my mind, probably better based on 'hazard' potential (i.e. toxicological properties). The exposure component will be formally incorporated into any risk assessments that ensue. Some reviewers have raised the quite pertinent question about whether some PFAS allocated to any group or sub-group can actually be measured by current analytical techniques.

Expert 7
09/20/2021 01:15

Differentiation between hazard and risk is important and should be iterative. For hazard, a screening process like using EOF or similar can be made at a very early stage but not necessarily by regulatory bodies. Methods are not validated or harmonized and are purely chemical analytical.
Context for risk assessment would be important: comparing C4-C9 PFAS with metals (lead, mercury) or brominated flame retardants or PCB or dioxins, they would form an own group because of fate and transport and exposure (and many other parameters); however, within the PFAS, they may behave very different from each other. Thus, definition of the chemical is necessary together with the scope.
On a regulatory basis, there is no single authority that would be able to regulate all exposure pathways and the endpoint.

1 vote 1 0 votes
Expert 9
09/20/2021 11:25

One approach to grouping that could work for PFAS with commercial applications (and would have to include all precursors, byproducts, and final degradation products that are PFAS) would be PFAS that are essential versus PFAS that are not essential (a definition to essential uses can be found in Cousins, 2019), but like other approaches or a class approach, this would be a huge departure from "traditional" risk assessment approaches.

2 votes 2 0 votes
Expert 4
09/23/2021 06:51

I agree with many of the comments, but I think many are focused on the assessment of risk, rather than the management of risk. When managing risk from PFAS, it makes sense to group them based on whether and how they will be managed. Note that decisions about risk management are informed by risk assessment, but other factors, for example economics, play into risk management decisions at every level. I like Experts' 3 and 5 suggestion of using a screening tool like total extractable fluoride. Although it is not specific to any substance nor a good predictor of risk on its own, monitoring total extractable fluoride could be a way of evaluating the success (or not) of risk management measures, for example regulations intended to reduce entry of PFAS to the environment to the environment.

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