(37 Answers)

Answer Explanations 13


We need to have good ventilation with a super fine exhaust system installed in the kitchen. Else, there should be some alternate options available for the unconfirmed issue. Also, there should be large-scale trials of the impact of the gas stove on childhood asthma.


The publications and media coverage on the potential relationship between the use of gas stoves and childhood asthma have drawn significant attention in recent years. As a result, individuals may be concerned about the potential health effects of using gas stoves and may consider changing their current or future use/purchase of gas stoves. However, it is important to note that the evidence on this topic is still limited and inconclusive, and further research is needed to better understand the potential health effects of gas stove use. It is recommended that individuals consult with their healthcare provider or a qualified expert in this field to make an informed decision about their use/purchase of gas stoves based on their individual circumstances and needs.


As an energy/climate activist I was aware of the issue prior to popular press associated with published studies. I swapped out my gas stove for an induction when I remodeled in 2020.


I have familiarity of the subject, coming from the third world country, I had experience the childhood asthma and use of gas stove in households


The evidence provided in the recent study was weak, and I'm being generous.


It is very easy to publish a paper in IJERPH, so I do not think that the paper has enough quiality to change my mind about gas stoves.


Because, papers are describing the problem in US and I am a resident of India.


In South Africa we use a lot of gas stoves at all socioeconomic levels. The alternatives are wood or coal stoves which also affect asthma and cook more slowly. In upmarket homes we have "load shedding" - no electricity. Gas stoves are in the kitchen and dangerous in any case so children should not be in the kitchen - as burns from boiling liquids and touching the stove are the greatest danger.


Weak evidence, ignoring more serious sources of pollution in households other confounding factors, and fear are driving this illogical blame game. I'm 76 years old. Have been around gas stoves all my life in well ventilated rooms. I am in excellent health. At what point should I be concerned?


Scented candles cause more harm to indoor air quality than gas stoves. Living by a highway or a busy street is more correlated with childhood asthma than gas stoves. If we were truly interested in improving indoor air quality we should talk about air fresheners, scented candles and traffic pollution rather than gas stoves. Banning gas stoves will disproportionately harm those with lower socioeconomic status as switching to electric will have significant costs.


The pollution caused by gas stove and the chance of asthma on using gas stoves, as reported by the media and publications. peoples became aware of that and mostly trying to avoid gas stoves.


My next stove will probably be electric if I have children at home at the time I replace the current one.


I would not install a gas stove without proper local exhaust ventilation.

07/16/2023 17:52

With proper installation and ventilation very safe - very low risk of morbidity or mortality.

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