(246 Answers)

Answer Explanations

  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    While the potential for abuse is moderate for adults; it should not be available outside of prescription to avoid that it gets in the hands of young children and teens.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    The risk is not zero, but still less that for many other substances. There are documented cases of cannabis-triggered psychosis. 
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    Psychological dependence is the most probable cause of marijuana consumption rather than physical addiction.
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    While I don't think that this is really any different than alcohol or tobacco, it is clear that psychological dependence can develop. If we were being honest about tobacco and alcohol, they'd also be Schedule IV. (where most benzos are, for example). 

    (Alternatively just exempt it like alcohol and tobacco products...)

  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    There is ample evidence that cannabis dependence (i.e., cannabis use disorder) does occur in some heavy users. However, the vast majority of users do not meet these criteria, which is the main reason for my answer.
  • V. Lower potential for abuse, contain limited quantities of certain narcotics
    No one dies from using marijuana. It is safer than alcohol and may Schedule IV drugs.  
  • Other/I cannot answer
    The plant itself should not be regulated within the scheduling framework, like tobacco, but there should be regulations for commercial and home growing separate from this system. However, any psychoactive products or medicines derived from cannabis should be regulated in Schedule III. 
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    Personal observations of impacts on kids and adults
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    Schedule IV if a person is otherwise healthy. Schedule III for persons suffering from mental illness if they are using it to address the mental illness without therapy or other intervention
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    Dependence is more psychological than physical in most cases.
    Individuals with specific vulnerabilities (e.g., latent or prodromal psychosis) may be vulnerable to aggravating their condition if marijuana is used on sustained basis.
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    The balance is the risk from abuse from being illegal vs the rate of use when controlled
  • V. Lower potential for abuse, contain limited quantities of certain narcotics
    The reasoning for the original regulation was all about politics and was never based on science.  We currently have little data on the real science except that it there are medical uses and it can have some adverse effects.  That said, alcohol is worse than cannabis both in the science that we know and their are no medical uses.  We need to base decisions on science and research (data), not on public opinion at the time and not on politics.  
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
    Except for anecdotal stories that marijuana quells nausea and improves appetite in chemotherapy patients (a story that seems to originate from those who are proponents of marijuana), I am unaware of any medical use of marijuana.   
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    some potential for dependency/misuse, but lower rating would make this more avaialble to people with chronic pain and anxiety, giving an alternate to opiods. 
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    Lay press as well as physicians  have completely underestimated the abuse potential for THC/marijuana as well s the ptotniap for adverse medical effects including coronary artery disease, stroke and MI.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    I have not studied the literature.  I have heard conflicting claims but, if pressed, based on my experience, would rate it III or IV.
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    While Cannabis Use Disorder is a recognized disorder, the estimated chances of becoming dependent on cannabis after any lifetime exposure is much lower (9%) than cocaine (21%), alcohol (23%) or tobacco (68%)
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    Recent evidence suggests habitual users develop dependency
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    the government knows this information
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    There are some potential indications where marijuana (THC) can have a positive benefit, so it could be developed as a drug, but no reputable pharmaceutical company would likely do this because the risks outweigh the cost of development and standardization of its potency.
  • V. Lower potential for abuse, contain limited quantities of certain narcotics
    At 73 years old with over 45 years of faculty service at two R1 universities (and not retired yet), I've been smoking pot for probably 75% of my lifetime starting in the 1960s.  I live in one of the original recreational marijuana-approved states.  Thus, my answer is based on my personal experience, not any metadata from a scientific study.  To put my feelings succinctly, government needs to stay out of our personal decisions to use botanicals (however, I do agree that driving and being stoned are not a good idea, and I am cognizant of the literature about cognitive development issues for 'minor's who smoke and thus support an age limit).
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    I believe that by controlling or limiting narcotic or dependent substances such as THC, cannabis has great potential to be used in pharmacology.
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    The first three cannot be applied and number V does not make sense. I am of the opinion that IV is the most correct.
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    High risk for abuse and dependence. High potential as a medical pain-killer in severe/pallia disease.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    The medical utility for cannabis is a highly untapped resource with potential wide-ranging benefits worthy of intensive research. While the risk for physical addiction is exceedingly low, the risk of psychological addiction may be relatively higher.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    Marihuana has a certain potential for creating adition in certain consumers. Not all of them. On the other hand, it can be used for medical purposes with a particular dose for each case. We need more studies to verify which is the safe dosage to be used for medical and recreational purposes. But it certainly very far away from the dependecy that heroin or vicodin can cause
  • V. Lower potential for abuse, contain limited quantities of certain narcotics
    there are no known cases of overdose death, the way that potential for addiction is defined, it is lower than other drugs that are abused, including alcohol. It has documented benefits to some conditons/health and mental health and help with pain management and is less addictive than other drugs used to treat pain.... , the incorrect classification of it does harm and should be changed. 
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    this drug can do harm even when medicinally prescribed
    Absolutely it does harm as a recreational substance
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
    It will be highly harmful to our youth and children if it is freely available.
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    Like here in Africa we have seen that this drug is abused mainly by youths. This abuse has also been associated with behavioral changes. Some who behaved well all his or her life before taking these substances end up behaving strangely. Some people have been associated with mental illnesses and even violence.
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    The recreational use of cannabis, with the belief that it is a natural product with therapeutic properties and therefore does not cause addiction, is an idea defended by its consumers. This is the beginning of continuous consumption that ends in dependence, developing in youth a high physical and psychological addiction.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    marijuana still has medical benefits although when using the pure extracts. Physical dependance is usually not a problem when use is stopped. 
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    While marijuana has beneficial aspects that are increasingly becoming apparent, it still has a tendency to create dependence or lead to further drug use.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    User records over several years show potential for dependence.  Abuse risk is related primarily to graded increase in use of psychotropic drugs beyond marijuana.
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    It's a dilemma in choosing cannabis. The practical reality is that overwhelming college students use marijuana routinely and quote all sorts of studies and anecdotal life-long experiences against the dependencies and disadvantages. However, the majority of incarcerated offenders of marijuana are the black minority population. I am against using drugs; given the unique situation of marijuana, even if nothing else for social justice, it should be placed in category IV or V. Thank you.
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
     It is a substance that, as a drugs, has no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse 
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    See the result of Dutch experience with 30 years of alowance. No major epidemic impact. 
    Some concern has been raised about increasing levels of THC. However societal impact is mild compaired to alcohol or nicotine.  Rather more concerns are there from my side about use of solvents residue in hashish. Should be controled.
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
    The DEA classified marijuana as a Schedule I substance primarily because it was considered to have "no currently accepted medical use" and a "high potential for abuse" under the criteria outlined in the Controlled Substances Act. This classification has been criticized by proponents of medical marijuana and drug policy reform, who argue that there is a growing body of evidence supporting its medical efficacy and that it is less harmful than some other substances, such as opioids. 

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommended lowering marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III in 2023, acknowledging its potential medical benefits and lower abuse potential compared to Schedule I substances. However, it's important to note that this recommendation does not automatically change the classification; it would require regulatory and legislative action to implement.
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    Based on literature review
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    Recently, a study has shown powerful beneficial effects of marijuana for medicinal use. More ver, it can speed up the metabolism and body functions if used in a moderate quantity 
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
    Due too too much addiction...
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    Activation of CB receptors has modulative response, thus it is highly unlikely to have any sort of physical abuse or dependency. Psychological effect is dependent on the person, so I can only cite Voltaire - "Think for yourself and let others enjoy the privilege of doing so too." and also "Ice-cream is exquisite. What a pity it isn't illegal."
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    Psychological and physical dependence on any drug is a potential for abuse.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    Marijuana could not be classified as I schedule since it has medical uses in chronic pain and spasticity.
    Marijuana could not be classified as II schedule since it causes significantly less tendency towards abuse compared with other drugs of this schedule 
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    Psychological dependence is highly likely with regular use however the impact is minimal 
    Valium and Xanax should be scheduled higher
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    Lack of evidence for physical dependence
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    All the people I used to know who were smoking marijuana regularly were highly dependant and had psychological misfunctions.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    If properly prepared, packaged and market (no additional preservatives--no stabilizers, no contamination with viruses, bacteria or endotoxins), the plant should not be as toxic as those chemicals/drugs that are prescribed. 
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    No evidence for addiction to marijuana. Although it is consumed it is unlikely to be widely abused.
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    Marijuana has a high potential to act as an initiator drug for other drugs, and has a potential for psychological and physical dependence.
    Its wide-spread abuse by smoking has additional adverse consequences for the respiratory  tract and other organ systems. 
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    Most of the cases that l have heard about t ose smoking marijuana are cases of addiction, mental disorder, irrational behaviour and in some cases health challenges 
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
    Based on the information provided by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, marijuana is classified as Schedule I, which means it is considered to have a high potential for abuse and no currently accepted medical use.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    There is good evidence that some cannabis users have difficulty reducing or stopping consumption despite use-related problems. There is also good evidence that most users have no problem with regulating use. The real problem is related to adolescent abuse given clear effects on CNS development.
  • V. Lower potential for abuse, contain limited quantities of certain narcotics
    I think it should be the lowest level, similar to tobacco.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    Marijuana users vary greatly in their ability to manage their use and there are a number of factors that can affect perceived dependence. There is little scientific evidence for physical dependence and it appears that physical dependence on alcohol is much greater than marijuana. There is some evidence for psychological dependence, but this is highly variable and can involve confounding variables. 
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    There is no marijuana pharmaceutical product 
    There are no clinical trials to prove marijuana efficient for certain type of pathology 
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    Potential exists for harm to young developing brains, so some moderate to low risk of harm and/or dependence.
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    I may consider it like Schedule II: Schedule II drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a high potential for abuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence. These drugs are also considered dangerous. Some examples of Schedule II drugs are: combination products with less than 15 milligrams of hydrocodone per dosage unit (Vicodin), cocaine, methamphetamine, methadone, hydromorphone (Dilaudid), meperidine (Demerol), oxycodone (OxyContin), fentanyl, Dexedrine, Adderall, and Ritalin
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
    Based on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (USDEA), marijuana (cannabis) is classified as Schedule I.  This drug is not medically recommended for use.
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
      Marijuana is a psychotropic substance with high potential for misuse and no recognized medicinal purpose due to its potential for physical and mental dependence, poor judgment, concentration issues, and coordination issues. It has also been linked to higher car accident risks and mental health issues like schizophrenia, sadness, and anxiety. Therefore, marijuana has no known generally acknowledged medicinal applications.Marijuana is a psychotropic substance with high potential for misuse and no recognised medicinal purpose due to its potential for physical and mental dependence, poor judgement, concentration issues, and coordination issues. It has also been linked to higher car accident risks and mental health issues like schizophrenia, sadness, and anxiety. Therefore, marijuana has no generally acknowledged medicinal applications. 
  • V. Lower potential for abuse, contain limited quantities of certain narcotics
    There are reports of very limited misuse of marijuana. 
    As monoecious type (male and female plants are different) and only female plant yields narcotics under strict maintenance and adaptation, the scope for narcotic drugs is limited. Further, the plant has other important usages (in textile, and oilseed industries, etc.). 
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
    High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use.
    Reason: Marijuana was categorized as a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States (September 2021), in accordance with the criteria for Schedule I substances, which includes a high potential for abuse and a lack of recognized medical usage under federal law. Nonetheless, it's crucial to acknowledge that the classification and legal position of marijuana may differ from one state or country to another, and regulations may have changed since that period. Therefore, it is advisable to consult current and local sources for the latest information.
    Moreover they can lead to physical or psychological dependence and misuse.
    Also, According to federal law, substances categorized as Schedule I are considered not to have any presently acknowledged medical applications. In other words, at the federal level, there are no established medical treatments or approved uses for marijuana.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    Marijuana shows mild addictive morbidity, mild withdrwal minfestations and potential therapeuitic uses of some components in certain chronic inflamatory diseases and as an antidepressent.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    If it is used in cancer or other diseases with great pain, I think thas the benefits overweight the risk of dependence. 
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    The choice is due to two factors. The first is age and the second is amount of use. This compound causes neurotoxicological effects on the developing brain. It does not matter if that brain is still undergoing gestation or is a teenager/young adult brain. It will exert long term effects. We know this and to spread any other opinion is disinformation. In adults over the age of 25, using marijuana on a recreational basis probably does not cause a lot of neurological harm (maybe some lung toxicity due to the smoke but no brain issues). However, some people have tendencies that make them more prone to heavy usage. Heavy usage causes psychological dependence and basically destroys motivation and productivity. What sense does it make to keep allowing things that destroy productivity to be a component of our society?
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    There is no dispute about the potential for psychological and physical dependence. Nonetheless, these are, under current knowledge not stronger than the intake of alcoholic beverages. In addition, there is a potential for several benefits when used as medicine. Thus, this is a compromised schedule.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    In low doses, Marijuana is known to have medicinal value without dependence 
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
    It has no proven therapeutic effects. The risks/side-effects of marijuana outweigh benefits( if any) . So, it should definitely belong to Class I
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
    There is a difference between marijuana used as a drug and medical cannabis, which is a cannabinoid that can be prescribed by physicians for their patients in different illnesses. As a doctor, I cannot sustain regular cannabis, which is a subject of drug abuse, that damages millions of lives daily, to be classified lower than Schedule 1. 
  • I. High potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use
    1. Marijuana is classified as a "High Potential for Abuse" because it has a significant potential for abuse or misuse, which could lead to physical or psychological dependence. 
    2. Marijuana is also classified as a "No Currently Accepted Medical Use" because there are few scientific studies and a lack of accepted medical uses for marijuana in the United States. In addition, the medicinal properties as well as the medical benefits of marijuana in the healthcare remains largely unknown or poorly understood and it is recognized by the medical community yet.

  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    Marijuana is heavily abused among young adults in Nigeria. Most adults dependent on marijuana have very poor on the job performance and family relationships. 
  • IV. Low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence
    Marijuana is not physically addictive and has proven medical uses.
  • V. Lower potential for abuse, contain limited quantities of certain narcotics
    Compared to socially accepted alcohol much less potential for abuse and health complications.
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    I think marijuana should be reclassified into the III schedule as the level of dependence it creates is generally low. However, marijuana poses some health risks, especially at you ages and regulations should be done taking this into consideration 
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    It is not highly addictive, more habitual if anything.
  • V. Lower potential for abuse, contain limited quantities of certain narcotics
    not addicting
  • III. Moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence
    There is certainly clusters of people with different thresholds for dependence
  • II. High potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence
    We are living in a society with many economical challenges that are affecting the mental status of many individuals. It is in this opinion that people would start taking marijuana to overcome their mental stress resulting in alot of substance abuse.
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