SciPoll 634: Science in Legal Proceedings and Court Decisions
What is your region of residence? Grouped By In your opinion, do legal proceedings and court decisions effectively utilize best available science?
(209 Answers)
Answer Explanations
- Europeuser-906902Spain
- Asiauser-265910I'm living in Pakistan.
- North Americauser-925409I am a resident of Cary, North Carolina
- North Americauser-523578Massachusetts and Rhode Island
- North Americauser-475346North America, USA
- Europeuser-471505Türkiye (Turkey)
- Europeuser-776568Italy
- North Americauser-585260Austin Texas
- North Americauser-826281I am from academia and was asked to write a scientific declaration for a civil trial.
- North Americauser-913574Mexico, in North America
- Oceaniauser-550058Australia.
- Asiauser-109201India
- North Americauser-202279Sarasota, Florida
- North Americauser-304684Ny
- North Americauser-935064The court cases I worked on were mostly in the USA, but also in Canada.
- North Americatox-expertAustin, Texas.
- Europeuser-180243ITALY
- Europeuser-767602Italy
- North Americauser-957551Specifically, WA State.
- Oceaniauser-813332I live in New Zealand
- Europeuser-316370Czechia
- Europeuser-966722I am from the Belgrade, capital of Serbia, employed at the Institute of Epidemiology, Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.
- Asiauser-855888Mumbai, India
- Asiauser-546771Pakistan
- Middle Eastuser-469309The case I was involved in was in Essex UK
- Asiauser-330818Australia is a South East Asian country. Higher education makes you happier and healthier and there is evidence that education promotes democracy and reduces crime and poverty. Democracy generates mental and physical health, fairness and happiness.
- North Americauser-573537Mexico
- Europeuser-470786Italy