1 2 3 4 5 Total
Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior 3.55% 5 6.38% 9 7.09% 10 27.66% 39 55.32% 78 141
Consumption of ultra-processed foods 6.99% 10 7.69% 11 14.69% 21 18.18% 26 52.45% 75 143
Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages 5.63% 8 5.63% 8 10.56% 15 32.39% 46 45.77% 65 142
Socioeconomic status and food access 7.09% 10 11.35% 16 28.37% 40 26.24% 37 26.95% 38 141
Educational level 8.82% 12 19.85% 27 28.68% 39 30.15% 41 12.50% 17 136
Genetic predisposition 10.14% 14 16.67% 23 34.78% 48 21.01% 29 17.39% 24 138
Poor sleep quality and duration 12.95% 18 22.30% 31 33.81% 47 19.42% 27 11.51% 16 139
Chronic stress levels 6.43% 9 20.00% 28 28.57% 40 30.00% 42 15.00% 21 140
Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding) 7.19% 10 23.02% 32 30.22% 42 30.22% 42 9.35% 13 139
Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces 10.14% 14 23.19% 32 31.16% 43 23.19% 32 12.32% 17 138
Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income) 13.14% 18 28.47% 39 37.23% 51 16.79% 23 4.38% 6 137
Screen time and digital media usage 6.47% 9 16.55% 23 28.06% 39 30.22% 42 18.71% 26 139
Portion sizes (of outside home meals) 6.43% 9 16.43% 23 28.57% 40 26.43% 37 22.14% 31 140
Relative affordability of food (as % of total income) 10.00% 14 18.57% 26 30.71% 43 25.71% 36 15.00% 21 140
Other (Please explain) 31.25% 15 12.50% 6 18.75% 9 16.67% 8 20.83% 10 48

Answer Explanations

  • user-705613
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00010
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods01000
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00010
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition00001
    Poor sleep quality and duration00100
    Chronic stress levels00010
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)01000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces10000
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)01000
    Screen time and digital media usage01000
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00010
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)01000
    Other (Please explain)
    See above
  • user-749008
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior01000
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods10000
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages10000
    Socioeconomic status and food access10000
    Educational level01000
    Genetic predisposition01000
    Poor sleep quality and duration10000
    Chronic stress levels10000
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)01000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces01000
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)10000
    Screen time and digital media usage01000
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)10000
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)01000
    Other (Please explain)10000
    Geoenvironmental factors 
  • user-703358
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00010
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00010
    Socioeconomic status and food access00001
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition10000
    Poor sleep quality and duration10000
    Chronic stress levels01000
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00100
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces01000
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)01000
    Screen time and digital media usage01000
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)01000
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00010
    Other (Please explain)00010
    Lack of knowledge of simple and cheap meal preparation at home leading to a reliance on cheap fast ultra processed food 
  • user-476126
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00100
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00100
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00100
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level
    Genetic predisposition01000
    Poor sleep quality and duration00100
    Chronic stress levels00100
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00100
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00100
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)01000
    Screen time and digital media usage00010
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00010
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00010
    Other (Please explain)
    Obesity is a biological and a social concern.  There is not likely to be one or two factors contributing but more likely many. 
  • user-446741
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00100
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access00010
    Educational level01000
    Genetic predisposition10000
    Poor sleep quality and duration10000
    Chronic stress levels01000
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00010
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00100
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)10000
    Screen time and digital media usage01000
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)01000
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00010
    Other (Please explain)00010
    Excessive promotion of unhealthy food options
  • user-105956
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00010
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access00010
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition00100
    Poor sleep quality and duration01000
    Chronic stress levels00100
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00010
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00100
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00100
    Screen time and digital media usage00100
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00100
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00100
    Other (Please explain)
    I think the biggest problem is that our easily accessed highly processed food is designed to make people crave more. And the food is toxic - creating obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Our system in the US is designed for the profit of the companies manufacturing food products with little regard for health. 
  • user-714443
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition00100
    Poor sleep quality and duration00001
    Chronic stress levels00010
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00001
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00001
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00010
    Screen time and digital media usage00010
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00010
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00001
    Other (Please explain)00010
    People need more education and understanding of how important it is for our health and our children's health to move, get exercise (at gymn or not), to eat whole natural foods not fried, and processed foods and drinks with sugar. 
  • user-642702
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access00001
    Educational level00001
    Genetic predisposition00001
    Poor sleep quality and duration00001
    Chronic stress levels00001
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)01000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00010
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00010
    Screen time and digital media usage00010
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00100
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00010
    Other (Please explain)00010
    Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach, including promoting healthier lifestyles, improving access to nutritious foods, and implementing supportive public health policies.
  • user-523578
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access00010
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition10000
    Poor sleep quality and duration10000
    Chronic stress levels01000
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)10000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces01000
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)10000
    Screen time and digital media usage00100
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00010
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00010
    Other (Please explain)
    see above
  • user-424142
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00100
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00100
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00010
    Socioeconomic status and food access00010
    Educational level00001
    Genetic predisposition00100
    Poor sleep quality and duration01000
    Chronic stress levels00100
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00010
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00100
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)01000
    Screen time and digital media usage00100
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00010
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00100
    Other (Please explain)00001
    Usually, high caloric foods are cheaper and easily accesible: chips, cookies, sweetened beverages. Also, there is a misunderstanding on what makes peple fat: rather carbphydrates (sugars) than other nutrients.
  • user-813662
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior01000
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods01000
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00100
    Socioeconomic status and food access00001
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition00010
    Poor sleep quality and duration01000
    Chronic stress levels00001
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)01000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces01000
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)01000
    Screen time and digital media usage00100
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)01000
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00100
    Other (Please explain)00010
    Life History Theory
  • user-683654
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00010
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access00001
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition00100
    Poor sleep quality and duration00100
    Chronic stress levels01000
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00100
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00100
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00100
    Screen time and digital media usage00100
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00010
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00100
    Other (Please explain)00010
    The food are largely allien now.
  • user-673903
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00010
    Socioeconomic status and food access00001
    Educational level
    Genetic predisposition00001
    Poor sleep quality and duration00100
    Chronic stress levels00100
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00001
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00100
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00100
    Screen time and digital media usage00001
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00001
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00001
    Other (Please explain)00001
    Lack of health care and motivation to maintain a health weigh
  • user-532952
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior10000
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods10000
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00010
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level01000
    Genetic predisposition00100
    Poor sleep quality and duration00001
    Chronic stress levels00001
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)01000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00100
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00001
    Screen time and digital media usage10000
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)01000
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)01000
    Other (Please explain)01000
    There is no criticism of obesity - it is PRAISED in African culture.  It proves you are rich.
  • user-461514
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00100
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level10000
    Genetic predisposition00100
    Poor sleep quality and duration00001
    Chronic stress levels00001
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00100
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00001
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00001
    Screen time and digital media usage00001
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)10000
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)10000
    Other (Please explain)00001
    The actual structure of food, in addition to the timimg of eating in relation to its quality; is extremely important.
  • user-575813
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages
    Socioeconomic status and food access
    Educational level
    Genetic predisposition
    Poor sleep quality and duration
    Chronic stress levels
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)
    Screen time and digital media usage
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)
    Other (Please explain)
  • user-325101
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00010
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages01000
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level00010
    Genetic predisposition01000
    Poor sleep quality and duration01000
    Chronic stress levels00100
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00010
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00100
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)01000
    Screen time and digital media usage00001
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00010
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00010
    Other (Please explain)00100
    Access to Accurate Information: Education increases individuals' access to accurate sources of information about healthy lifestyles and enables them to avoid diets or habits based on misinformation.Cultural and Social Factors: In some regions, being overweight may be perceived as an indicator of health and well-being. This may limit weight control efforts. Consumption of energy dense, high calorie, sugary and processed foods has increased in Turkey. Traditional healthy Turkish cuisine has been replaced by western-type eating habits. - Lack of Physical Activity: Urbanisation and increasing use of technological devices have made sedentary lifestyles widespread.
  • user-455251
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00010
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00100
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition00010
    Poor sleep quality and duration00100
    Chronic stress levels01000
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)01000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces01000
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)01000
    Screen time and digital media usage00100
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00100
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)01000
    Other (Please explain)00100
    Genetic composition, dietary and physical inactivitues are the major predisposing factor for obesity. Other factors not isolated nay include excessive alcohol consumption with less physical activities 
  • user-510547
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00010
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access01000
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition00100
    Poor sleep quality and duration00100
    Chronic stress levels00010
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)01000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00010
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00100
    Screen time and digital media usage00001
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00010
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00010
    Other (Please explain)00010
    Other: Commercials TV and media misleading
  • user-107074
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00010
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00010
    Socioeconomic status and food access01000
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition00100
    Poor sleep quality and duration01000
    Chronic stress levels00010
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00100
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00001
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00100
    Screen time and digital media usage01000
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00100
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)01000
    Other (Please explain)01000
  • user-884919
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00010
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition01000
    Poor sleep quality and duration01000
    Chronic stress levels00100
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)10000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces01000
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)01000
    Screen time and digital media usage01000
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00100
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00100
    Other (Please explain)10000
    Associated factors such as limiting conditions and secondary diseases also contribute to the increase in problems related to obesity.
  • user-311093
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00010
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level00010
    Genetic predisposition01000
    Poor sleep quality and duration01000
    Chronic stress levels00100
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)01000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces10000
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)10000
    Screen time and digital media usage00100
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00010
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)01000
    Other (Please explain)
    Ingestion of large quantities of highly processed, cheap food coupled to a sedentary lifestyle.
  • user-750912
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00010
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods10000
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages10000
    Socioeconomic status and food access01000
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition00001
    Poor sleep quality and duration00010
    Chronic stress levels01000
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00100
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00010
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00010
    Screen time and digital media usage00100
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)01000
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00100
    Other (Please explain)00100
    Pollution like endocrine disruptors and other changes in the environment and in the food chain. 
  • user-709065
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00010
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access00010
    Educational level00010
    Genetic predisposition
    Poor sleep quality and duration00100
    Chronic stress levels00010
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00010
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00010
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00010
    Screen time and digital media usage00100
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00100
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00100
    Other (Please explain)
    The use of Sirtuin 1 inhibitors that can be consumed will increase the risk for obesity in the developed and developing world. Individuals should consume Sirtuin 1 activators to increase liver and fat mass metabolism and prevent non alcoholic fatty liver disease and obesity.


    1.       Anti-Aging Genes Improve Appetite Regulation and Reverse Cell Senescence and Apoptosis in Global Populations. Advances in Aging Research, 2016, 5, 9-26
    2.       Single Gene Inactivation with Implications to Diabetes and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome. J Clin Epigenet.2017 Vol. 3 No. 3:24.
    3.       Increased Risk for Obesity and Diabetes with Neurodegeneration in Developing Countries. Top 10 Contribution on Genetics. Chapter 1, EBook. 2018. www.avid.science.com
    4.       Nutrition Therapy Regulates Caffeine Metabolism with Relevance to NAFLD and Induction of Type 3 Diabetes. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2017; 4: 019.
    5.       Appetite dysregulation and obesity in Western Countries  Ian J Martins · First edited by Emma Jones,; LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.,

  • user-604552
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00100
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages01000
    Socioeconomic status and food access01000
    Educational level00100
    Genetic predisposition01000
    Poor sleep quality and duration00100
    Chronic stress levels00001
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)01000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00010
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)01000
    Screen time and digital media usage00001
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)10000
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)01000
    Other (Please explain)00001
    Cultural factors (generations affected from post WWII syndrome of overeating, social eating and drinking, luck of break during work for lunch, lack of the habit to eat breakfast), hectic life due to too many obligations that affects largely the correct and stable times for eating, eating late the night during relaxation, eating for coping with stress or sadness.
  • user-781826
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access00001
    Educational level10000
    Genetic predisposition00100
    Poor sleep quality and duration00001
    Chronic stress levels00001
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00100
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00100
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00100
    Screen time and digital media usage00100
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00100
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00100
    Other (Please explain)00001
    Lack of timely consumption of food. Food should be taken only when one is hungry. Chemicals in food that disrupt hormonal balance are the factors causing obesity today. Being overweight is not a problem at all, but society's taunts and the media cause psychological tensions are the other main causes of the problem.  
  • user-762331
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00010
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00010
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level00010
    Genetic predisposition00100
    Poor sleep quality and duration00100
    Chronic stress levels00100
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00010
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00100
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00100
    Screen time and digital media usage00001
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00001
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00100
    Other (Please explain)00001
    La mezcla de varios de estos factores es de vital importancia: sedentarismo + hábitos dietéticos
  • user-671388
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00010
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access00010
    Educational level00010
    Genetic predisposition01000
    Poor sleep quality and duration00010
    Chronic stress levels00010
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)01000
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces01000
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)01000
    Screen time and digital media usage00010
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00010
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00100
    Other (Please explain)00001
    False information to the public by manufacturers
  • user-70090
    1 2345
    Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior00001
    Consumption of ultra-processed foods00001
    Consumption of Sugar-sweetened beverages00001
    Socioeconomic status and food access00100
    Educational level00010
    Genetic predisposition00001
    Poor sleep quality and duration00001
    Chronic stress levels00010
    Early life factors (maternal nutrition and childhood feeding)00010
    Urban environment and lack of access to exercise spaces00001
    Relative affordability of exercise spaces (as % of total income)00100
    Screen time and digital media usage00001
    Portion sizes (of outside home meals)00100
    Relative affordability of food (as % of total income)00010
    Other (Please explain)00001
    BMR of a person

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