What questions would you like the SciPinion Community to address next in a SciPoll? $100

SciPinion is seeking your input for our upcoming SciPolls.  Please participate in this SciPinion Ping (a single science-based question posted for other experts to answer) by posting your top multiple-choice question, including answer options.
If you participate you will earn Ping credits to ask your own questions and if we choose your question, there is a $100 reward.  We will choose at least one of the most popular and thought provoking questions. 
Please post your topic in the form of a question in your response to this Ping.  No need to write more than the primary question and answer set that will form the basis of the SciPoll.  After the top question submissions are selected, we will reach out to get your input on finalizing the full question set, edit everything for clarity and completeness and send you $100.  If the results are interesting enough, we can explore publishing the findings with you as an author (at your discretion).
SciPolls are an important tool for engaging the scientific community to help society make better decisions.  With your help, we will make these more valuable for society and be of greatest interest to the SciPinion community. Please help us identify truly meaningful scientific topics for the expert community to weigh in on.
Kindest regards,
5 Votes
CA Carter
Which of the following are true for aspartame?

(1) Is metabolized to methanol but not known to cause any health issues
(2) In the US it carries clear warning labels alerting the consumer when it is in a product including gum and peanut butter
(3) Is safer than sugar
(4) Data from G D  Searle in the 70’s showed that aspartame caused brain tumors, banned twice by the FDA but then approved by the FDA anyway due to key political appointments.

7 Votes
Jun Sekizawa
How much weight and from what evidence we should pay on the role of gut microorganisms in relation to immunity response of humans toward chemicals? 
5 Votes
Mohd. Iqbal
Q.No. How will the future disease outbreaks or pandemics be prevented?
Ans: Through One Health approaches involving collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approaches initiated at the local, regional, national, and global levels that can help in achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.

2 Votes
Can phytochemicals help in ameliorating the side effects of COVID-19 vaccine?
7 Votes
Interaction between human gut microbiome and the quality of sleep

6 Votes
Should state run forensic crime labs be equally available to defense attorneys as they are to prosecuters?
10 Votes
Eman Elsharkawy
Fate of nano particles in the environment is a challenge. What  are the expected path ways of nano formulations in the environment?
3 Votes
Daniel Lerda
Arsenic and lung cancer molecular mechanism
In humans exposed to arsenic, small epithelial cells of the airway, increases the expression of genes related to cancer and levels of proteins, such as C-MYC, C-HA-RAS, and C-FOS, and decreases protein expression integrin 4 compared to cells from unexposed?
5 Votes
 ¿What is the next pandemic? Probably, again by virus

¿After Covid-19 there are a normality life? It depends of normality life concept, people, countries, etc.
2 Votes
When could artificial intelligence replace radiologists?
  1. In 10 years.
  2. In 20 years.
  3. In 50 years.
  4. Never
2 Votes
Francisco Wilker Mustafa Gomes Muniz
How to treat periodontitis in adults patients? 
How to prevent periodontitis in patients in all patients?
Accepted 14 Votes
Jay Maddock
What is your top consideration for choosing which journal to submit to?
A. Reputation in my field
B. Impact Factor
C. Acceptance Rate
D. Timeliness of reviews and publication
E.  Other ______
2 Votes
CRISPR and gene editing and morality of using it in humans versus animals?
2 Votes
Mahmoud Fouad
What is the influence of fecal sludge on the momentum of climate change?
7 Votes
With Deep Learning getting more powerful every month and the notion that data is essential to Deep Learning to learn from, should Open Data in toxicology research be the default with only a few limited op-out possibilities?
10 Votes
Bala Annangi
Is carcinogenesis risk of secondary micro-nanoplastics to humans overrated?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Not conclusive yet
4. Do not know
5 Votes
Dr. Ramendra Pati Pandey
Dissecting the Mitigation of Global Warming and Antimicrobial Resistance
8 Votes
Inderjeet Tyagi
What will be the most essential criteria to achieve global Sustainable development Goals (SDGs)?
4 Votes
Francesco Ferrara
The pandemic period has created an upheaval in global health systems. This is both in terms of human resources and in terms of patient care. Many health care workers were employed in tasks not their own causing a lack of attention in many health care settings including reduced reporting of adverse events in pharmacovigilance. Could the pandemic have had an impact regarding the safety of chronic therapies that were conducted more negligently? In Italy, as well as in other European nations, reporting regarding oncology and cardiovascular events were drastically reduced in the years 2020 and 2021 when compared with ADR reporting in the year 2019. Surely this may give pause about one of the harms that may have been induced by this health crisis.

2 Votes
Dr Kathryn Malherbe
Why is early adoption of Point of care AI solutions receiving so much resistance from clinical specialists in imaging?
3 Votes
1. Does D2C (Direct to customer) possible by chemical companies/manufacturers to reach out the researchers in (developing) countries?
a. Yes possible.
b. Can be tried.
c. Not possible
d. Difficult but achievable. 
2.  Does D2C (Direct to customer) possible by instrument manufacturers to reach out the researchers in (developing) countries? 
a. Yes possible.
b. Can be tried.
c. Not possible
d. Difficult but achievable. 
3. Is there any middle man (such as vendors, farms, and suppliers) required for selling chemicals/instruments to the researchers?
a. No.
b. Yes.
c. Our Institute does not allow.
d. It will be easier for the researchers. 
4. How final purchasing price  will be reduced for the researchers if D2C method will be applied by chemical/instrument manufactures.  
a. Will be reduced substantially.
b. Will be reduced partially.
c. No effect will be observed .
d. It is vague concept. 
5. Will you follow D2C approach to procure chemicals/instruments.  
a. Yes
b. No.
c. Don't know .
d. My institute may not allow. 
6. If D2C will be profitable for both the manufacturers and the researchers because the middle man price may be shared by both, do you think it will be useful?
a. Yes
b. No.
c. Don't know .
d. It will be challenging. 
7. If D2C will be profitable for both the manufacturers and the researchers because the middle man price may be shared by both, do you think a centralized web portal (like Amazon.com) to sell chemicals/instrument will be more helpful?
a. Yes
b. No.
c. Don't know .
d. It will be challenging. 
8. If D2C will be profitable for both the manufacturers and the researchers because the middle man price may be shared by both, do you think the invoice from a centralized web portal (like Amazon.com) will be more helpful? 
8. In certain countries such as India, a centralized online web portal (https://gem.gov.in/) to sell instruments is quite successful because a comparative statement for a specific instrument can be obtained from various vendors and the invoice is also acceptable by the government and audit department. Do you think similar web portal should be available in all countries?
a. Yes
b. No.
c. Don't know .
d. It will be challenging. 
9. How you think about a centralized national or international online platform to compare scientist stuffs?
a. Very Positive
b. Positive 
c. Negative.
d. Strongly Negative. 
10. Do you  have an online government portal to procure research items?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know
d. I am not interested. 
3 Votes
What are the most promising methods of microconcentration in analytical chemistry have the greatest prospects?
10 Votes
Bhaskar Ganguly
Would you be okay with government authorities imposing public restrictions on certain foods and travel to address climate change?
  • Yes
  • No
11 Votes
Vijay Kothari
Which of the following  measures should be given the highest weightage  for quantifying performance of a scientist/academician for promotion/ award decisions?
1. Total Citations and h-index
2. Amount of money brought through extramural grants
3. Peer-review Metrics: Number of articles on which the individual has worked as a reviewer/ editor (sourced from ReviewerCredits, Publons, etc.)
4. National and international collaborations/linkages  outside one's own institute (as evidenced by joint publications, conference invitations, etc.)
5. No. of reads, downloads, and mentions received by one's publications/ pre-prints (Sourced from Altmetrics, Kudos, ResearchGate, etc.)

4 Votes
Andres Trostchansky
Why lipid signaling, as well as lipidomic analysis, do not receive enough attention as proteomics and metabolomics when evaluating cells and tissue physiology and pathophysiology?
5 Votes
Gavino Sanna
What are the most promising scientific approaches to minimize the bioaccumulation of toxic elements in rice?

Rice is the staple food of over half of humanity and the primary source of energy for at least 20% of the world's population. Many countries in South-East Asia consume over 100 kg of rice per inhabitant per year. However, rice's food security is threatened by its high bioaccumulation of toxic elements. Of these, arsenic and cadmium are the most hazardous. There are countries where bioaccumulation of these elements implies real alarm aspects, like Bangladesh for arsenic and Japan for cadmium. Many major research groups have spent decades studying techniques to reduce the bioaccumulation of these elements. Among them, soil amendments, genetic engineering and water management are the most promising techniques, but all seem to be characterized by a number of pros and cons.
6 Votes
When conducting systematic review and meta-analysis of nonhuman-based topics such as food-based, water-based, and environmental-based studies with public health concerns, how should the qualities of included studies be assessed as available quality assessment tools are only relevant for human-related clinical subjects? 
4 Votes
Matheus Ferreira
What is the most powerful tool to prevent the decrease in scientific production in developed countries, which are in economic crisis after the Corona Virus pandemic?
5 Votes
Dr. Shiv Prasad
Oxygenated fuel, how they are helpful in air pollution control?
6 Votes
Arslan Ali
Is the scientific exploration of mars and faraway galaxies worth it when the earth is grappled with turmoil like hunger and climate disaster?

7 Votes
How does one use the results of "high through put" non-animal genomic and metabolism data to determine chemical safety and health risk?
6 Votes
Farrokh Habibzadeh
Is the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic over?