What would be the best criteria for selecting a suitable journal to submit a manuscript to?

a) Journal Impact Factor
b) Acceptance Rate
c) Open Access Journal 
d) Classic Journal (reputation in my field)
e) Multidisciplinary Journal 
Biological modeling and pharmacokinetics Epidemiology Pharmacokinetics Pharmacology
"My first option will be a journal with a high Impact Factor since many research institutions place a high value on Impact Factor. For my second option, I will choose a classic journal that has a reputable standing in my field."
Joaquin Lombardelli
I think that the Jeen' answer was the mots helpful. In addition, I would like to add that it is important (at least in my country) in which quartile you are according to the discipline in which you are publishing. I always go to (https://www.scimagojr.com/) scimago ranking a check  and I select which journal are the best in the ranking, and I always pick to Q1 journal. This is because they evaluate me according to how many publications in Q1 journal I have in the year.
I hope this is helpful!
  1. Relevance to your research: Choose a journal that aligns closely with the subject area and scope of your research. Look for journals that regularly publish articles similar to yours and have a strong readership in your field.

  2. Impact factor and prestige: Consider the impact factor of the journal, which reflects the average number of citations received per article. Higher impact factor journals generally have greater visibility and influence in the academic community. However, keep in mind that impact factors can vary across disciplines, so it's important to consider this factor in the context of your specific field.

  3. Audience and readership: Consider the target audience of the journal and whether it reaches the researchers, practitioners, or policymakers you want to engage with. Look for journals that have a wide readership in your research community, as this can increase the visibility and potential impact of your work.

  4. Publication frequency and turnaround time: Assess the publication frequency of the journal and the typical turnaround time from submission to publication. If you need to publish your research quickly, opt for journals with shorter review and publication timelines.

  5. Open access options: Determine whether the journal offers open access publishing, which can enhance the accessibility and visibility of your research. Open access journals may have different publication models (e.g., author-pays fees), so consider any associated costs and funding availability.

  6. Editorial and review process: Research the journal's editorial board and review process. Consider the reputation and expertise of the editors and reviewers associated with the journal. Look for journals with rigorous peer-review processes that ensure high-quality publications.

  7. Journal guidelines and formatting: Carefully review the journal's author guidelines, including formatting requirements and word limits. Ensure that your manuscript meets these specifications to avoid potential rejections based on formatting issues.

  8. Indexing and databases: Check whether the journal is indexed in relevant databases and repositories, such as Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, or others specific to your field. Indexing increases the discoverability and visibility of your research.

  9. Cost and publication fees: Consider any publication fees or charges associated with the journal. Some journals have article processing charges (APCs) for open access publishing, while others may have subscription fees or page charges. Evaluate the financial implications for your research and seek funding options if necessary.

  10. Ethical considerations: Ensure that the journal adheres to ethical publishing practices, such as peer-review integrity, plagiarism detection, and publication ethics. Verify that the journal follows recognized publishing guidelines and ethical standards, such as those outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Poonam Katoch
The things that must be kept in mind while selecting journal for your research publication includes:
1. Aims and Scope of the journal
2. Time for acceptance and Publication of article should also be considered.
3. Indexing of the journal is also an important factor that should be considered. The journals indexed in Scopus and Sci are considered to be good.
4. Impact Factor of the journal
5. The journal must be peer-Reviewed
6. Publication charges must also be considered. Some journals are open access and publication charges are to be paid after acceptance of your article. 

Vikash Mishra
A and C
a) and c) + how well my manuscript match a journal's scope. Moreover, references list may also suggest potential journal for submission.
If your manuscript "fits" within the scope and rigor of the journal, then 1) reputation and 2) IF of the journal are the criteria to follow. Best of luck!
I recommend you to read this paper: 

Selecting a Journal for Publication: Criteria to Consider


Andres Trostchansky
A and C. The impact factor but more importantly the reputation of the journal for the field is the most relevant factor to select a journal
Nouhoum Bouare
First of all I select the journal scope to check if my manuscript better match with it; and secondly I select the journal impact factor criteria. 
Selecting the right journal for your manuscript is a critical step in the publication process. Here is a review of each criterion you mentioned as well as what I think about it. 

a) Journal Impact Factor: Impact Factor (IF) is a measure of the frequency with which the "average article" in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period. Journals with higher IFs are generally considered to be more prestigious and may have greater visibility, readership, and potential for citations. However, some critics argue that IFs have limitations, as they are calculated based on a limited set of journals and can be influenced by factors such as the field and language of the journal.

b) Acceptance Rate: Acceptance rate is the percentage of manuscripts submitted to a journal that are accepted for publication. A lower acceptance rate may indicate higher selectivity and rigor in the peer-review process, but it can also mean that it is more difficult to get your manuscript accepted. In contrast, a higher acceptance rate may suggest that the journal is more open to different types of papers, but it can also imply a lower quality or reputation.

c) Open Access Journal: Open Access (OA) journals make articles freely available online to readers without subscription or paywall barriers. OA journals can increase the accessibility and impact of your research, as they can reach a broader audience and may be more easily shared and cited. However, some OA journals may have lower quality control and editorial standards, and they often require authors to pay article processing charges (APCs) or other fees.

d) Classic Journal: Classic journals are those that have a long-standing reputation and history in your field. Publishing in a classic journal can increase the visibility and recognition of your work, as these journals often have high standards for scholarship and rigor. However, they may also have a more narrow or traditional focus, which may limit the relevance or interest of your research to a wider audience.

e) Multidisciplinary Journal: Multidisciplinary journals cover topics and research across multiple fields and disciplines. These journals can provide a broader audience for your research and may foster interdisciplinary collaborations and insights. However, multidisciplinary journals may have less depth or specificity in your field, and reviewers may not have expertise in your particular area of study.

Ultimately, the best criteria for selecting a suitable journal depends on your research goals, audience, and priorities. While all of these factors are important to consider, in my opinion, the most crucial criterion is to choose a journal that is well-suited to the scope and content of your research. This means carefully reading the journal's aims and scope, considering the types of articles they publish and the audience they serve, and assessing the relevance and potential impact of your research to that audience.

Reputation in the field, and read by the colleagues you collaborate with and meet at conferences. So you can strengthen your external and internal network to improve grant success rate and chances of academic promotion.
Rolf Teschke
Open access with a high IF is my priority.
Matinder Kaur
Based on option (d) and (a)
Dr Mehdi Ahmadi
the most criteria is same scoping the paper and the journal
One of the most important ways to identify high-quality journals is their transparency regarding their goals and scope, editorial board, indexing status, peer review procedure, reputation, and author policies. These factors can assist in identifying high-quality journals for publishing.
Sabbir Khan
The primary purpose of submitting the research findings to a journal for publication is to share results/findings with the scientific community at large, of course, the non-scientific community is always welcome. Thus, the author(s) should weightage the journal on the multiple factors, not just on the impact factor. 
1. Most importantly the scope of the journal fits your article and its readership and reachability.
2. Expertise and affiliations, diversity as well as geographical distribution of the editorial board members.
3. Impact factor and reputation of the journal within the field and in general.
4. Peer-reviewed policies (raw data and associated material submission), reviewed, and publication time.
5. Indexing in reputed databases.
6. Unrealistic publication fee.

Igor Linhart
The most important point is how the scope of the journal fits your article. Everything else will depend on your situation. If you need to acquire "points" to satisfy your employer or grant agency the impact factor is of great relevance. To me a decent (this does not mean indulgent) editorial process is of great importance. This is not always clear when one reads through the journal´´ s policy. If my previous submissions received fair and decent handling by the editor (this includes giving me a chance to defend against irrelevant or unfair reviewer´´ s comments), then, I am inclined to submit again to the same journal. In case you do not have much previous experience you may ask your colleagues.
I do not support open access publishing as I think it is a "tunnel" of public funds going into the private hands of publishers who certainly do not need or deserve public support. However, if you insist your work must be available to everybody, open access is an option. In that case I would prefer a hybrid journal offering both classical modeů and open access.
Your article should fit the scope of the journal
Open access
Among a) - e) I certainly exclude open access option. I understand that Journals need to survive, but many authors have no possibility to pay for publication. And. They have already done a big job performing experiment, analyzing data, writing manuscript.
Then I look for Journals that working in my field, make a search within the Journal(s). Impact factor. Well, probably, if there is a choice I will choose Journal with not too high and also not too low impact factor. Previously I looked at the time between submission and publication, but fortunately, last years it usually took rather short time (for me). 
Jenn G
As a journal editor, a lot goes into this decision that is not listed. As an author, I consider "fit" to be the most important -- does my article fit well with the other articles that the journal typically publishes. If you have a genetic study, its not likely to fit well at a journal that publishes behavioral sciences (for the most part - there are always exceptions).  
I try to fit my article within the tiers of journals (top/middle/low-er) based on methodological rigor (because there are always things that one can control and they vary in terms of how much bias they introduce). I generally begin with the highest tier that I think I can reach and work my way "down". 
i generally do not care about acceptance rate at all (nor that something is multi-disciplinary). Impact factor seems less important now - but in behavioral science, its just important that a journal has one! But I suppose that will factor into the journal's tier ranking...

Open access typically costs a lot of money (again, with a few exceptions). I would love to publish everything open access, all the time. but if you dont have the budget, its not feasible. but now that i have left academia, i feel the value of open access so that "real" practitioners can get the information they need. It's a tough world out there! 

other things to consider: time to publication (from submission), time to acceptance. these are incredibly important. the last thing you want is to wait a year only to get a desk reject. I've been there. 

I hope this is helpful!
Rick van Ruler
First of all, the scope of the journal should fit your article. This is the most important factor. If your manuscript gets published in such journal, it wil reach more experts in this field, who would like to read your manuscript and can benefit from your knowledge. If you have completed this first step, I would recommend selecting journals based on factors a) and d). Good luck!

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