What are the biggest challenges facing your field of research?

  1. Lack of funding
  2. Difficulty in replicating studies
  3. Difficulty in recruiting participants
  4. Difficulty in obtaining necessary resources and equipment

Karima Mahmoud Azzam

1.Lack of Funding
2.Difficulty in obtaining necessary resources and equipment

Physicians in  are overburdened with patients
Some physicians earn more in clinical practice hence they don't find time for research
Too many steps to follow for utilizing govt grants as it involves public money
Other professions provide better job opportunity than careers in research 
I believe the lack of funding is a big challenge, but the inability of the funding agency and institutions to monitor and utilize the funding judiciously makes the whole system more inefficient.
Dara Aziz
1-Lack of funding
2- laboratory facilities in Iraq
▶︎ Change in medicine from a profession to a business
▶︎ Diminished ability of physicians across all specialties to understand the critical nature of quality assessment of the patient 
▶︎ Virtually, no standardization in reporting formats (objectified reports) of any aspect of medicine, from research to clinical care
▶︎ Peer review has become a joke insofar as the lack of in-depth critique of the millions of papers being published in the tens of thousands of journals, and with many journals purely driven by income generated via submitted manuscripts
▶︎ All journals receiving any government funding should be "open access."
▶︎ The medical record is a vehicle for reimbursement and not optimizing patient outcome (greed >> good). 
▶︎ Physician collegiality has greatly diminished from 15-20 years ago
▶︎ Medical schools are graduating too few physicians and not selecting those who will practice medicine as a calling versus opportunity for greater wealth and/or ego
Stephen B. Strum, MD, FACP 
Fufa Miresa
Lack of funding.
Lack of access to journals for literature review.
Lack of resource and equipments.
Faraz Ahmad
Funding of course, then inaccesibility to journal articles 
Dr. Muhammad Zafar-ul-Hye
Research in soil microbiology faces several challenges, and addressing these challenges is crucial for advancing our understanding of soil ecosystems and their impact on the environment, agriculture, and human health. Some of the major challenges include:

  1. Complexity and Diversity:
    • Soil is a complex and dynamic ecosystem with high microbial diversity. Studying this diversity and understanding the interactions among different microorganisms presents a significant challenge.
  2. Functional Redundancy:
    • Many soil microbes perform similar functions, and there is often redundancy in their roles. Determining the specific contributions of individual microbial species to soil processes is challenging.
  3. Limited Culturability:
    • The majority of soil microorganisms are not easily cultured in the laboratory, limiting our ability to study them. Advances in culture-independent techniques, such as metagenomics, help address this challenge.
  4. Spatial Heterogeneity:
    • Soil is spatially heterogeneous, and microbial communities vary across different soil types and depths. This variability makes it challenging to generalize findings and draw broad conclusions.
  5. Dynamic Environmental Factors:
    • Soil microbial activities are influenced by various environmental factors, such as temperature, moisture, and nutrient availability. Understanding microbial responses to these dynamic conditions is essential for predicting ecosystem behavior.
  6. Interactions with Plants:
    • Soil microbes play crucial roles in plant health, nutrient cycling, and disease suppression. Elucidating the complex interactions between soil microbiota and plants is essential for sustainable agriculture and ecosystem management.
  7. Climate Change Impact:
    • Climate change can alter soil microbial communities and their functions. Understanding how these changes impact nutrient cycling, greenhouse gas emissions, and overall soil health is a critical area of research.
  8. Emerging Contaminants:
    • Soil microbiota may be affected by pollutants and emerging contaminants, such as pesticides, antibiotics, and industrial chemicals. Assessing the impact of these substances on soil microbial communities is important for environmental risk assessment.
  9. Microbial Resilience and Adaptation:
    • Soil microorganisms can exhibit resilience and adaptability to environmental disturbances. Studying the mechanisms underlying microbial resilience and adaptation is crucial for predicting ecosystem responses to disturbances.
  10. Integration of Omics Technologies:
    • The integration of omics technologies (genomics, metagenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) generates vast amounts of data. Analyzing and interpreting these data to derive meaningful insights into soil microbial communities present both technical and analytical challenges.
  11. Data Standardization and Sharing:
    • Standardizing methodologies for soil microbiome research and promoting data sharing can enhance reproducibility and facilitate meta-analyses. Lack of standardized approaches poses challenges for comparing results across studies.
  12. Education and Outreach:
    • Communicating the importance of soil microbiology to policymakers, farmers, and the general public is crucial for implementing sustainable soil management practices. Bridging the gap between research findings and practical applications is an ongoing challenge.
нехватка финансирования
The lack of fundings
Lamia Seddiki
1) Govt's allotting less funding for research
7) Not having access to the literature
8) poor time management
عرض بينج
نقص التمويل
Low and biased response rates to surveys

Paulo Pires
1.Lack of funding
  1. Lack of funding
  2. Limited Data Availability
  3. Lack of available technological tools and clinical data to support research results. 

Mahmoud Esmat Balbaa
Lack of funding
1- Lack of funding
2- Difficulty in obtaining necessary resources and equipment 
  1. Difficulty in recruiting participants
  2. Lack of funding
Ignacio J. Sánchez Lázaro
In my opinion the most difficult thing is to find a really new line of research with a medium term refund. That's why I think finding funds is so difficult. It is also very difficult to manage with the ethical commities, specially  in retrospective or observational studies. 
Bangshuai Han
  1. lack of funding
  2. low salary
  3. overload
  4. less tenure lines

Lack of funding.
Delay in ethical clearance 
Rolf Teschke

Lack of Funding

  1. Lack of funding opportunities
  2. Difficulty in recruiting the right participants
  3. Difficulty in obtaining necessary resources and equipment

Sanka Niranjan Atapattu
Lack of funding
Difficulty in obtaining necessary resources and equipment
  1. Lack of funding
  2. Data Availability
  3. Lack of latest technological advancements to support research activities. 
  4. Difficulty in obtaining necessary resources and equipment

Matinder Kaur
  1. Lack of funding
  2. Difficulty in obtaining necessary resources and equipment

Kerry S Wilson
1. Lack of funding 
2. Difficulty in accessing participants 
Misganaw Fikrie
  1. Lack of funding
  2. Difficulty in obtaining necessary resources and equipment

1) Govt's allotting less funding for research
2) Updating instrumentation in labs, need more funding
3) Stuck in your comfort zone
4) Fear of failure/taking risks/not ready to face scientific challenges
5) Lack of relevant experience
6) Future insecurity and lack of opportunities
7) Not having access to the literature
8) poor time management
  1. lack of funding
  2. unsecured job positions

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