Can Ping help my research team to get funding about an African GWAS HBV study?


TITLE: “Human genetic variations and their significance in patients with chronic hepatitis B in West Africa”

Primary Objective:
To evaluate the association between host genetic characteristics and the pathogenesis of viral hepatitis B by conducting a global genetic analysis on a few selected phenotypes such as viral load, progression to fibrosis and cirrhosis.

Rq: The study collaboration may be extended.

David El-Qutob
 I don't know if Ping can help yoy, but if you are looking for funding or support for a GWAS study on HBV in Africa, you might consider the following avenues: Global Health Foundations and Organizations, International Research Grants, African Research Funding Bodies, Pharmaceutical Companies, Collaborations with Universities and Research Institutes and/or Technology and Data Companies.
Hayder Algretawee
In my view, Ping can help researchers and supervisors to obtain good information about different fields, but I do not think can help to get fund.

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