Could salary be used as a surrogate for smoking when sample data are lacking?

In epidemiology cohort studies, information on smoking status is often times lacking for the study sample, which makes it challenging to characterize the effects of other risk factors on endpoints that are causally related to smoking (e.g., lung cancer mortality). Given the strong inverse reported for smoking and income, could salary be used as a surrogate for smoking when direct data are lacking? or would potential relationships between salary other risk factors (e.g., health care access) make such an approach non-viable?
Epidemiology Regulatory and Safety Evaluation Risk assessment
No, not a good proxy, too many other factors interfering  + any correlation between income and smoking status would highly depend on e.g. age category, geographical location, etc. 
No, I could not imagine under what mental syllogism this association could have been suggested.
B Cox
Of course not. I am surprised the question is even being asked. Relationships with salary are themselves important without investigative desperation to use it to guess smoking status (over the previous 30 years would be needed for most relationships to health).
No. While possibly "true" in some communities, there is absolutely no correlation between income and smoking status at a yes/no level.
Dr Livia Carvalho
No, smoking is a health behaviour and salary a measure of social economic status they are associated but biology is different.
Correlation may depend on geographical location and could be stronger in countries where smoking is more prevalent and less stigmatized than in the US. Then it would be a marker for education and socioeconomic status more than for income. But these are just hypotheses. It would be a good study in itself, and there must be survey data available to see the correlation. 
William M Novick MD
Absolutely not, this is a sure sign of cognitive dissonance.
J Mal
No, that would be confounding to assume income is correlated with smoking status; there are multiple factors that can be associated with smoking status to different extent but none are reliable to be used as a surrogate factor. I would like to see the study that claims there is a strong correlation between income and smoking status as smoking is seen across all social groups.
No. There is not a strong correlation between the two variables.

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