Why is there a need for Research and Publication Ethics to be taught at Undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD levels?

The question concerns the importance of teaching research and publication ethics at different educational levels. Integrating research and publication ethics into education fosters responsible, trustworthy research practices and contributes to the overall advancement of knowledge. You are most welcome to share any specific areas you’d like to explore further and your thoughts about them.  
Boffer Bings
Academic focus on "winning" (GPA at undergraduate level, publication metrics, grant funding, promotion and prizes later) apparently overrides ethical concerns often enough to have suggested the present question. It is unclear that ethical motivation can be taught at university level. That aspect of personality develops much earlier. It is possible in classrooms and laboratories to introduce the ethical standards typical of particular activities, and discuss why and where that "typical" is changing (e.g., AI as coauthor). Universities are notoriously poor at self-policing, unless a case is so egregious that the PR risk of overlooking an infraction exceeds the PR risk of prosecuting it.
Khaled Saad
As a professor in a medical college, teaching the research and publication ethical standards for students, postgraduate, and PhD levels is very important in the development of integrity, responsibility, and reliability in the academic world. It will give the students the required knowledge of ethical standards and help them to make responsible ethical research and to avoid misconduct like plagiarism and data fabrication. Also, they should learn many tasks like authorship, peer review, and publication ethics 
Varsha Singh
Yes, it should be taught especially in countries where there is less transparency about research related practices (lack of data sharing, registered reports etc), if it is to be taught in a formal course, it might be best to teach it from undergraduate level so that one is mindful of what counts as ethical practices in research. 
Gedamu Gebreamlak Hailu
Research is the only way that leads to uncover new things, broaden the of knowledge of science and ultimately find solutions for our problems. Principally, to my opinion, the ultimate goal of every scientific research is promoting the welfare of mankind. In view of that, learners should learn the issues they must take great cares (Ethics) while attempting to benefit others. Individuals may acquire or instinctively have the curiosity to researching into diverse issues; and, learning "Ethics" is the tool that leads such curiosity into practice. For me, researching into issues (specially health issues) without learning the "Research Ethics" is as dangerous as driving a car that has its 'break' stopped working down a steep hill. I also believe that inculcating all aspects of "Research Ethics" strongly needs an early exposure of learners and their consistent determinations all the time. Therefore, for me this is the reason behind the need of teaching research ethics at "all levels". 
Hayder Algretawee
In my view, I think publication scientific research papers during study period for post graduate students gives benefit feedback which improve ideas and other points.
Prof. Sanjay Mishra
Scientific research ability can not be developed in a day or two in an individual, . In view of stregthening research capability the basic training should be strated at undergraduate level followed be upgradation at postgraduade, and finally be developing a multidisciplinary research brain at Ph.D. level. 
Professor Robert D. Martin
In the absence special instruction it may be difficult to decide where the boundary lies between ethical and non-ethical conduct. Plagiarism is a good example, as students or investigators may naively cite an over-long passage from a paper, or re-use an image that is subject to copyright restriction. The advent of AI, of course, has opened up entirely new realms where copyright is an issue.
Sunday Daramola
Learning about research and publication ethics enhances the early and required understanding of the essential ethical standards, policies, and issues and improve ethical judgment and decision making.
Rooh Ali
 Teaching research and publication ethics at all educational levels is super important.  Teaching research and publication ethics at undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD levels is crucial to instill responsible and trustworthy research practices. It ensures that students and researchers understand the importance of integrity and credibility in their work. By incorporating this education early on, we can prevent misconduct, promote ethical practices, and ensure that research findings are reliable and trustworthy. This ultimately contributes to the responsible advancement of knowledge in any field. 
Monika Saraswat
Research and Publication Ethics education is essential at all academic levels to instill a strong foundation of ethical principles, prevent academic misconduct, and ensure the credibility and reliability of research outputs. This training also prepares students to navigate ethical dilemmas they may encounter in their professional careers.
Research publication ethics is an important subject that should be taught at the graduate, postgraduate, and PhD levels. For reasons the researchers must know ethics of research to know how collection Information from the samples as population, and know ethical of College or University if its approval to Conducting the research 
Within its curriculum
 Research publication ethics is an important subject that should be taught at the graduate, postgraduate, and PhD levels. Dissertations, which are compulsory at these levels, often result in research articles. Therefore, it is essential for students to learn about research publication ethics. 
yara khairallah
Learning is not as quick as it gets. Learning is a path and especially research and publication. I has to be truth, well organized and of course with a benefit for the community. That's why it has to be forged since undergrads.

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