Should Examination Audit be introduced as a compulsory practice in universities?
With increasing privatization of higher education globally, the practice of overmarking and passing non-deserving students has taken deep roots. We see results everywhere almost 100%, and majority students getting first class/distinction/ Grade 'A'. This superficially creates an impression as if all institutes are getting all high IQ students, and the teaching-learning-evaluation cycle is running beautifully. However all those part of the system know the reality. Reality is that professors are under pressure to pass everybody, even those who have left answer-sheets blank, or have written same 2-3 useless sentences multiple times! Unfortunately most professors succumb to this pressure. This is not only happening at the UG level but at PG level and in Ph.D. programmes too. We are collectively allowing a large mass of incompetent and unemployable youngsters to enter the workforce. Long-term impact of this ill-practice is bound to be a disaster. To curb this, practice of making Examination Audit compulsory for all universities may be useful up to some extent. This in fact can be made one of the parameters for ranking universities . The Examination Audit mentioned here is proposed to randomly select few question papers and evaluated answer-sheets of an already-conducted exam, and then getting them assessed by the neutral external experts to find out whether the questions were of acceptable quality, and whether poorly-written answers were overmarked. Any malpractice if detected, then should result in punishment to the guilty.
Medical education
Gedamu Gebreamlak Hailu