(307 Answers)

Answer Explanations

  • Reputation in my field

    Reputed journals are peer reviewed. Hence, comments and major minor suggestion gives alot of inputs to your papers.

  • Reputation in my field

    reputation is important to the academic career

  • Impact Factor

    There can be multiple answers like the first 3 options are taken into consideration whenever I chose a Journal for article submission.

  • Impact Factor

    Shows the accessibility and quality of the publications that are cited by other researchers and writers

  • Impact Factor

    Because getting published in Impact Factor is a honor, prestige and authentic

  • Reputation in my field

    Second most important would be whether the journal is open access or not

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    If a manuscript is published in a relevant journal in the field of research it would have more citations and more impact in the field of research

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Publishing in the relevant journal is a priority

  • Reputation in my field

    You want the best journal

  • Impact Factor

    Publications are usually evaluated by impact factor while compared with other fields.

  • Reputation in my field

    Look for how they do in the field.

  • Other (please specify)

    Reasonable editor that is not biased by industry

  • Other (please specify)

    Quartile ranking in the area and cost

  • Other (please specify)

    The databases in which the journal is indexed and the journal quartile

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    I submit manuscripts to journals that focus on topics relevant to that of the manuscript.

  • Other (please specify)


  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    I detest impact factors: they create an illusion that journal matters more than papers in the journal. high reputation journals have history of publishing junk.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Relevance is because this will bring readers with similar interests to my paper.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    It's hard to narrow to one consideration because they all play a role. Since relevance is really broad, the other factors become important. Further, it is manuscript specific. Sometimes a paper is not that topical, so acceptance rate is more important than impact factor.

  • Reputation in my field

    The Journal team must be able to offer me insights and guides that will improve the manuscript at the end. No one person has the monopoly on knowledge

  • Reputation in my field

    The reputation also implies the width and level of the readership, i.e., of the audience I wish to address. Thus, I may reach most of the
    leading experts in my field.

  • Other (please specify)

    Publication costs

  • Other (please specify)

    submission fee

  • Reputation in my field

    Reputation in the field is linked with the relevance of the manuscript and impact factor.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    By prioritizing relevance, I maximize both the likelihood of the manuscript being accepted and of a greater number of readers reading it.

  • Timeliness of reviews and publication

    I consider timeliness of reviews and publication topmost because research progress is rapidly evolving and may render a paper low quality

  • Impact Factor

    In my opinion, the impact factor is an important criteria to judge the journal's credibility or its status in the scientific world as High-impact factor journals always publish novel research studies.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    I try to choose the journal which I think will reach the highest number of readers. To do this I try to check the most common journals of all the papers I cite in the paper.

  • Reputation in my field

    All the other options are valid, but the main reason for the choice is the journal reputation

  • Impact Factor

    Because it's a proxy of reputation

    Yet, Timeline, Acceptance rate & relevance matters a lot

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    This is clearly most important

  • Impact Factor

    Want my material to be read.

  • Impact Factor

    As a researcher,, you want your work to be visible. The more the impact factor of the Journal, the more likely your work reaches a wider audience

  • Impact Factor

    High IF journals often have good reputation, so I often choose based on IF. Saying so, however, there are some journals that have very high respect but relatively modest IF (like Epidemiology). They come to my second choice.

  • Impact Factor

    Higher the impact factor greater is the recognition is what is perceived generally

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    I rated topic as highest, since submitting to the "wrong" journal is a guarantee of rejection. Of course, there are journals with general topics (such as ACS Omega, RSC Advances, etc.), so beyond topic the next choice is based on reputation (and legitimacy when considering OA journals), followed by impact factor.

  • Other (please specify)

    I work on projects that often are counter to the current paradigm. Fair reviews are important. An an editor willing to go against the current pradigm is important. Note that 80-90% of claims made in papers can not be replicated.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    This is because the manuscript will be rejected if the content does not meet the journal's scope.

  • Impact Factor

    Timeliness of response and quality of reviewers (in perspective of improving an eventually rejected submission) is equally important

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    It is combination of factors with most important being relevance to the topic of manuscript and timeliness of review and publication.

  • Other (please specify)

    Qutrile in WOS

  • Reputation in my field

    The journal reputation is the most important factor to me. Including my personal judgement of the journal in terms of scientific soundness and peer-review fair play. These are in my opinion more important than impact factor and timeliness, which I still take into consideration. Relevance to topic of manuscript is also very important and it is a preliminary requisite for the journal to be considered within my options.

  • Other (please specify)

    Unbiased scientific review--non-political journals with decent IF---
    In 2006, I submitted a manuscript to Nature Review of Cancer--major topic was role of mast cells in tumorigenesis and angiogenesis---Editor rejected it and said they are not interested in MAST CELLS!!!---took me a year to overcome my frustration and submitted it to Nature Review of Immunology--Editor-In-Chief stated that the topic was potentially of interest to their readership, but they already commissioned similar topic to someone else!!!
    The article was published in 2008 in Exp Opin in Biol Ther, after 2 years that the ideas were circulated and hijacked, as many similar articles started to be published. The issues are briefly noted in my articles and books-

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Need to ensure that the study reaches the right audience. That can be helped by looking at the journals where most references are cited

  • Reputation in my field

    The reputation of the journal is important as it is related to the quality of the work published in the journal, confidence that the journal follows robust peer reviews, and is ethical and trustworthy.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    It used to be impact factor which was the main factor I considered but now it is relevance to topic of manuscript. Alot of my work is qualitative research and that coupled with my research focusing on cervical screening only means that I have had my papers rejected by the editor before going out to review because the topic was not relevant to that specific journal/scope of the journal

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Many factors; first is where would I expect to find this work.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    The topic of the manuscript is the most likely reason it will be sent out for review, if the manuscript fits the purpose of the journal.

  • Reputation in my field

    I want other researchers in my field to read it. A high impact factor is nice, but if that is a journal with less relevance for my field, it is less effective in the end. Essentially, I'd choose the highest impact-factor journal with the bes reputation in my field.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Although the impact factor may be somewhat important, the relevance to the topic of the manuscript I am writing defines the target journal.

  • Reputation in my field

    It's difficult to separate reputation and impact factor when it comes to good journals...

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    I believe that the journal should be in the same area as what I will publish, to be sure to reach the correct audience

  • Reputation in my field

    For proper exposure to my research community

  • Reputation in my field

    I always submit to the most reputed jounral in my field, that usually also has the highest impact factor.

  • Other (please specify)

    Quality of peer review.

  • Impact Factor

    Impact factor gives me the feeling about the visibility of my publication

  • Impact Factor

    Normally papers published in journals with high impact factor will have a high potential for citation.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    My paper will be read by the readers

  • Reputation in my field

    Perhaps it is more a balance between four factors: the acceptance rate, the relevance of the topic of the manuscript to the journal policy and audience, the type of work I submit, whether the results of a planned hypothesis-testing study or a preliminary hypothesis-generating study or a commentary, review or metanalysis, and the journal acceptance rate. However, when two or more possible alternatives satisfy the above conditions, the reputation of the journal is the leading factor.

  • Impact Factor

    Descision for manuscript submission includes all mentioned factors.
    It depends strongly on the specific manuscript.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Along with Relevance to topic of manuscript, an understandable, cooperative and knowledgeable editorial board also matters.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Of course "relevance" is the most important (I wouldn't submit a paper about water quality to a journal whose topic is neuroanatomy!). So I'd like to answer that Impact Factor and Timeliness of review/publication are the two other very important factors that I consider (see my answers to the next question).

  • Reputation in my field

    I have no a single 'top consideration". It is always several factors and they depend on the results I want to present. Usually I want to publish in as good journal as possible (as judged by the reputation in my field and Impact Factor). But sometimes also the acceptance rate and fast publication matters, or I want to reach the specific readership via a narrowly-specialized journal.

  • Reputation in my field

    I will most likely prefer to publish in journals that are highly regarded as impactful resources with visibility in my field. This implies that my publications in these reputable journals will be read by most of my colleagues and other researchers in my area of specialization. The visibility of my work will therefore improve my profile, reputation and career.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    All are important considerations but 'relevance to topic of manuscript' is the most critical.

  • Reputation in my field

    Index journal matters more

  • Other (please specify)

    Submission system

  • Impact Factor

    One of the most important clinical indicators of the overall quality and outreach of any journal. Enable you to predict what kind of impact your paper is going to have.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    First, I check the relevance regarding the topic of the manuscript together with the reputation in my field and the impact factor.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    All of these are important criteria for selecting the journal, but firstly it should be relevant to the topic of the manuscript.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    One of the most important consideration is the relevance of the journal with my research area followed by reputation and and impact factor.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    If the topic of the journal is relevant to the manuscript, my article will receive the maximum audience whom I intend to read my article

  • Reputation in my field

    Reputation in my field, which is obviously linked with the Impact Factor in my field.

  • Other (please specify)

    It depends on the situation. If I need to get my paper published as soon as possible, then I will prefer a journal with timely review and publication. If my paper has a novel and highly relevant and 'in demand' topic, I would prefer a high impact factor journal. If I am working on a super specific topic, I will prefer a journal relevant to the topic of the manuscript. If I have already submitted my manuscript to many journals and faced rejection, then I would prefer a journal with high acceptance rate and so on.

  • Impact Factor

    High impact factor = high citation as the journal will be popular with readers

  • Impact Factor

    It helps to select the journal and academic reputation.

  • Other (please specify)

    if it is free or if it has charges

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Relevance of the manuscript to the journal scope is the most critical factor.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    The central theme of the manuscript and research interest of the journal should align

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Journal content should be in line with the topic of research presented

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    If the manuscript falls under the scope of the journal chosen, there is a high possibility for the manuscript to proceed forward with the peer-review process.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    The relevance of the journal to which the manuscript will be submitted is quite important because in this way it is almost certain that your research article will be reviewed by experts in the field, which makes it even better manuscript with high impact.

  • Reputation in my field

    Among high impact I choose the one with fast processing

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    I find it important to choose a journal that publishes in the area of ​​my research, because this will give my article a better chance of being read by experts in my area of ​​research. These will give me relevant remarks to improve my manuscript.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    The journal should match the issue at hand.

  • Impact Factor

    Because of the KPI's of the work that rank it that way.

  • Impact Factor

    I believe journal that has high impact factor has a broad reader

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    I think that the selected journal's aim and scope should be matched with the topic of the manuscript, first to be taken seriously in consideration for publishing and, secondly, for more viewing opportunities and hence more citations.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    The journal should have the same field of aim and scope as of my manuscript. If this will be justified, I will check what are the recent published paper related to my objectives and what are the study areas and methodologies adopted over there. If this will be validated, I will check how many authors and affiliation of authors of recent published paper to check the biasness of journal editors. Finally, I will check the acceptance rate, focused research areas of main interest of editors as well as whether it is open access or free publication.

  • Reputation in my field

    It adds credibility to the article and gets it in front of those who need to read it.

  • Reputation in my field

    This is challenging, since there are a variety of important factors, and the factors given precedence will vary based on the project. Generally, I think it most important that the journal be reputable; otherwise, it will not be read by the intended audience.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Journals have the specific topics to look at such as Journal of Zoonotic diseases will look at diseases which infect both human beings and animals.

  • Impact Factor

    The impact factor will determine how credible the is the Journal.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Sending manuscript of relevance to the journal will increase the chance of getting useful reviews that help improving the manuscript as the journal should be well connected to an expert reviewers with updated knowledge in the field. Additionally, the publication process will be expected to be smoother.

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    Target audience is the most important issue to consider

  • Relevance to topic of manuscript

    When drafting a manuscript, I usually identify which journal has most published articles from experts in the field. I then favour open access solutions to others.

  • Impact Factor

    I consider that is not a single factor and choosing one is almost impossible.

03/16/2023 01:39

First focus Peer-Reviewer (ALL-TIME)

11/18/2024 11:58
One of the criteria used in researchers' competition to get a position might be number of publications in some areas of the world. This may influence researchers' choice of journals and even the quality of their research findings. 
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