Most important Sometimes important Rarely important Never important Total
Reputation in my field 60.94% 181 34.68% 103 3.70% 11 0.67% 2 297
Relevance to topic of manuscript 73.83% 220 24.16% 72 2.01% 6 0.00% 0 298
Impact Factor 43.39% 128 50.17% 148 5.08% 15 1.36% 4 295
Acceptance Rate 10.92% 32 43.69% 128 33.45% 98 11.95% 35 293
Timeliness of reviews and publication 22.30% 66 52.70% 156 21.62% 64 3.38% 10 296
Cost 38.59% 115 37.25% 111 16.78% 50 7.38% 22 298
Other (please specify) 25.33% 19 28.00% 21 10.67% 8 36.00% 27 75

Answer Explanations

  • user-784236
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    All the above selected factors is connected to the quality, readability, and the project time deadlines which are important for the researcher

  • user-693699
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)0100

    The relevance of the journal to the topic is key to insure that the Publication is relevant to the Science community. A journal with high impact factors indicates credibility in its work. Acceptance is needed however, that is determined by the Journal. Timelines of reviewers and publication is key in the busy world. Waiting for a manuscript for over 14 days retards the progression of working on other assignments. It is not good for students who wish to graduate to postpone their graduation because the manuscript is taking a long to be Published. The cost should be taken into consideration be cause it determines how accessible is the journal .

  • user-457195
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    Journals that have prohibitive costs for publication are not appealing despite their importance

  • user-728394
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)1000

    Aim and Scope are matching with Manuscript's objectives.

  • user-238622
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0001
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    Transparency in acceptance and publication criteria

  • user-708650
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate1000
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)

    No need explanation. I need fast, high impact factor, and low cost

  • user-130597
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    Quality of Production
    Publicity and website
    Submission Procedures ad requirements

  • user-995929
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0001
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)

    Other than IF, reputation and relevance are important.
    The order of my preference is IF-reputation-relevance.

  • user-165049
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    There are many predatory journals which are not reputable. It is better to apply to a reputable journal that focuses on topics similar to the manuscript being presented. These are generally journals with high impact factors

  • user-863065
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    quick respons

  • user-682392
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)1000

    Submission process.

  • user-904735
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    As most important considerations, I select the reputation in my field, impact factor and cost. The selection of the first two is already explained in the previous box (CVs are evaluated based on these); selection of cost is nowadays also important, as journals are becoming open-access and less options are available to publish research for those who are researching without financial resoures.

  • user-740731
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate1000
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)1000

    Scopus Indexed

  • user-850173
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)0100

    Steps and structure of submission process.

  • user-710188
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    In others, I believe there is the number of authors allowed in a particular manuscript. Sometimes there are more than the specified allowed number of authors.

  • user-858998
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    Simple submission system

  • user-851288
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    Reputation of journal in my field improves my reputation and visibility, so this is most important. Furthermore, it is most important to increase the probability of acceptance and narrow viewership to target readers by choosing journals with relevance to topic of my manuscript. As a researcher based in Africa (Nigeria), cost of publication is always an issue because of scarcity of financial resources and lack of adequate support, therefore this factor is also most important.
    Impact factor, acceptance rate and timeliness of reviewers and publication are sometimes important depending on my perceived quality of the manuscript, situation and time schedule.

  • user-819127
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate1000
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)1000

    Along with Relevance to topic of manuscript, an understandable, cooperative and knowledgeable editorial board also matters.

  • user-571430
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)0100

    See the answer to question 1

  • user-134440
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)1000

    Other: past experiences with the journal. For instance, I had a bad experience with one specific journal that is very relevant in my field, where the Editor did not take action to critically evaluate a very unfair revision we received. I will not submit to that journal again, as I lost my trust in the Editors' fairness.
    Reputation and relevance to the topic are the most important factors.
    Impact factor is important but not essential, we recently submitted to a new journal that we think will be a good one, despite it has no IF yet. Timeliness is nice, but not the most important thing. Acceptance rate I hardly ever take a look at.
    Cost can be important depending on the fundings available for the project. Also, I have recently tried to publish either non-open access or at least on hybrid journals because I am sensing that many open-access journals (with some important exceptions) are headed towards a publish-at-all-cost policy.

  • user-659046
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)1000

    Costs are important to the degree that we tend to avoid journals not covered by our universities' agreement with the publishers adhering to Plan S, becasue this agreement covers the costs. Other: Open Access

  • user-250140
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    Familiarity to submission to the journal

  • user-90122
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0001
    Acceptance Rate0001
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)1000

    CC-BY license.

  • user-855237
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)0100

    Special issues related to topic

  • user-477751
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0001
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    Reputation is most relevant, by journal selection is also influenced by the major subject area of the journal, impact factor and reputation are interrelated anyway. As I work in toxicology, I usually do not submit to journals outside of this area. Cost is not relevant since sponsor/grant agency/university will usually cover this. I actually never check acceptance rate of a journal since it is not important, we always thrive to have high quality manuscripts.

  • user-512064
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)1000

    Society journal

  • user-421633
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    For some work, I realize there is a bias
    for and, more often, against certain
    topics- which can amount to censorship.

  • user-848115
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    In my case, the essential factors for choosing a journal for publishing my manuscript are the relevance of the manuscript to the journal and the potential readers I am addressing. Cost is also relevant, as it defines whether we can choose an Open Access journal.

  • user-266855
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)0100

    Readership of Journal: if we wish to create awareness among local professionals we select their industry journal for our publication.

  • user-320876
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    Fairness and independence of review process-

  • user-784914
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)0100

    reputation of the editor

  • user-398897
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0001

    When possible and funding permitting, it is good to publish in an open access but the right journals with appropriate audience is key

  • user-753604
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    For me, it is crucial if the journal is in the Web of Science and/or the Scopus sources' lists.

  • user-846962
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor
    Acceptance Rate1000
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)

    Research us connected to some how with promotion guide lines. So qutrile in the speciality field is important and of course the Aim of scope of the journal followed by time to process publucation

  • user-96711
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0010
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor0010
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)1000

    Many topic specific journals have an editorial position that is not supported by data and analysis. The journals cheer lead for their position.

  • user-377267
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor0010
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    'Others' may include the issue of a user-friendly submission process including the handling of figures, tables etc. and the type of manuscript standards such as type of citations (consecutive numbering is often cumbersome when working on the manuscript). The impact factor may be most important for young scientists. The acceptance rate is automatically low if the reputation is high....

  • user-535947
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)1000

    Cost is "sometimes important" because not all journals charge publication fees. But when they do, cost does become important (e.g., I have not considered publishing in the new ACS Au journals because their APC's are too high). The "other" is legitimacy; there are too many predatory journals flooding my emails daily, and students are at most risk of not realizing that these are predatory publishers.

  • user-806665
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0001
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)

    Besides impact factor, timelines of review is next. if you reject, reject it quick.

  • user-907789
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    Impact factor, cost and time line's for review are crucial. Some journals are too expensive and some will keep your articles for months only to reject your manuscript

  • user-776436
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0010
    Acceptance Rate0001
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)1000

    open access

  • user-441980
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0010

    If we review

  • user-32258
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field
    Relevance to topic of manuscript
    Impact Factor
    Acceptance Rate
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)

    timeliness of reviews and publication must be taken into consideration when submitting manuscript, because timely processing helps scientist to published their result in scientific community. Moreover, cost is also important factor as some high impact factor journal also have higher article processing charge, which restrict researchers from developing countries to submit their scientific work.

  • user-882445
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0001
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)1000

    Whether the journal is open access or not

  • user-680636
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)1000

    Quality and knowledge of the reviewers and comments

  • user-532952
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0010
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    Not worried about impact factor - I have had most of my reads in journals with a low impact factor, but which were relevant to the research field

  • user-441703
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0001
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)

    Journal's reputation in my field, relevance to manuscript topic, and timeliness of review and publication are most important, because: 1) the quality of research works is measured by the specialty, experience and integrity of the researcher. 2) The Journal's scope-a measure of journal quality is critical in determining the topic relevance, and target the right audience/readers. Some journals want to be jack of all trades. 3) Research discoveries and progress are rapidly evolving, hence prompt dispatch of papers is helpful.
    However, Impact factor, acceptance rate and cost are not so important because most impact factor journals are Open Access and may compromise quality-depending on the business model and reputation-hence, largely rubbing off on the cost of publication (AP charges, etc.). A hybrid journal with subscription and waiver options is preferred, though this greatly imping on number of citations.

  • user-70266
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field
    Relevance to topic of manuscript
    Impact Factor
    Acceptance Rate
    Timeliness of reviews and publication
    Other (please specify)

    I consider the relevance of my work to the scope of the journal as well as the cost of publication.

  • user-948023
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0001
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)1000

    Indexing status in Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed.

  • user-861059
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)

    Acceptance rate and timeliness of reviews and publication are less important factors since the previous 3 are the most important. The cost is another major factor, since I consider my publications in journals without fee involved.

  • user-965025
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0010
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)1000

    Sometimes journals have complicated processes or cumbersome disclosure requirements. If another journal is easier, I would deselect the more complex one.

  • user-684526
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0100

    I like to support journals that are published by my professional society and so often I look to these journals first.

  • user-515289
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0010
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)1000

    I do not publish my manuscripts using open access option

  • user-334947
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0010
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    The databases in-which the journal is indexed

  • user-471734
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0010
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0001
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0001
    Other (please specify)1000

    quartile ranking

  • user-905059
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)0010


  • user-678105
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0010
    Acceptance Rate1000
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)1000

    Reasonable editor that is not biased by industry

  • user-672631
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    Cost plays a role now with open access journals!

  • user-442379
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)

    The selection of a journal is a balance between the scope of the journal, reputation in the field and impact factor.

  • user-97194
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication1000
    Other (please specify)

    There are journals with editors who are not open minded. In other words, they do not have a broad sense of science in their own field and they tend to take papers only they know and they promote only narrow are of science. Ther are too many editors who are not broad in their knowledge.

  • user-821082
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    Relevance to the topic and impact factor of the journal are essential. Cost is a prime consideration because the best journals do not charge fees generally.

  • user-38414
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0010
    Other (please specify)

    speed evaluation and time for publication

  • user-262960
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field
    Relevance to topic of manuscript0100
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    Cost is never important because researches from non-developed countries rarely consider publishing open access.

  • user-566983
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor0100
    Acceptance Rate0010
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)1000

    Other = Open Access

  • user-697539
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field1000
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)

    Reputation of the journal and relevance to topic of manuscript are most important criteria for selection of a journal. Besides publishing in impact factor journals gives a satisfaction that the quality of the work is high and at par with your peers in your area of specialization. Cost becomes important as funding are limited and rarely enough for paying towards page charges particularly if large number of manuscripts are ready for submission.

  • user-695667
    Most importantSometimes importantRarely importantNever important
    Reputation in my field0100
    Relevance to topic of manuscript1000
    Impact Factor1000
    Acceptance Rate0100
    Timeliness of reviews and publication0100
    Other (please specify)0010

    open access

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