SciPoll 505: Attacks on Scientists
Have you experienced yourself or observed other scientists being attacked for sharing their professional opinions? (select all that apply)
(147 Answers)
Answer Explanations
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-608889There was a pharmaceutical firm that tried to attack the scientist that has tried to check the quality of their drug.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-611019"Attacked" is too strong a word, but I have faced arguments with people who do not understand the science behind vaccines or drug development and contend that there are non-scientific shenanigans of some sort driving healthcare decisions.
- Nouser-75306
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-381404
- Nouser-445218
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-745159This is usually very hard from commoners to digest scientific facts and sometime it create unpleasant situation for scientists
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-158917I did see this trending attacks on Covid Vaccine.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-92676Several of my research colleagues have been criticized for arriving at research conclusions that are not in line with the contemporary political correctness.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-50038
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-973967My experience with this spans many issues such as EPA/IRIS risk characterizations, the endocrine disruption debate, and others. While most of the personal attacks have come from environmentalists in the NGO community, the media and community activists, on fewer occasions I've encountered regulatory agency employees engaging in this type of tactic.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-50402We as a scientists do hard work for the fruitful research but sometime hypothesis and experiments do not give the similar findings than people criticize for our abilities.
- Nouser-190288My experience has been more with subterfuge rather then outright attacks. In this day and age there is alot more subterfuge that happens then the outright attacks on Oppenheimer.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-411130I have promoted vaccination in some newspaper articles and I have been attacked
- Nouser-562467
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-376693scientist can be attacked for expressing informed opinions going against mainstream paradigms
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-677318
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-458691I've seen a lot of attacks on COVID researchers advocating for maintaining mitigation strategies on social media.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-159225Being told that I’m being fed lies about COVID vaccine effectiveness. Or that I’m not being truthful.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-134518
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-861844
- Nouser-105750
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-802001
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-960199I was nominated by President Trump to lead part of US EPA. The resulting firestorm of mis-information about my credentials and career were "surprising."
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-637083
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesbasucall
- Nouser-347298
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-252032
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-78454I have not personally encountered any instances of attacks. However, I have observed two distinct forms of attacks directed towards fellow scientists:
- Scientists who engage in media appearances (TV, radio, blogs, etc.) and express viewpoints that differ from those of politicians, members of the general public, and occasionally even fellow scientists, have been subject to insults and criticisms. This trend was particularly prominent during the Covid pandemic.
- Instances involving scientific whistleblowers shedding light on misconduct have led to verbal attacks from other scientists and sometimes their own institutions. These attacks are often aimed at discouraging further critique. A noteworthy example can be found in the [INTERVIEW] titled "Whistleblower recalls price paid for revealing Hwang Woo-suk's scientific misconduct" featured in The Korea Times.
- Nouser-672631I am not sure attacks are common.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-253368During the pandemic, people were divided about doing lock downs and setting of rules. There were plenty of opinions surrounding what to do.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-61732As gynaecologist and scientist I performed research into COVID19 in pregnancy, had several interviews on the radio, newspapers and on television, and I strongly voiced recommendations about the need to get the vaccinations (based on scientific evidence)
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-182555
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-476126I have done work on pesticides and have been attacked by members of the agricultural community and by legislators.
- Nouser-325678Aside from instances covered by the media, I have not been personally attacked or observed other scientists being attacked.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-499245Dr Anthony Fauci deliberately lied his way through the origin and course of the coronavirus epidemic. He continues to lie to this day. The federal government backed up his intimidation tactics and just plain lied their *ss off.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-138300My colleague was critized because he used cats for his neuroscience experiments.
- Nouser-180413
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-622818I have heard people against the development and study of new viruses/bacterial strains in order to prepare for worst case scenarios. They fear the release of these would cause another pandemic.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-212940I conduct secondary data analyses involving COVID-19. I have been ridiculed in the past and more recently for bringing to light obvious problems (e.g., exponential increase in long COVID prevalence).
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-320876For over 2 decades, I have been the subject of intellectual and professional attacks by members of organized medicine at NCI/NIH-HHS. My challenging efforts to promote the role of Inflammation/immunity in cancer research, diagnosis and therapy initially were severely opposed, denied, minimized and submitted concepts, comprehensive proposals and lectures were rejected. The novel proposals were extension of our accidental discoveries that we established at the University of Pennsylvania on experimental models of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases and resulted in multistep tumorigenesis and angiogenesis. While I became the target of repeated professional harassment, in the last couple of decades, my efforts seem awakened the entire cancer community around the world. My submitted proposals were fragmented and used as front to collect more money from taxpayers. The intellectual harassment and bullying, along with censoring or silencing of independent and competent professionals (“Intellectual Me Too”) present grave concerns, far greater compared with the sexual harassment of ‘Me Too’ movement that were recently spearheaded by NIH decision makers (my recent articles). As an example, members of organized medicine (politician-scientists) at NCI/NIH bribed $60 million to one handler and promoted many others for preventing me to continue our pioneering studies or finding any other position at any institutions around the world (NCI/NIH scientific and legal documents since 1998).
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-114537
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-149708
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-706542Much of what I have seen is related to COVID-19, but I have also seen scientists attacked regarding obesity research. In particular, I've seen scientists attacked over use of BMI, "triggering eating disorders" in children, and "trying to parent other people's children" with lifestyle behavior recommendations. Most of this has occurred on Twitter.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-979199I published research on vaccines and autism and was sent threatening letters and email.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-368705Some politicians and activists attack a proven scientifically established knowledge of the "use of contraceptives usage" to prevent pregnancy.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-829343
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-214851
- Nouser-182509No may be few numbers.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-919082My position on the science was challenged not on its scientific merits, but rather on my employment within industry.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-185758
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-621436
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-334728Lobbyists and activists have questioned my integrity due to my positions/evidence interpretations, and similarly attacked my colleagues in blogs and other media
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-679114I observed on media particularly politicians, businesses and citizen attacking scientists on their recommendations on COVID-19 lock-ups, mask mandates and vaccines
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-589266I worked in the pesticide industry, and received tremendous blowback from activist groups and plaintiff’s attorneys when I cited solid scientific, factual information that was counter to their beliefs.
- Nouser-231404
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-578906
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-647197My post-doc guide told me to work on a paper. After some months, I found that the paper has been published in a reputed journal without my name.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-41044At the beginning of my research, I was attacked by a senion researcher for my opinion on biosimilars
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-382369Covid vaccines
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-468918My facility was attacked by anti-fracking protesters despite my institute not doing any fracking or being involved. They occupied and damaged the building and sent threatening messages.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-271496
- Nouser-982759
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-271581
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-409263I have witnessed attacks on scientists due to their Climate Change viwes.
- Nouser-412752
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-458195In Mexico's current political landscape, the scientific community (and in general, informed expertise) has been repeatedly been the target of very public attacks by political figures for presenting data and evidence that contradicts the ruling party's political narrative.
- Nouser-931757
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-180963Have been attacked by other academics for not sharing opinions on the ethics of research, and have been labelled as "under the control of industry" by those in the not-for-profit sector for having research grants partially funded by industrial scholarship.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-856859Yes, scientists have faced attacks for expressing their professional opinions, especially on controversial topics like climate change or vaccines. These attacks can come from individuals or groups with opposing views, leading to personal and professional backlash.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-690634During the Covid 19 pandemic I was very cautious about unproven treatments being touted. I was attacked for holding the view that unproven medicines such as Ivermectin should be approved for therapeutic use absent trial results.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-809371I have observed scientists working on Covid-19 suffering unfair and unjustified attacks without scientific base.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-626691Friends have attacked me
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issues Nouser-422705The one who asks need to define "attack" first. If you mean personal bodily attack, then no. No Catholic Inquisition and burining at the stake.....yet.
If the one who asks means verbal "attack" (a vehement disagreement can be labeled as "attack" but it should not be), then yes. - Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-479360This is in the context of product safety litigation.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-417101
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-411596
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-670216both scientists and non scientist insulted me and other colleagues on social media because we did not support their beliefs.
- Nouser-489806
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-694794
- Nouser-174346I have only seen scientists being attacked for sharing their personal opinions.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-657321colleague expelled from academia for work on tobacco harm reduction
colleague attacked for research on harmful side-effects of covid-19 vaccines - Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-314393Social media tends to paint us in a bad light now days.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-200235I am an expert on the use and appropriateness of amphetamine to sustain the performance of military aviation personnel who due to mission demands are sleep deprived but who nonetheless are required to continue flight operations. I've been attacked by all sorts of people for my advocacy of these medications under specific operational conditions.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-965781
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-696376The best example is outrage of public opinion in regards to SARS-CoV-2 virus, but very often it is just regarding cause and effect sentences.
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-477751NGOs/journalists using terms such as "opinion for hire", biased due to conflicts, paid consultant,
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-275468I was personally vilified for positions I took that were critical of "stated preference" based ecosystem valuations. This period was during a time that we (USDA) were attempting to bring greater precision and discipline into the environmental markets realm.
I have observed other scientists in the climate and carbon cycle space being personally challenged for biases. - Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issuesuser-182375Unfortunately, some scientists build their careers on unrealistic hypotheses. One of my studies revealed results that contradicted the "theory" of a GOD scientist. He asked me for a meeting. We met we spoke quietly until the point that he started shooting and saying that this was not true. I sent him raw data from my experiment (repeated 5 times) generated from a measuring device (not handmade).
- Yes, I have been personally attacked for my positions on science issues Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-957551I'm in the WSU Extension Service part time as part of my faculty responsibilities. My role is to communicate about controversial issues related to crop protection technology (like pesticide chemistry and toxicology). I've been ad hominem attacked as a shill for industry and have had at least three records request (State FOIA requests) for emails related to organizations/people I communicate with. I have found primary research literature where authors have used ad hominem argumentation against others, basically accusing them of shilling for industry. Ironically, I personally haven't taken any industry money in over 25 years and my last grant was from government sources but lately I'm working without grants from anyone.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-362357Again the question depends on the subject under discussion. Environmental scientist and political science experts often face this issue.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-266855Industry-funded scientists have been attacked for their individualist approaches towards hazards. While during COVID there were many attacks by anti-vaxers and the religious rightwing.
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-539106In Instagram accounts I follow
- Yes, I have observed other scientists being attacked for their positions on science issuesuser-257664There have been a number of cases over the years - especially in the US and India, the two counties where I have spent my scientific career - of attacks on scientists for their positions on issues. In India, rationalist have been murdered in high profile cases where convictions have not taken place.
07/21/2023 16:09I have often witnessed that many people and scientists put pressure on other scientists, sayin that the expression of scientific truths against the country is treason.
08/02/2023 10:17Since by definition, we are operating in the limbo of uncertainity, and if ones professional opinion is "Currently there is no scientific answer for this question", people tend to attack.
08/02/2023 19:41I have been criticized for advocating sustainable developnent and biodiversity and indigenous knowledge conservation and management. For publishing on undesirable impact of extensive plantation of eucalyptus on arable lands. I have been marginalized for advocating the sustainable use of local agricultural resources and practices.
08/27/2023 04:51Attack on scientists or science is not a new thing. If we look into history we may find considerable number of events where scientists were executed or marginalized. All this is the result of resistance to change the existent based on superstations, religion or culture. Hence scientific truth and the science himself is not accepted.