(737 Answers)

Answer Explanations

  • $0
    I have been reviewing reports since about 1965 and never expected any payment. 
    If nothing intervenes, I can usually get these done the day the request comes in; perhaps the day after but seldom later.
  • $100 -249
    Seeing the APC the reviewers should also be paid genrate their interest towards reviewing process.
  • $250-499
    These journals are profitable and they have gotten free services for decades from skilled and knowledgable physicians and scientists. That needs to change
  • $1,000-1,999
    I am very busy but I am also a top scientist in the field of diabetes. Also Chief Editor of a top journal in the field.
  • $250-499
    Based on hourly rate plus premium for rush delivery.
  • $250-499
    Reading and making sense of science is the most time-consuming part. I anticipate it will take at least 2 hours. Getting paid $200/hour is appropriate.  Also, the quick turn-a-round time is what would increase the rate.
  • $250-499
    Thi sis the minimum honest amount for expert feedback, if it takes at least 4-5 hours. If a very technical and specific expert, the amount should be much more.
  • $500-999
    Because of time constraints 

    Because of many journal’s request 

    Because of APC of journal 
  • $500-999
    My minimum consulting fee is capped at $500.
  • $500-999
    Usually takes me 4-6 hours to review a paper correctly at a rate of between 150-250 per hour 
  • $100 -249
    I think that $100/hour is a good payment considering the time.
  • $0
    I would happily give 1-2 hours without compensation assuming I had the time available on the specific day.
  • $500-999
    One day for lengthy paper requires much effort 
  • $250-499
    A 1-day review is a challenge. It requires to postpone other, possibly urgent duties. Since two hours is a minimum requirement, a standard hourly compensation would result in the range as I indicated. 

  • $500-999
    Compensation based on my hourly fee with an added incentive for the 1-day expectation. 
  • $1,000-1,999
    I believe careful reading of a paper and writing a thoughtful review within one day would require about 8 hrs of work, assuming the paper is not too long and technically complex. Given the hourly rate of $200 this would lead to an estimate of $1600.  
  • $1,000-1,999
    The exercise requires deep thinking and critical thinking as well and most importantly to forego other critical tasks on table
  • $500-999
    I believe that if there is this requirement for rapid review, there should be some compensation for the reviewer.
    Furthermore, if the journals are charging for publication, a remuneration of this type should already be considered for the reviewer.
  • $250-499
    It is a fair fee for an eventual task
  • $100 -249
    This is to compensate for my time as I would have left other money making opportunities to review the paper 
  • $100 -249
  • $250-499
    $150 to $250 per hour should be the standard payment for a scientific expert in an "urgent" review
  • $250-499
    To do it within a day is suspending all pending jobs and undertaking the new job. That then has to be at least a day's wage for a senior academic.
  • $250-499
    Assuming that a critical review requires me to read the publication in detail, it can not be that "quick". Assuming one takes about two hours to read and critically dissect the data and conclusions, a 100-150 dollars/hour seems reasonable to me given the urgency of the request. This is substantially variable when considering the amount of data in the publication. 
  • $1,000-1,999
    This is a request that is too disruptive and difficult to reconcile with regular activities.
  • $250-499
    This task would require at least 5 hours of work. Working at US$50,00/hour makes this minimum amount.
  • $250-499
  • $500-999
    I would want there to be a high compensation for this level of work to dissuade publication companies from shifting to a model where this timeframe is common.
  • $250-499
    It can not be too long to make the review in one day.
  • $100 -249
    I think 100-150 $ per hour would be a reasonable incentive for an expert in the field if the peer review takes up about 1 -2 hours of their time.
  • $500-999
    This level of compensation would seem reasonable given the tight turnaround time.
  • $500-999
    I have a fee schedule
  • $250-499
    I have extensive scientific editorial expertise spanning three decades of biomedical research.
  • $250-499
    seems to me an acceptable rate
  • $500-999
    Peer review is going through a deep crisis. We scientists/experts are busier than ever, with more labs submitting papers and more reviewers being asked to perform reviews. The publishers' margins are enormous, taking advantage of the free work we do.
    For some time now I have refused to review most of the articIes that I receive for two reasons. I'm too sick to work for free and I don't have much time. So if the review is accompanied by a payment, other things may be put on hold for a while.
    Furthermore, reviewing an article in a day requires doing nothing else and having a lot of experience and knowledge in the field. And this must be compensated appropriately.
  • $250-499
    Currently, I have been declining review requests because of time constraints. I have a backlog of my own research papers needing attention, making it challenging to prioritize external review requests. However, I understand the value of compensating reviewers to ensure timely responses. Given the tight turnaround required for a one-day critical review, I would consider a compensation range of $250-$499 appropriate for this level of commitment and urgency. This reflects the significant disruption to my daily schedule that such a rapid review entails.
  • $500-999
    This is what I am paid now.
  • $250-499
    fast needs to be paid more
  • $500-999
    I believe this is a suitable level of compensation which publishing companies should be more than able to afford.
  • $500-999
    The very short timeframe means likely working several hours late in the day at very short notice, which would need to be recognised to make it sufficiently attractive. (If e.g. there was a week's notice then I would have selected the $100 to $249 option).
  • $500-999
    My typical rate for pharmaceutical consulting is $400-500/hr, but I would probably consider a "discount" since it's peer review rather than consulting (and the medical journals don't have pockets as deep as the pharmaceutical companies), but not a substantial one if it needs to be done in 1 day.
  • $100 -249
    Typical annual consultant/expert's salary divided by number of hours worked over a year to earn the salary
  • $100 -249
    It is necessary to adapt the schedule, postpone meetings and things already scheduled. In addition to performing work with required expertise. I understand 100-249 gets a fair range for these needs.
  • $1,000-1,999
    Generally, my schedule is full for several days ahead - a substantial incentive is needed to re-arrange my schedule to make room for review.
  • $100 -249
    Based on my regular monthly salary, one-two hours work would be slightly below this range. The additional cost comes from finding that time on the day.
  • $2,000+
    As a full professor, I've allways a busy schedule. To provide a critical review in one day, I would have to postpone other tasks.
  • $1-99
    Reviewer is investing his important time by keep other work on side.
  • $500-999
    500 USD would be appropriate.
  • $250-499
    Writing a good review suggesting step by step what can be improved and checking each of the reference needs time to be prepared. Even writing takes 1-2 hours preparing review takes much more time depending ona topic and on the kind of the article (review, original, short communication etc.). Also 1 day for the review is a very short time when you may have other duties to be done, so if you accept it you need to find this time for it and for sure it is more than 1-2 hours.
  • $250-499
    As it might requre up to a full days in some of the previous experiences I have had, getting a compensation of $250-499 is fair considering 8 working hours with a fair daily rate of consulatncy service payment for professionals and also underatnding this is a professional ethics to criticize and make contribution for the science. 
  • $2,000+
    Basically good review needs time. If one has to finish a good review n one day, then he/she has to leave all other work and concentrate only on review, hence needs a hefty compensation as the person is an experienced reviewer.
  • $1,000-1,999
    I have a broad scientific background. From Cancer research at Sloan-Kettering to publication of fluoride toxicity. My opinion fee represents my generous 50% reduction. 
  • $100 -249
    It usually takes a day of time to perform a good review on a paper, so I think it should get compensated.  And one day is not much of a lead time, you would have to drop all the other commitments.
  • $1,000-1,999
    I have many daily commitments and to carry out this task with quality, I would need it for all other activities and commitments. In addition to having very little time for a task that I don't even know what stage it is at until I receive it.
    This makes the task extremely stressful.
    The value refers to the size of the review and work that will be required, the larger the review the more difficult it will be to complete the task in time.
  • $100 -249
    My fee is $100/hr and $1000/day
  • $250-499
    This is enough to be worth dropping everything for a few hours, yet not so high as to make it out of the question for the journal (I think?). 
  • $250-499
    a 1-day reviosione would require a shift of the planning of my already planned activities, which might include also private settings. ALso, if such a short deadline is required it means that there is a specific urgency of publishing explained by very high publishing fees. 
  • $1-99
    Reviewing a publication is tickling, but also heavy and responsible job. Many open access journals at most publish the reviewer's name. Those journals however press you to decide fast, e.g., within 3 days, with likely best decision and motivations given. Over the last five years, I have collaborated in editing and reviewing numerous research papers published in 35 journals. 
  • $500-999
    A thorough review is 2-3 hours work. A reasonable hourly rate for my expertise is $250, even at 1-2 hours that is $500. Some additional compensation also is reasonable for the exigency, so I would expect the higher end of the range. 
  • $500-999
    Given the competing priorities in professional life which need to be balanced with personal life, time has become money. That is the simple truth.
  • $100 -249
    I would likely have to shift other responsibilities around to be able to spare the time for a reasonably rigorous review within a day
  • $1,000-1,999
    For a review of highly qualified expert it is the rule for a very rapid expertise within one day
  • $250-499
    I am on the Editorial Boards of four peer-reviewed toxicology journals and do many peer-reviews of papers for those journals in generally < 1 day.  I think that compensation in the range of $250.00 to $499.00 would be very reasonable for an expedited peer-review.
  • $100 -249
    Monetary compensation will motivate a lot of reviewers to accept and review articles submitted to them promptly 
  • $500-999
    To give priority on a new task means adjusting current scheduled tasks/to give more time to work in the same 24 hour time. So, that extra time and efforts should be duly provided in the form of monetary compensation.
  • $250-499
    On average the salary of a research scientist is 150-250 $. If then there is urgency, there must an extracost for the work of the expert.
  • $100 -249
    99 usd for my work + 150 usd for disturbing my plans
  • $100 -249
    It requires readjustment of personal schedule.
  • $0
    For a 1-2 hour effort and turn around of 1 day, the time I would spend reviewing the agreement letter would already be spent, so on balance I would opt for no compensation.  Personally, my level of effort would be the same, regardless of the compensation.   For much more involved efforts (>1 week of time), I would give more consideration to compensation.
  • $100 -249
    Reviewing requires dedicated time and most of the times it requires cross-checking to validate findings.
  • $250-499
    Reviewing a manuscript comprehensively can take approximately 3 to 4 hours, requiring a high level of academic expertise.
  • $250-499
    The shorter the evaluation time, the more it puts pressure on the pairs and becomes a pressure job.
  • $250-499
    In I do have enough time as reviewing is my expertise area for short papers Review
  • $250-499
    Due the short deadline this is the price i consider
  • $100 -249
    Reasonable rate for a professor 
  • $1-99
    Because when you review a manuscript, you have to hold your own pending tasks. Moreover, open access or paid journals charge from author but don't pay potencial reviewers. Payment to reviewers would enhance quality of reviewing.
  • $500-999
    I am of the opinion that 1 day assignment might be feasible only, if it has a preset grading criteria. But even then, it might require more than 2 hours for something more insightful, my personal opinion. The existence of a preset grading will facilitate where exactly the review needs to be focused and in particular in what context. However, the very short duration to give the response will require leaving aside other duties, and therefore requires much more sacrifice. 
  • $500-999
    This represents the minimum fee for reviewing a research paper for two hours or less daily. In the event of non-continuation, the value may increase according to the time required for review
  • $500-999
    From my reviewer experience, this work may take about 4-5 hours per article. 
  • $500-999
    Its good to hear that this important, but unacknowledged and uncompensated work is getting some attention. I think given the very short timeline and that I will have to put aside all my tasks, it should be well compensated at $500-999. I am paid $ 200 per hour, so it should exceed this amount. 
  • $250-499
    I need to spend a minimum of five hours on a research article to analyze the content critically. Therefore, a minimum of 50$ per hour is essential to carry out such a skilled job, especially when required to do the work in an emergency.
  • $250-499
    I believe completeing a critical peer review in one day only requires a fair compensation, especially taking into account the intensive work needed to complete the peer review.
  • $100 -249
    It is time consuming, hence should be compensated 
  • $250-499
    You need to leave other duties in order to deeply read the MS and to elaborate a response
  • $250-499
    The critical review is a laborious and exhausting process, and it requires significant mental work to complete.
  • $1,000-1,999
    A high quality review takes 1-3 hours to perform.  To be able to perform the review within 1 day of assignment may require one to change existing plans and/or work extra hours.

    Other highly skilled professions which charge on an hourly rate, such as lawyers, often charge $200 to $400 per hour.  So, if a reviewer is to change one's schedule and spend two hours providing a high quality assessment of a paper, $1000-$2000 seems to be a justifiable cost.

    This also must be taken within the context that publishing companies are highly profitable already and can afford to pay reviewers.
  • $500-999
    I typically schedule out 2 weeks in advance, so squeezing a review in one day would require a pretty high level of compensation. 
  • $250-499
    Being required to conduct the review within 1 day requires that this project take precedent over other projects. That means that the compensation must make that readjustment of priorities worthwhile. If given 10 days to complete the review then compensation could be lower. 
  • $500-999
    It requires time for a quick and appropiate review
  • $500-999
    My salary is around $500 per day. So if I am spending a day to review a document in a day, I would expect at least $500 to complete a task in one day. 
  • $500-999
    One day review is such a difficult thing, and I also have to maintain the quality of the review.
  • $500-999
    As a clinician, time in my routine Is dedicated tò patients, research And study. To conduct a One day peer review Is critical, an High quality P.R. requires at least 8 hours to be performed. 
  • $250-499
    Due to busy schedule it requires allocating time for a quick critical review particularly for a big review paper 
  • $250-499
    Normally, I do peer reviews as a service to my professional organization.  However, the parameters described in this request requires the review within one day meaning that I would have to rearrange other scheduled activities.  The rate I ticked is on the low end of my usual consulting fee.
  • $250-499
    I am a busy clinician 
    If i have given taak ti complte the review pricess which will take one hour then i think itshould compensated justifyabily
  • $250-499
    because it took many years to gain this expertise in the field
  • $100 -249
    In general I believe that a sense of urgency should also be paid since others tasks are needed to be postponed and all the knowledge acquired also took some time to become an expert that doesn't need to read about the topic. 
  • $500-999
    You are right, experts need at least a symbolic support for their time and effort, support which will bust their involvement as reviewers, especially in a short time frame.
    Of course the complexity of the paper/work can require variable (lower or higher) such expected support.
    Success and all the best!
  • $250-499
    I would require at least $100 per hour for compensation (2 hours = $200), plus at least $150 for the one-day priority turnaround. 
  • $500-999
    An adequate peer-review of a typical publication in my area of expertise (translational oncology) with the average of 6-8 figures would take a lot longer than 1-2 hours. I think a fair assumption would be $200+ per hour. 
  • $100 -249
    I am willing to review a manuscript within one day. This revision is a scientific and comprehensive revision.
  • $1-99
    I prefer this amount because it is enough for me to review the article within 1 day.

  • $250-499
    Spending 1-2hrs for reviewing and sharing critical comments is worthy of the selected reimbursement amount 
  • $500-999
    Making extra time, moet likely in private time.
  • $250-499
    The unpaid peer review generates, in my opinion, the huge gap in the revising time of the manuscripts what caused in the very long period of publication processing. On the other hand, such a quick review (within 1 day), if careful and dependable should be granted, because it siphon off the regular research and/or teachin work. However, it is not suppose to be too much, so I think something around $250 will be accurate.
  • $1,000-1,999
    Reviews will almost always take more than 1-2 hours of work.  Additionally, within 1 day of assignment turn around time ups it to rush priority. 
  • $500-999
    May need to change clinical schedules. —loss of income and opportunity costs of  Hourly billing rates 
  • $500-999
    within 1 day will be challenging, would require a higher compensation
  • $500-999
    My hourly rate ranges from 300-400 an hour. A quick critical read needs more than a casual read, especially with only one day turnover.
  • $1,000-1,999
    Significantly higher rate because of the extreme urgency.
    Also, a decent review takes more that 1-2h, sometimes significantly more if this is a major journal and a complex paper.
  • $500-999
    I need to take whole day off so this corresponds to my hour rate doing consultancy. 
  • $500-999
    When I review a paper as a peer-review, it is considerably more than a 1-2 hour exercise. Depending on the paper's length, it can take 4 hours just to carefully read and review data graphs and tables. Then, typically, I would look at some other papers to ensure I had a reasonable understanding of background. If statistics are involved, this review would take longer (for me, at least). Usually there are always typos and grammatical errors that take time to type out to provide corrections. Thus I've selected the $500-999 category as this is more like a full day's work, possibly more, and not at all a 1-2 hour job. That is, if you want it done thoroughly. And it is with a 24-h turn-around timeline. I don't understand what circumstances would necessitate a 24-h turn-around, but that was your question.
  • $100 -249
    $100 would be the minimum I would charge based on my time and knowing what the average publication charge is for manuscripts these days. I would charge $200 if they wanted a 1 day turn around.  One point I would make is that your assumption that it would be 1-2 h of work is not a good starting point. Depending on the paper, it would take at least an hour for an in depth reading. It would take additional time to do a literature search and make sure they are not republishing something, citing all appropriate references, etc.
  • $500-999
    The level of compensation would depend on the size (number of words) of the article, as it includes the time to read and analyze the article and the time to write the review report (a preset grading criteria, and little required writing, i.e. 1 to 2 hours of work), thus approximately 4 to 7 working hours.
    Assume that the article is not so long (up to 10 pages). 
  • $100 -249
    It takes at least a couple of hours to review a manuscript. It would be nice to be compensated. I am mostly retired but still asked to review about 20 manuscripts per month.  
  • $1-99
    Use of a preset criteria and a one-day turnaround does not allow for deeper analysis. Therefore, less effort is required. Less effort necessitates less pay. I do not believe a one-day limit to be appropriate for anyone involved.
  • $100 -249
    To carry out review within a day is so short and will require postponing others task to give the best review. Hence, the amount chosen 
  • $100 -249
    Estimation only
  • $250-499
    The answer is not straightforward as it depends on the work associated with the paper and my knowledge of the area. However, even if the review would be 1 or 2 hours of work, given the small time frame provided, this would imply possibly postponing meetings or work or reducing my free time; thus, it should be paid properly.
  • $100 -249
    Peer review is a process that evaluates the validity, quality, and originality of articles, with the ultimate goal of maintaining the integrity of science by filtering out invalid or poor quality articles, all that need further effort.
  • $100 -249
    I think that if you work properly, your time and effort should be rewarded.
  • $250-499
    This is the value per day of my usual work.
  • $500-999
    1-2 hours of work: my rate is $250 but since it's urgent (1 day), the rate doubles.
  • $250-499
    Assuming the review would take 1-2 hours and and my own research must wait, then it is only fair to ask for the same hourly rate as my own salary plus overtime rate
  • $250-499
    I am underselling as there is no such thing as a quick review! if it is to be done well. It usually takes me a few days doing it in-between other work. 
  • $500-999
    I already have too much to do.
  • $0
    Medicine is already prostituted enough to charge fees for reviewing clinical work.  OK?
  • $250-499
    The compensation for completing a peer review would depend on several factors, including the level of expertise required, the urgency of the request, and the standard rates in the field. However, given the tight deadline, it would be reasonable to expect higher compensation compared to standard peer review rates. This is because the reviewer would need to prioritize this task over other commitments and may need to work under pressure to meet the deadline. 

  • $250-499
    200 dollar/hour seems reasonable.
    Extra fee for the swift service of 1day review around 100.
    So total of around 500 would be acceptable
  • $500-999
    Short time required, I have to priotise the review.
  • $500-999
    I'm assuming such a review would take up to 2 hrs and my usual consulting rate is $500/hr.  By the way, when I accept a review assignment from a journal my review is just as robust without pay as when being pay.  The authors deserve a thorough review of their manuscripts.
  • $250-499
    A serious peer review, apart from expertise, requires a lot of work which includes deep scrutiny of the reported work  regarding its objectives, novelty, and significance. Special focus needs to be laid on how the research problem is conceptualized with a sound literature survey on the related literature reports. All this requires an deep insight, and time.  
  • $100 -249
    300 usd
  • $100 -249
    Academic journals rake in large sums of profit every year with open access fees typically in excess of $2,000 - $3,000 USD per article. Many popular journals publish hundreds or thousands of articles annually, such as MDPI which is a publisher that owns dozens of academic journals. The Scholarly Kitchen website reported that in 2020, MDPI made between $2 million and $12 million USD in profit from article processing charges alone, this likely includes the fact that they offer a small APC waiver to peer reviewers ranging from $50 to $200 USD (however, it is an APC waiver and not cash). Considering that reviewers are typically not paid, it seems a publisher such as this one could stand to offer $200-300 hundred dollars to each reviewer (assuming 2 per article) and still be profitable. I'm sure this number would vary across journals depending on staffing levels. MDPI has a very sizeable staff size, whereas some journals are almost completely volunteer (i.e. editor-in-chief, associate editors, reviewers are all volunteer and then a few hired staff handle website, publishing, etc.).  If I were to receive around $150 - $250 per review with about 2hours of work, I would be more inclined to accept peer review assignments, regardless of the length of time I have to complete it (i.e. 1 month, 1 week, 1 day). However, I would simply decline a 1-day window in many instances due to time, and a higher premium would likely entice more people to accept it.
  • $250-499
    Reading the whole paper and a thorough check of each figure will take 4-6 hours. Doing a PubMed search on the background will take 1-2 hours, depending on how familiar I am with this line of research. So this is close to a whole 8 hours day of work.
  • $500-999
    This depends on my level of expertise at the moment, and the amount I get paid to mark a postgraduate thesis. As my expertise increases, the level of compensation would also increase. 
  • $100 -249
    Usually, this amount is sufficient to cover the process and encourage the reviewer.
  • $1-99
    The current average salary in my country (Argentina) as full professor/ principal investigator is 2000 USD per month, which gives an average of 12 USD per hour. Therefore, if we consider similar compensations for work, a compensation of a revision that would take an hour would be 12 USD. On the other hand, other countries (such as USA) pay an average of 7000 USD per month, which gives an avarage of 43 USD per hour. Therefore a fair compensation for a revision that would take an hour  would be 43 USD per hour for an american senior investigator.
    However, the work burden is similar for all investigators whichever their country is. For this, I consider that an average of 12 to 50 USD would do. 
  • $100 -249
    A reasonable compensation for the invested time and not too much to increase publication costs. Time frame doesn't matter, can always make room for 1-2h in the 24h of a day if needed 
  • $500-999
    Evaluation of scientific merit of a paper, its significance, ethics, usefulness to the society require extinctive brain activity. 
  • $250-499
    According to the salary in my country for a researcher that would be the required with the extra question of one day urgency. 
  • $100 -249
    If requests for quick reviews were solicited like most journals do now (use their expertise database) and not use the same reviewer more than once in a defined period of time,  I think some type of compensation is reasonable.  However, I could see how this could be abused so guardrails must be put in place.  
  • $1,000-1,999
    Even if there is little writing required, a one day turnaround requires a substantial rearrangement of one's existing priorities.
  • $500-999
    Typical rate in my field for normal 3-6 week turnaround time is $487/hour. Responses needed within 24 hours have an expedited fee added ranging from 100-200%.
  • $1,000-1,999
    Depending on the depth and amount of details, a good review of an original work could consume more than 3 hours. 
  • $500-999
    This is a fair rate for the urgent review in my field of expertise,  considering my 30+ years of experience 
  • $250-499
    To complete a peer review within 1 day of assignment I would have to postpone my other activities.
  • $500-999
    Three hours of work during night
  • $2,000+
    This compensates me well and I would do my best to justify it.
  • $100 -249
    "Springer" already payed to me 150USA$ for simmilar service (review proposal for book writing). Simmilar was payed from Portugal
    Government for scientific project review.
  • $250-499
    Based on a rate of $250 per hour.
  • $500-999
    I am currently remunerated at $120 an hour and it would take me 3 hours and I would have to get others to fulfil my work commitments.
  • $250-499
  • $250-499
    To consider a manuscript within 1 day for review you should have a temptation.
  • $250-499
  • $100 -249
    Expecting at least $75/hour to complete. I'm a PhD student so have less experience so would expect less than my more qualified counterparts.
  • $0
    Review and make comments are part of my job. These procedures should improve the quality of the paper.
  • $250-499
    I compare this with my typical salaries 
  • $250-499
    I think the fee requested should be higher as the time given for evaluation decreases.
  • $100 -249
    It can be done but that is quite a quick turn around.
  • $250-499
    In Mexico, the per-hour fee as an expert in my field (Economics) for the industry is around USD 150.  Two hours of work is 300 USD, plus a "same day" urgent fee of USD 150. In total, USD 450 seems reasonable.
  • $250-499
    The entire paper would have to be read and, depending on length this might take upwards of 2 hours. I believe that the grading criteria would need some written explanation.
  • $250-499
    Indepth, precise and analytical review requires rigorous and persistent editorial work as far as review works are concerned. 
  • $1,000-1,999
    A careful review typically requires at least 2 hours of reading and response, unless the article is very short. My hourly rate is $450, and goes up when a quick turnaround is requested (such as one day). Squeezing in an unexpected 2-3 hours of work inevitably requires that a person either delay the work they'd originally planned for those 2-3 hours, OR work outside of typical business hours. This affects compensation. 
  • $100 -249
    This is a tight turnaround 
  • $250-499
    Peer review is a very critical process, and we need to invest a lot of time in it. If you do a good peer review, it takes 5-6 hours to review and report writing.
  • $250-499
    1 to 2 hours of work is equal to attend 2 or 3 patients in ´private practice
  • $1,000-1,999
    One day is very little time, and a review requires several hours. Thus, to do a high-quality one day generally requires canceling other scheduled activities, and doing that can be costly. Thus, a high-quality review in one day requires high pay.
  • $500-999
    For a review within 1 Day of assignment, I feel that this amount ($500-999) is adequate. Reviewing a paper normally takes much longer than 1-2 hours of work. If the reviewer were allowed more time to complete the review, the amount could be less.
  • $250-499
    One day is a very tight schedule and all other appointments have to be cancelled to concentrate on peer review. A fee of USD 200-300 would therefore be required.
  • $2,000+
    Compensation will depend on the paper's difficulty level.
  • $500-999
    Generally my per hour rate ranges from $125 for not profit organizations to $300 for private corporations/hour.  If a person is familiar with the particular material it should not take too long to go through a manuscript.  BUT if the subject is peripheral or unknown to the reviewer a single day would not be sufficient to track down the existing open source literature.

  • $1-99
    $50 for a couple of hours of reviewing is acceptable.
  • $500-999
    I would need to drop other work to meet a 1 day deadline.
  • $0
    I believe it is my duty to provide peer review and expected as part of my paid job as an academic. However, I think that requiring a day's turnaround is unrealistic, and given the typical academic workload, will not enable enough time to provide a robust peer review. Therefore I would not take the offer, regardless of compensation.
  • $1-99
    I would have to quickly reorganize my plans, which could be problematic and could lead to a loss of earnings.
  • $500-999
    I normally consult for $300 per hour so fast turnaround n a day would equate to $500+
  • $500-999
    A well presented manuscript usually takes 2-3 hours of time and as a professional this wuld potentially represent 25-30% of usual renumeration
  • $100 -249
    One day task only
  • $100 -249
    The median of this pay range option. Assuming this is not the usual full review of original or systematic review articles that could take upto 4-5 hours of accumulated work, and reviews in writing around 500 word counts. 
  • $250-499
    Around $250-499 would be a reasonable range for compensation for performing a quick critical review of a publication in my area of expertise within one day. Here's the justification:

    1. Expertise and Time Invested: As an expert in the field, critically reviewing a publication may require in-depth knowledge and careful analysis to ensure the accuracy and relevance of assessments. Even though the review itself may only take about 1-2 hours of direct work, this is built on years of knowledge and experience that a reviewer brings to the table.

    2. Value of Time and Effort: The nature of the review within a day adds an additional time and effort pressure. This may involve detailed reading of the document, evaluating methodology, results, and discussion, and crafting constructive and detailed feedback within a short timeframe.

    3. Fair Compensation for Quality: Research indicates that compensated reviewers tend to produce more robust and high-quality reviews as payment acknowledges the value of the work and motivates the reviewer to dedicate the necessary time and effort for thorough review.

    4. Blinding of Identity and Use of Predetermined Criteria: The fact that the reviewer's identity is masked and the use of pre-defined evaluation criteria reduce the workload related to drafting and revising detailed comments, focusing more on objective and critical assessment of the content.

    Therefore, considering the value of time, effort, and expertise involved, compensation in the range of $250-499 would be fair and would incentivize qualified reviewers to dedicate themselves to reviewing publications with due diligence and quality.
  • $1,000-1,999
    Vast majority of the reviewers are professionals without free time. The hourly rate that is usually offered to oncologists and many other similar professionals is between $400-$500. The critical reviews usually take a few hours not 1-2 hours so $1000-$2000/day is reasonable.
  • $1-99
    From my point of view, it is essential to keep peer reviews with an adequate period for the revision process. A payment could be more of a symbolic incentive rather than an activity to receive extra money. This seems essential to keep the credibility and sustainability of the scientific system.  
  • $250-499
    Within one day deadline is an extremely tight deadline, so compensation should cover the entire day's work and some extra for the inconvenience. With more relaxed deadlines this amount could be lower.
  • $250-499
    Assuming that the peer review is done in good faith, I believe that the above costs are necessary in return for the concentration required to devote 1-2 hours to peer review. However, I am concerned that the quality of peer review will deteriorate if the current situation where peer review is not paid is changed to one where peer review is paid.
  • $500-999
    100 USD / hr rate for this type of work. 
  • $500-999
    A proper review in ones area of expertise would require the entire day - experts are usually academics on a higher level in some form - that would be the costs for staff to do the research or teaching for the day
  • $250-499
    My rate for consulting outside of peer review is $400/hour. To prioritize a peer review over my other obligations would require significant compensation. I am willing to take a lower rate since peer review is also part of my obligation as a scientist.
  • $250-499
    This amount would cover the time dedicated to the task, however, some questions arise on this matter: Will this amount be added to publications costs, already very high, especially on the open-access model? What about authors from LMIC who already suffer to afford publications?
  • $500-999
    "You could use a preset grading criteria, and little required writing (~1-2hrs of work)."
    > Do not agree with this statement. Reviewing a publication requires plenty of time to finish because we need to check it thoroughly. At least one day is necessary. If it is technical, several days is necessary. 
  • $250-499
    Hourly consulting rate, based on 2 hours of work.
  • $500-999
    A peer review takes time for analysing the novelty of work against literature, analysis of data and comparisons with other papers additional value, rigor used for the work amongst others. Doing all this within a day requires intense work and concentration.
  • $250-499
    about $300 seems reasonable
  • $100 -249
    Till date all reviews done by me have not been compensated for. Reviews require a lot of critical thinking and cross checking similar type of work. At the same time what works best is to not accept a bad paper and not reject a good paper in such a short time of one day.
  • $250-499
    If review is to be submitted within a day, that means it would require prioritization over few other important (and may be urgent) matters. Hence compensation here is to be considered not only for the time put in review, but also for rescheduling of other tasks. Anything above $300 may be okay as compensation.
  • $2,000+
    I belong to a developing country with worse economic crises than ever.
  • $500-999
    I would charge for the work itself, and for the fact that I would need to complete it outside my normal working hours. Given that the time is the most precious commodity, it would only be worth my while at least at this level. Especially since publishers charge enormous publication fees while getting the most important work (peer review) donated, this level would be more than fair. I would also go for the higher end of the range so that the amount after taxes is at least $600. I think peer review should be paid for in general. A normal 2-3 week turnaround should pay in the $50-100 range. Academics don’t get paid much, and reviewing 5-10 papers per month could be a welcome income supplement. 
  • $500-999
    One day is too little time. I would have to set aside the time to assure the review. I do not believe to make a paper peer review in two hours. The work would has to be several hours continously. 
  • $1-99
    The answer is based on current compensation package. In my current job I earn an estimated 37.5 USD an hour. I would have to do this extra work after hours. And under time pressure. So times 3.
  • $250-499
    When estimating the compensation for fulfilling an assignment on short notice, it is important to take into account not only the time that is required to fulfill the assignment but that there will be the need to cancel/postpone other important business or work outside normal working hours. 1 day's notice guarantees that this will be a necessity 
  • $100 -249
    Normal fee
  • $250-499
    My university bills my time as $400 an hour, and I would have to put off other work for this.
  • $100 -249
    I am happy to answer this question. Since I am new to Scipinion, I would charge a minimum amount, 200 $. Based on the work assigned, I may revise my charges later.
  • $100 -249
    A proper review requires a first reading of the manuscript, to evaluate it, a second detailed reading to address all the issues, so it takes several hours. To return it in one day requires to stop any other work, so it should be well paid. I consider between $100 and $249 adequate, as it should be something rare to ask 
  • $250-499
    Time in research is of great importance, therefore, motivating to respond critically to reviewers, I believe would be an appropriate promoter to advance the rapid publication of knowledge.
  • $500-999
    Because Publication has become a business, So when everyone is getting benefits, why don't the reviewers?
    Although we are performing this job free of cost, but when there is a compensation, it has to be at least as indicated.
  • $250-499
    Reviewing a paper is never 1 to 2 hrs of work, I usually spend 5-8 hours of work reviewing a paper. It includes looking for similar literature to ascertain the value provided by the paper and confirm that similar has not been published by authors elsewhere, it requires assessing the statistical methods chosen to answer the aims, it requires careful consideration of the methodology used and careful consideration of the impact on findings. Then there is 1-2 hours of just reviewing the writing. 
  • $1,000-1,999
    I’m a lecturer at university at morning and dentist afternoon so your notice will be short and it will be short time to review the manuscript 
  • $100 -249
    We all do it for free for all journals out there. However, considering the very short deadline, I think $200 is not too much for a rigorous peer-review, with clear indications on where the manuscript can be improved.
  • $250-499
    reviewing a paper robustly need around 3 hours
  • $500-999
    Even if it takes one to 2 hours its  previous experiences and expertise that are being compensated 
  • $250-499
    a compensation for time and need to prioritize review instead of other  duties
  • $100 -249
    Because it demands concentration and requires setting aside all other responsibilities, although it may seem like an easy task.
  • $100 -249
    I agree that a little compensation can elevate the quality of a review but I think that for a 1-2 hrs work less than 300 $ can be enough.
  • $250-499
    I would rarely be able to do a review of a paper this quickly during a working day, so would expect reasonable compensation to do it in the evening time.
  • $100 -249
    The publisher who are charging article processing fee must give value to the time of reviewer.
  • $2,000+
    It depends and may vary from nothing to $2,000+ for review depending on the nature and purpose of the review. For example, nothing to very little (<$500) if the review is for a paper that will immediately help the general public for a crisis and it is for a journal that doesn't charge for the publication. I may ask for what I charge for my consulting if the manuscript is for something that will generate revenue for a business and/or for a journal that charges for publications. 
  • $100 -249
    A critical review requires a focused reading of the paper from an experienced and highly qualified expert despite the little required writing
  • $250-499
    It has to be done in my spare time, in the extra time of 8+ hrs of normal work and for it I have to pay income tax, health contribution and likely go into another taxation bracket
  • $100 -249
    In my opinion, between $200 and $249 should be adequate as many obligations have to be put aside to complete the assignment in such a short time
  • $100 -249
    It ultimately depends on availability of time at the time of request.
  • $500-999
    The very strict deadline would cause me to rearrange previously scheduled meetings and tasks.
  • $100 -249
  • $500-999
    My rule of thumb is $100.00 per hour for preset criteria and no editing.  I am retired, on social security, and support only myself. Money is less of an issue than having the interest in doing the review.  My $100.00 per hour fee has not changed for a decade.  I change 5X for a quick turnaround to discourage such requests.
  • $250-499
    The outlined conditions are unrealistic. Critically reading a publication will normally already take at least 1 h. If it is already almost perfect, then perhaps another hour would be required to state this with some detail provided to corroborate the response. This is a rare exception. Most papers take considerably more time to comprehend and then provide detailed suggestions on improving various aspects
  • $1,000-1,999
    I believe that manuscript reviewing should be financially compensated. It's inconceivable that trained researchers invest their time and expertise in reviewing papers without any financial compensation in return. Why should they do it? For the sake of science? It seems abusive to me. Later, we can discuss what the compensation for such work could be.

  • $2,000+
    You must to leave all your work and dedicate exclusively to review the paper
  • $500-999
    My standard hourly rate is 200 USD; considering that return within 1 day is required, an express surcharge is to be applied Please further note that there are opportunity costs involved: if - at short notice - I have to review a paper, during that time I cannot earn my hourly fee as consultant; in addition, it being anonymous even a very good quality review will not bring in additional business.. 
  • $500-999
    Hat is the mean value for a correct salary related to the emergency... in this case.
  • $250-499
    It's a normal fee that journal offer in terms of coupan. Also, a 250 dollar is not much to give by European country and will be enough to encourage in peer reviewing properly. If the amount is good, you will give best with full heart. If it's near to a day salary, you will not prefer to do that work in one day. Instead you will focus on your daily work. So, more the amount offered, more people will seek to do work on time. This will also avoid delay in reviewing process  fostering the publication, thereby reducing time. 
  • $100 -249
    For short notice, a normal day's wages would be fair for an hour or 2
  • $250-499
    In my opinion, request for much money to review a manuscript shouldn't be a priority. One should be passion minded and unbiased. I feel if much money is always given to reviewers, most of them will give in to get cash. Hence, they won't thoroughly do much critiquing of the manuscript.
  • $100 -249
    Thats woughly what i make in the time it takes me to review a paper
  • $500-999
    Reviewing of papers require free time and adjust other works.
  • $250-499
    My professional billing rate is $375/hr. However, because peer review includes an element of professional courtesy, I would agree to such a review for $500.
  • $100 -249
    It does take and effort plus you need to use material and software that you lready paid for. Plus you are going to put other things on hold to complete this work
  • $500-999
    Basic consideration: Manuscript with mid-level complexity and size (manuscript ~40 page 1.5 line distance including all manuscript  sections without supplements, approx. 7 figures with up to 6 independent subitems) . Sufficient reviewer expertise to get instantly into the topic. 

    Understanding the basic story (abstract, figures) 0.5h
    reading the entire manuscript 2h
    cross-search in the literature 1h
    evaluation, writing evaluation resport (approx. 2 pages, 1 line distance) 1h 
    submission into an electronix system 0.5h
    In total for basic evaluation 5h, considering a rate of 100$/h; total basic costs 500$

    This a realistic time schedule for an qualified review that helps the authors to improve their manuscript.
    For rapid evaluation I would add an extra of 300$; total full costs 800$
  • $100 -249
    A thorough and serious peer review of a paper can take several days, especially to check the references' contents. Compressing in one day such work is possible but there must be a motivation and incentive for doing this. The amount of money indicated of course does not pay the work. It is just a symbolic recognition of the relevance of the work done by the reviewer.
  • $500-999
    A critical peer review takes at least about 3-4h, which should be then proportionate to salary and expert level (similar to top consultant). Urgency adds up
  • $100 -249
    While I do not generally agree that peer-review should be a paid task, it a manuscript requires a very strict review deadline then some compensation should be provided as the reviewer may need to take extra time in his/her day or use vacation time to complete the assignment.
  • $1,000-1,999
    that's how much an hour to 2 hours of expert work is evaluated for such a delay
  • $250-499
    it usually takes half day of work 
  • $250-499
    Compensation is a great source of motivation for reviewers. I have performed some revisions and having a compensation would be very encouraging. 
    If the revision must be done within one day of assignment, the compensation should be good enough for leaving your current day tasks and make the revision inmediately, postponing all your planned activities of the day.
  • $500-999
    Time is money as well..U cancel or delay some other ongoing issues in your academic center.
  • $250-499
    The short time requires that a significant amount should be paid for compensation. Considering most experts have a schedule already, this additional work may require in that day less family and rest time. 
  • $500-999
    One day for a review requires the elimination/rescheduling of many tasks and thus a considerable impact on my day/week. 
  • $100 -249
    Fair price for a high-quality peer review within that timeframe 
  • $100 -249
    as quick review required more time in one day only
  • $500-999
    This is what I charge in the UK for any one day of normal consultancy. So why not for an important review. If you pay peanuts you get monkeys. 
  • $100 -249
    It depends on how long and complex is the paper. I always do my best on any review of clinical papers, and is absolutely common the need of a review of the literature and a very carefully global revision, so I think an amount of 100-150$ (considering the value of the euro at the moment of the work) could be a just compensation, considering the privilege of being asked to do an important contribution to scientific knowledge.
    Kind regards,
    Dr. Omar Walid Muquebil Ali Al Shaban Rodríguez 
    -Addiction medicine
    -Dual pathology 
    -Bipolar disorder
    -PSSD investigation 
    -Healthcare Quality Research 

  • $1,000-1,999
    If a review needs to be conducted within a day, it has to be well compensated as time is of utmost importance to a clinician and to complete the task is near impossible and has to be well rewarded 
  • $250-499
    I have difficulties understanding why a peer review is that urgent that only one day notice is needed.

  • $100 -249
    1-2 hours of my work cost around 150-200$, and this defined my choice. If I am not restricted in time and the article is interesting for me, I will revise for free, but not with the 1-day condition.
  • $100 -249
    Within 1 day would probably involve me working in my time that evening and missing out on pre-planned activity so I would not only need to be compensated for my time but also reimbursed for additional costs, whether needing a taxi to get to somewhere quicker than walking or public transport, ordering in food delivery, paying for a cleaner/tradesman for a job around the home I would have done instead etc. So would require the top end of this band.
  • $250-499
    Takes almost 8 hours to critically review a manuscript. 
  • $500-999
    It will require the on-day adjustment of my activities.
  • $1,000-1,999
    1-2 hours of work for a quality review seems low, especially if one must access some of the referenced literature, and depending on the quality of the manuscript. Great manuscripts are quicker to review, but my experience is these are rare.   Another factor would be how much constructive feedback would be expected to help authors improve the manuscript. 
    The answer is based on an estimated hourly rate for a mid to senior PhD-level scientist in industry or academic, and the necessity to get behind on other work in order to prioritize the manuscript review and complete quickly, i.e., other work responsibilities/assignments would be delayed or suffer in order to complete a quick review on short notice.   
  • $250-499
    I am of the opinion that encouraging reviewers is a good way to get the best out of them.
    Although their contribution is priceless, it should be made clear that you're not really paying for the service, but you are compensating the peer reviewer. If a peer review would be done within a day, it implies that the reviewer has set aside every other thing to stay put on the article being reviewed.
  • $250-499
    This would be appropriate for the level of qualification, work being done and the turn around time required. 
  • $100 -249
    It corresponds more or less to my current daily salary. I don't do review to earn money but rather to contribute to the society.
  • $500-999
    This will serve as compensation for the reviewer’s  time and energy and the intellectual quality giver it he review 
  • $250-499
    I provide consulting services at a rate that ranges from ~$175 - $235 depending on the technical level of the effort required. The range indicated is consistent with an expectation of ~ 2 hours of work. However, I'd like to point out that a more thorough review, including verification of references and citations, could easily take 4 or 5 hours, especially if thoughtfully development feedback and critique are provided. On the question of rapid turn-around, perhaps a slightly higher rate would be appropriate, but I'm also of the opinion that a person that simply doesn't have the time to commit to the effort should decline the request. How much of an emergency can writing a review really be, after all? 
  • $250-499
    You are not only paid for the working time (1-2hrs), but what will influence the compensation the most will be the "within 1 Day of assignment":
  • $100 -249
    The compensation for paper peer review is based on the length of the article, depth of knowledge required to provide constructive criticism and useful feedback for further improvements to the manuscript before being considered for publication 
  • $250-499
    This is based on my current hourly rate of $150/hour for urgent tasks
  • $1-99
    A critical review with high-quality input for the betterment of the research deserves to be paid. However, overcharging these processes would burden the aspiring researchers who want to avail these publications. Considering these two factors and to balance the situation, the reviewer can be paid between 1-50$ based on the Journal standard
  • $250-499
    One day is a very short time. To review an aticle in such a rush time need a substantial reward! By the way, it is hard to do an accurate review in just one day, it depends by the paper, if there are many data and experiments, it could be also impossible in one day. This procedure could affect the quality of the published papers.
  • $100 -249
    In case of open access journal which are charging lot of article processing fee must pay some remuneration to reviewers for completing review process timely. Further for completing reviewing process with in one day of assignment means the reviewer is priotising this over routine job work and other commitments. So a handsome amount is justifiable. 
  • $250-499
    It needs to stop other possible burning issues to complete the review thin this short peroid. 
  • $1,000-1,999
    I might say that value because some editorials offer wavers between 500-1000$ after reviewing some manuscripts within a week.
  • $100 -249
    Reviewing a paper in one day means leaving normal activities at the university for at least a couple of hours, if they take place within working hours.
  • $250-499
    To ensure a rapid (24h) but above all critical review, you need to dedicate a good part of the time of the day to carrying out research on the latest data, selecting those relating to the work in question and making your experience and critical issues available to give the right suggestions that they can add value to the work
  • $1,000-1,999
    Most of the time is sent for a critical reading review and critically analyzing the manuscript data. Each manuscript is different and the use of Engish language is also important. The actual price is 150-200 euro per hr.
  • $0
    Peer-review for journals is a professional responsibility of scientists. To maintain the integrity of the process, it needs to be voluntary. Payment for certain peer-reviews of documents outside of the formal peer-review process would be acceptable but not in the peer-review process for professional scientific journals.
  • $250-499
    The acuteness of the task merits a higher compensation.
  • $1,000-1,999
    1-2 h of my work for $1500 with very short notice (1d) is what I would bill privately.
  • $2,000+
    I'll have to stop all my activities for work to complete a peer review within a day.
  • $250-499
    This would account for the value of my time and the tasks I need to rearrange to perform the review on the timescale requested.
  • $1-99
    Manuscript review is a highly specialized task that requires extensive knowledge in specific areas. In some cases, the review requires several days or several time intervals. The idea of ​​the manuscript must be understood in order to make suggestions or proposals appropriate to the nature of the work.
  • $1,000-1,999
    This would be about 3 to 4 hours of work for a detailed and comprehensive work. 
  • $1-99
    Something along the lines of $30-40 per hour of work is acceptable, though the fee may increase if the specialty subject is particularly niche or challenging
4 votes 4 0 votes
05/08/2024 10:03
Please keep in mind the hourly rate for which a plumber or electrician will bill you for a repair in your house.

Individuals with content-specific expertise who have a PhD are selling themselves short if they are essentially willing to work for $50 per hour or less.
2 votes 1 1 vote
05/08/2024 10:25
CROs can easily charge >$1500 per hour for consultancy in life sciences to pharma. My Uni typically charges $250 per hour. 
Why should we be reviewing research papers for these journals when we see no compensation? 
This should stop. 
1 vote 0 1 vote
05/08/2024 10:27
I second the previous comment (keeping in mind other specialists' -which plumbers and electricians certainly are- wages), but from the opposite angle. You deserve a decent pay, but demanding 2k for a job that really does not take tremendous effort or time is riddiculous and priviledged.

A modest gratification for a job we're doing as community servise is a good idea, mostly because it allows those in a less fortunate financial situation to contribute, and in result diversifies the voices. A bonus for a quick turn around is a really nice idea. But really, chill your egos folks.
05/08/2024 12:53
Why you want to normalize the Science on the basis of money?
05/08/2024 14:07
Please keep in mind that reviews of manuscripts submitted to first rate pharmacology/toxicology journals like Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology or Toxicological Sciences have always been and continue to be volunteer efforts.  I assume the commenters to this post all have substantial (perhaps 100 or more) publications to their credit and these authors have never paid for journal submissions and editorial/peer reviews.  Why would a journal reviewer charge for reviews of your paper since no doubt others have reviewed your work and that of others as professional courtesy?  While a journal reviewer must disclose conflict of interest the manuscript authors must be certain there are no financial barriers or conflicts as would be the case if journals/editors charged for submissions.  It seems possible - even probable - that low rank low impact score publications may take $$ just to publish vanity articles but an established career scientist employed by a reputable organization can easily see through those problematic sources. 
1 vote 1 0 votes
05/08/2024 22:21
I believe, for society journals not asking any APC, we should continue to offer free review. However for commercial publihsers, there is no point in offering ourselves as free labourers. The money we get from a commercial publisher can always be used for supporting our lab or Ph.D. students. 
05/09/2024 00:54
To speed up reviews, or conduct more than I have allocated, requires me to work overtime away from my family and I feel this should be compensated. The suggestion that a review takes 1-2 hours is nonsense or those are just quick over view of the paper and are not what should be considered a peer-reviewed review. I spend much more time on a review I often read the latest literature on the specific topic to ensure I am up to date when reviewing the paper before I start. Then I evaluate the methods and statistical analysis analytically and the interpretation of the findings in the review. This is to ensure the reader's time is not wasted on a hastily written and reviewed paper. I think less is more. We should not be aiming for hundreds of publications but tens of good quality high-impact publications that come from wide collaborations. 
05/09/2024 14:12
I feel being onto the mean value and I am happy with that!
05/12/2024 14:50
How much would Scipinion pay me   Does anybody know. 
05/16/2024 02:41
The issue here is that you should not only be paid for the time it takes to perform the task, but also for the urgency required. The less time one has, the more one must prioritize the task required, and this must be paid for.

05/21/2024 09:52
Authors should not get effected by the reviewer payments 
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