(241 Answers)

Answer Explanations

  • Not Sure
    It depends on how much it was used for the whole publication. If it was used to just assist with grammar, creating tables out of already human made text, then no.
  • Yes
    Definitely, along with an explanation that describes exactly how it was used and the extent of the AI contribution.
  • No
    Its just software, do we disclose using Word?
  • Yes
    It should be disclosed like consulting for pharmaceuticals 
  • Yes
    Absolutely.  To me, AI calls into question all of the statements made by the authors because AI is not always right.  See the example of ChatGPT telling people to eat pebbles at every meal. 
  • Not Sure
    It depends on whether it was used as a data-gathering or sorting tool (in which case, disclose may not be necessary), or to generate text/discussion/conclusions (in which case, yes, because AI wrote your paper).  
  • Yes
    The use of AI in the production of a publication should be disclosed for several important reasons consistent with ethical standards, transparency, and academic integrity:
    Disclosing the use of AI ensures transparency in the research process, allowing readers and reviewers to fully understand how the publication was produced. This transparency is essential to maintaining the integrity of scholarly communication, as it provides a clear account of all tools and methods used in the research and writing process.
    Just as researchers are expected to acknowledge the contributions of collaborators and specific tools or software, the role of AI should be similarly acknowledged. This acknowledgment respects the contributions of all resources involved in producing the publication and ensures that reliance on AI is documented.
    Ethical guidelines in scholarly publishing emphasize honesty and openness. By disclosing the use of AI, authors adhere to these principles and foster trust within the scientific community. It helps maintain standards of ethical research practice by providing a comprehensive view of the methods used.
    Detailed disclosure of AI use allows other researchers to replicate and verify the results. Understanding the specific AI tools and algorithms used can be critical for replication studies and for those who want to build on the research. It provides insight into the methodologies that were critical to the study's conclusions.
    Knowing that AI was involved in producing a publication provides context for evaluating the results. Readers and reviewers can better assess the strengths and limitations of the study by understanding the role of AI in data analysis, interpretation, or text generation. This context is important for a thorough and fair evaluation of the work.
    In summary, disclosing the use of AI in the production of a publication is a practice that is consistent with the principles of transparency, acknowledgment, ethical integrity, reproducibility, and comprehensive evaluation. It ensures that all aspects of the research process are openly shared and promotes a trustworthy and ethical scientific environment.
  • Yes
    See above
  • Yes
    See above
  • Yes
    I hadn't seen this question when answering the previous one.  "Disclosed" is what I meant by the declaration I mentioned in #2 above.
  • Yes
    Same answer. A program is only as good as the programmer. If the programmer isn't the 'author', this needs to be divulged.
  • Not Sure
    I have a strong opinion that AI should not be used in generating a paper; a research article is based on data generated by the researcher, which AI cannot support. Its interpretation should also be made on the basis of the researcher's reasonable, logical thinking.
  • Yes
    See answer 2.
  • Yes
    see up
  • Yes
    It's important for readers to know AI was used in generating parts of the paper
  • Yes
    Yes, say it in the acknowledgement.
  • Not Sure
    Depends on context and level of usage. Grey area.
  • Yes
    Yes, if AI was used in the process of generating a publication, it is better to disclose this information. It can be properly acknowledged in the methods or acknowledgments section of the publication. It maintains the transparency and integrity of the publication. 
  • Yes
    Readers should know if any or all that they are reading were computer (AI) generated or not. 
  • Yes
    I believe it will be used anyway, but it will be good manners to acknowledge it, the same one mentions the equipment used.
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Yes because is not correct someone’s use if other no and have their papers disclosed
  • Yes
    of course
  • Yes
    Definitely. In fact, some journals now require such disclosure.
  • Yes
    Honest use of data 
  • Yes
    Yes, it is like as Excel, SPSS, R, ...
    In the statistical analysis section, we express which software was used for analysis, so I think we should express this. 
  • No
    If all softwares and graphics and also disclosed AI can also be disclosed
  • Yes
    same as above
  • Yes
    Like any other tools used in the study, the methodology of using AI should be clearly described so that the method can be reproduced. 
  • Yes
    Just like we often acknowledge people that helped in writing an article, but are may not be appropriate to list as authors.
  • Yes
    it is important to know wether assitance was provided, and how much these tools were used
  • Yes
    Yes, may be acknowledged as oer the authors opinion.
  • Yes
    See answer for 2 above
  • Yes
    It won't; if AI could write something new or create a good joke I might reconsider; until then for me, in natural sciences AI is a no go with exceptions , rather than a new tool in the box for regular uses.
  • No
    É apenas uma ferramenta. 
  • Yes
    I think it could diminish the value of the publication because it was not written by the creator of the work.
  • Yes
    As stated, it removes much of the process of research and produces content which is simply remixing prior work - using such content does not require anything from the author and they should not be credited for using such content.
  • Yes
    Yes it should, as mentioned, journals ensure both authors and reviewers need to sign a disclaimer and state that no AI was used to generate the manuscript and the review.
  • Yes
    Every participation should be appreciated 
  • Not Sure
    It is up to the author(s).
  • Yes
    See answer to 2
  • Yes
    Same as answer to #2sssss
  • Yes
    Here the caveat is the nature of reliance on AI.  Grammar, spelling, thesaurus type assistance need not be disclosed.  Otherwise, it should be handled in a manner similar to reliance on statistical packages or model output.  Rules for sharing the prompts and other assumptions need to be along the lines of disclosing code for computational models.  Here the challenge is that due to the continual update of information scoured by AI, a run tomorrow may not yield similar output as a run from yesterday.
  • Yes
    It is ethical to disclose when AI generated content. The author(s) are still responsible for that content. 
  • Yes
    The use of AI tools should be disclosed in order to increase reliability and reproducibility, and to increase scrutiny of unreliable or incorrect information that might be present in the text.
  • Yes
    Yes as we acknowledge who help and also disclose any conflict as well as funding sources, so yes.
  • No
    I do not feel it is relevant, as it is more important that any formation in the publication is accurate and the explanations are well described. Whether that is your own effort or assisted is not relevant, unless you are claiming credit for the work of others.
  • Yes
    Yes. It should be disclosed. For transparency.

  • No
     AI should not be used in the process 
  • Yes
    it is crucial to mention that when submitting a manuscript
  • Yes
    Readers should know that the publication was AI generated
  • Yes
    Everyone should know how scietific paper has been written
  • Not Sure
    Depends on the level of involvement 
  • Yes
    It is proper to let the reviewers know that AI was used to generate a publication. 
  • No
    It is not required to disclose contributions of human language correcting services. I do not see why it would be different for AI
  • Not Sure
    This is one of the issues that should be discussed as it is an open problem.
  • Yes
    Devious question and response. Most journals demand explanation and description of how AI was used.
  • Yes
    A statement in authorship contribution regarding how it was used adds transparency 
  • Yes
    Any use of AI should be disclosed and its extent explained. If the authors can't specifically describe and delimit AI's effect on their output (i.e. it is a black box), they have an uncontrolled variable. 
  • Yes
    It is mandatory to disclose the use of AI in Material & Methods, including the protocol of using it, search phrases etc.
  • Yes
    Yes, if AI was used in the process of generating a publication, it should be disclosed. Transparency is essential for maintaining scientific integrity. Researchers should clearly state the role of AI in data analysis, model development, or any other aspect of the research. This disclosure ensures that readers understand the methods employed and can assess the study’s validity.
  • Yes
    Doing so will ensure transparency and integrity in the research process.
  • Yes
    Yes in the acknowledgement section
  • Yes
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