(237 Answers)

Answer Explanations

  • Summarization Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    As long as AI is used as a tool for assistance, and not for full writing, then this is fine.
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Review of literature, paraphrasing
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction
    AI should be harnessed to make our lives easier and to remove tedious or time-consuming tasks, but the output should ultimately be checked and verified by a human.
  • Other (Please explain below)
    Authors can do what they want, but AI requires such careful editing - when does it really help create a good piece of science?
  • Other (Please explain below)

  • Summarization Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    It can help with summary and text checking as it is reshaping something already written 
  • Text checking and correction
    The author should be able to write and organize all aspects of the paper.
    AI, a complex algorithm, functioning from memory, the structure of the algorithm, and copying previous work,
    should not be part of the writer or scientists work. It slowly will, by offering certain options rather than others, affect the intellectual context of the piece. It should be limited.
  • Other (Please explain below)
    Not appropriate
  • Abstract creation
    I would say it was a short cut, but I wouldn't even want AI to create the abstract. 
  • Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    data gathering or sorting (literature searches, for example)
  • Abstract creation Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    AI can be a valuable tool in the publication process, particularly for tasks such as abstract writing, data analysis, and text review and correction. These features leverage the capabilities of AI to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and quality of scientific writing. AI can help create concise and coherent abstracts by summarizing key points from the body of the text. This is particularly useful for ensuring that the abstract accurately reflects the research objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Using natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, AI can extract and highlight the most important information, creating a well-structured summary that helps readers quickly grasp the essence of the study. This task saves researchers time and ensures consistency in the summarization process.
    Data analysis is one of the most important areas where AI can be used effectively. AI algorithms can process large data sets quickly and accurately, identifying patterns, trends, and correlations that would be difficult and time-consuming for humans to identify. For example, machine learning models can be trained to analyze complex data and provide insights that are critical to research conclusions. In addition, AI can automate routine analytical tasks such as statistical analysis and data visualization, improving the accuracy and reliability of results.
    Ensuring that a publication is free of grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies is critical to maintaining professional quality and readability. AI-powered tools, such as advanced grammar checkers and style editors, can help significantly in this regard. These tools can detect and correct errors, suggest improvements for clarity and conciseness, and ensure adherence to specific formatting and style guidelines. By automating the proofreading process, AI helps authors produce polished and well-structured manuscripts, reducing the likelihood of errors that could affect the credibility of the publication.
  • Summarization Text checking and correction
    Focus tasks only
  • Other (Please explain below)
    As composition of data to be fact checked by han
  • Abstract creation Text checking and correction
    As in #1 above, I hesitate to endorse AI for generating conclusions from data because of many instances where this process has absurdly missed the mark because of some glitch or unanticipated roadblock.
  • Summarization Data Analysis
    If the author is incapable of creating a summary, OK to ask for help. Data analysis often requires some outside help, e.g., in the plotting of graphs.
  • Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    AI should be intelligently used to improve the quality of the presentation.
  • Summarization Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
  • Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Making sure the formatting required by the journal is followed, and fix significant digits (a big issue in current scientific literature), missing citations are suggested to the authors.  If any of the main components are created by the AI, the the authors have not done what we consider to be science.  Abstract creation, summarization and conclusions are all communication skills that good scientists have to acquire, just like good, honest scientific practices in obtaining data.  If these are turned over to AI, then the scientist is taking false credit, which is no different than plagiarism. 
  • Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    I use AI to correct my work and spot errors in my code for data analysis. However, everything should be done by supervising the AI work.  
  • Summarization Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Paraphrasing etc
  • Abstract creation Summarization Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    The methods section.
  • Abstract creation Summarization Text checking and correction
    Rewrite text
  • Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Some of the other tasks that are appropriate to use AI in the process of writing a publication can be for formatting references and checking for compliance with journal guidelines, among others.
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    I think AI can help with any of these and also the Introduction section, but thoroughly reviewing and revising any AI output is essential.
  • Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
  • Abstract creation Summarization Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Outlining for manuscript preparation, cover letter creation, and mini abstracts for social media.
  • Text checking and correction
    However, I am sure it will be used for all tasks.
  • Other (Please explain below)
    None.  People need to be responsible for what they write and keep unpublished  from being cited.  We have seen instances where AI has insisted a reference exists but in reality, it only exits in its data base
  • Conclusions
    Literature search if it can be verified.
  • Text checking and correction
    Only for checking and corrections in text!
  • Text checking and correction
    For people like me, who do not have English as their first language, AI can be a useful tool to verify possible grammatical and syntactic errors.
  • Abstract creation Text checking and correction
    Text checking and correction seem obvious to me, since that's already done by Word and other MS Office software. "Perhaps" it would be OK for abstract creation, though I would expect that authors should look over the AI-generated content thoroughly and make any necessary revisions to ensure that the authors' aims, methods, results, and conclusions are appropriately presented.
  • Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction
    Available data are utilized 
  • Text checking and correction
    AI shouldn't be used at all.
    Research should still be performed by human beings
  • Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Improving text, grammatic, sentence structure and logic.
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    In whatever way the AI is used, the results SHOULD be checked by a human. 
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    All can be appropriate for AI in the process of writing a publication. However, AI should not be the final word on any parts of a publication.
  • Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Spell checking is great (especially for me as a non-native English speaker). AI has its use in analysis of photos or figures (radiology, histology), and might be useful for literature searches. Otherwise, its disadvantages by far outweigh any advantage; for analysis of numbers, conclusions, generating hypotheses AI is not ingenuous, and thus inappropriate (at the minimum).
  • Abstract creation Summarization Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Checking the bibliography, drawing the tables and figures. 
  • Other (Please explain below)
    No máximo como uma forma de induzir uma criatividade 
  • Other (Please explain below)
    Not for writing at all; just in the creation of images/tables/graphics
  • Abstract creation Summarization Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Title generation
  • Text checking and correction
    Drafting assistance
  • Summarization Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Facilitate code writing and generating ideas.
  • Data Analysis
    A cumulative presentation of data will support authors analysis of the data to make a better comparison and outcomes thereof.
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction
    Aid but not exclusive
  • Text checking and correction
    AI can be used in all the options listed in the survey, but not alone, it has be checked, original references must be cited and if specific arguments or logical conclusions are made they must be confirmed and re-argued by authors. 
  • Data Analysis Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
  • Other (Please explain below)
    It depends on the field, but in the case of dealing with very large datasets then it might be permissible.
  • Other (Please explain below)
    Perhaps AI could have an input into writing an introduction, leading to the main rationale for the publication. 
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Add proper bibilography & true references in the required format 
  • Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    In general the first draft of all elements of the manuscript should be done by an author.  AI should be used to improve the draft.
  • Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    These parts can be better if done by AI 
  • Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Creation of graphic content
  • Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    I am 78 and still publishing. I rely on a computer and Word. Sometimes, I use Dragon to create reports for clients. Over the past 5+ years, I have used Grammarly. However, I have yet to use the newer functions. 
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    All of the above are appropriate for use of AI, though its use should be acknowledged.
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Other: word choices such as thesaurus suggestions may be considered under "text checking" but offered here explicitly.  Each of the others, checked are acceptable so long as the authors vet the output by thinking of each as suggestions, not as final products.
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Other: background; literature review. In my experience AI is not reliable enough to use its output as-is. However, it can be useful for brainstorming and possibly identifying gaps that should have been considered. 
  • user-779737
    The readers have a right to know who wrote what.
  • Summarization Data Analysis
    AI tools for data analysis have potential in areas such as corpus analysis, as well as molecular prediction. AI can also be useful in making lay summaries.
  • Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    At this point, I think using AI for data analysis and checking text for correction is fine; however, it is too early to say about creating other sections. We need to know more about the process AI uses in preparing manuscripts before giving my opinion about everything in this question.
  • Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    For overall enhancement of the paper AI are very useful.
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    Abstract creation, summarization, data analysis. Text checking and correction.

  • Abstract creation Text checking and correction
    Its the authors job to analyse data and conclude the research
  • user-785535
    To test for any sort of possible plagiarism, right writing (e.g., syntax) and editing, lack of consistency among citations and references, or among cited tables, figures, supplementary materials etc. and their presence in the work
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction
    AI helps in all of these processes
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    AI is the tool of the future. we should not shy away from using it. 
  • Abstract creation Summarization Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    I would not trust AI, just yet, for all data analysis and to derive conclusions about the main findings of the scientific work.
  • Other (Please explain below)
    Gathering of background information 
  • Summarization Text checking and correction
    AI should only be used to fine-tune a publication and not to be used as a primary tool for writing the publication.
  • Abstract creation Text checking and correction
    Because I feel that way
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction
    It can enhance all sections of publications (just as we use text editors and image editors).
  • Summarization Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Providing suggestions on tools for data analysis.
  • Other (Please explain below)
    All are appropriate, provided it is acknowledged in the publication, and the written material is actually the authors work.
  • Abstract creation Text checking and correction Other (Please explain below)
    Translation to English as most publications must be in English AI has the potential to greatly assist non-native speakers 
  • Other (Please explain below)
    AI is substituting for human participation. Exactly how it did so should be disclosed. If that disclosure requires more effort (i.e., is costlier) than relying on human participation the decision is already made. Of course, one workaround is having AI explain how it did what it did, including how it explained its explanation (etc.) 
  • Data Analysis Text checking and correction
    The author(s) must fully understand results of the AI work and able to analyse and summarise them.
  • Abstract creation Summarization Data Analysis Conclusions Text checking and correction
    AI can assist with various tasks in the process of writing a publication:
    1. Abstract Creation: AI can generate concise and informative abstracts summarizing the study’s key findings, methods, and significance.
    2. Summarization: AI tools can summarize lengthy articles, research papers, or datasets, helping researchers quickly grasp essential information.
    3. Data Analysis: AI algorithms can analyze large datasets, identify patterns, and extract meaningful insights. This aids in drawing robust conclusions.
    4. Conclusions: While AI doesn’t formulate creative insights, it can assist by highlighting significant results or trends for researchers to interpret.
    5. Text Checking and Correction: AI-driven grammar and spell checkers improve writing quality, ensuring accurate and polished manuscripts.
    6. Other: AI can also assist in literature review, citation management, and even suggesting relevant references.
  • Abstract creation Summarization Conclusions
    Because these tasks involve enhancing efficiency and accuracy without replacing the critical thinking, originality, and intellectual contributions of the researcher(s)
  • Abstract creation Summarization Conclusions Text checking and correction
    For any of these task, AI could be use as an aid to write a first draft, but the human author should always review the text and make adjustments.
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