SciPoll 640: Impact of publication bias
What reforms do you think would be most effective in encouraging the publication of null or negative results?
(202 Answers)
Answer Explanations
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous research Other (please specify)user-74194Teaching both humility about one's state of knowledge and critical thinking from middle school onward.
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-683654People should be promoted, not just on publications, but various factors such as teaching experience, ability to attract grants, professional experience, activity in learned societies, and a host of other factors.
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous research Other (please specify)user-15550Pre-registration of all projects
- Other (please specify)user-82487Ask the authors to repeat the tests to prove that negative results are reproducible.
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous research Other (please specify)user-523578Expect and monitor publication for all funded research, regardless of outcomes
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Other (please specify)user-395453Favoring the study robustness over the attractiveness of the results.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-649046The journal policy and publication culture should change - It must require all results to be submitted and if found scientifically, technically and methodically acceptable should promote its publication and wider distribution.
- Other (please specify)user-583633Educating scientists how to do better science. If writing a negative results paper training scientists to understand what of any value the publication brings to the scientific community
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-753537Registration of protocols before the start of any study + requirement to follow up by publishing results. Not sure about dedicated journals but I would suggest more platforms or options to publish these findings easily, e.g. in short reports or online databases
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-561710academia is just a romantic idea at this point and we need to re-evaluate how we incentivize research
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-606148It should be standard practice to require at least an archival notice of research in progress, before the outcome is known. Then the final research report should be paired with the original notice, to indicate that the study was in fact completed. Academic incentive structures should review what proportion of studies initiated were actually completed and published or at least archived, as well as the quality of the study design in peer review.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous research Other (please specify)user-773118Encourage high quality researches on what have been published and widely accepted. Personally, some of my inventions are based on disproving what have been established (but wrong as found by me). For examples, some metalloporphyrins and photosensitizers such as hypericin for photodynamic therapy (PDT) were regarded as tumoritropic or tumor-seeking agents, but they turned out to be necrosis-avid by my re-evaluations, which have been exploited to develop contrast agents for imaging myocardial infarction or stroke, and radionuclide-conjugated agents for targeted broad-spectrum anticancer theragnostics.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Other (please specify)user-409588Submission of the methods along with statistical analysis to prior to the conduction of the study.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-951310A combination of the options made available could be a start toward encouraging publication of null or negative results.
- Other (please specify)user-388091I do not believe this is a problem. A rigorous study is published somewhere even if it is negative - its only the magazines that won't publish such stuff but many legitimate journals that will. Moreover, if one simply wants to release a negative result, there are archives such as bioRxiv, that are very reputable and even PubMed cited so everyone can find them. The latter is fairly new, but for example, my lab could not reproduce a prominent magazine article's results and so we posted our results in bioRxiv and it got very good response, people now know not to waste their time, and we could move on, having done our duty to the scientific community.
- Other (please specify)user-235868There is a trend in publishing negative results. For now I think that regulators should stay out of this.
- user-414245Null results are easy to achieve by testing hypotheses where the connections are tenuous to begin with. With few exceptions, science moves forward by positive results. A few decades back, publication was a costly and time consuming enterprise. It would have been impossible to "publish all results". Today, it is not expensive to publish on-line, but still, the idea of publishing "all results" is ill conceived. There is already more publications than even specialists can read. Maybe if AI takes over all science, null results can be published, since the AI can sort through them electronically.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcomeuser-861631Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome, would be a crucial reform to reduce publication bias and promote scientific integrity. This approach would ensure that all data collected during research is shared with the scientific community, providing a more complete and accurate picture of reality. Publishing all results, including null or negative ones, would help avoid duplication of efforts and allow for a better understanding of the phenomena being studied. Additionally, this transparency could foster trust in the scientific process by demonstrating that the validity of research does not depend on positive results but on methodological rigor and honesty in data presentation.
- Other (please specify)user-520983Changing the scientific journal's incentive to value all rigorous research
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcomeuser-8496If the submitted research publication is based on correct questions / hypotheses then the eventual result should be published whether positive or negative.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-149459Encourage journals to adopt policies that require the publication of all registered clinical trials, regardless of the outcome.
Funding agencies can require that all results, including null or negative results, be published as a condition of the grant. - Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-650602Somehow, someway the whole article publishing system needs rebuilt. The predatory journals that siphon money away from the sciences. Journals charge an exorbitant sum to publish, another crazy amount to libraries for access, and yet another to read if you don't have access thru your institution! That is a huge problem that keeps negative results from being published. And that they charge these amounts, without producing physical journals anymore, but they still rely on unpaid labor! Mostly there is institutional pressure on young scientist to give their time freely, and then older PIs push the work off on others.
- Other (please specify)user-584178Changing minds among scientists, especially clinician-scientists. Understanding what NOT to do is important as well.
- Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous research Other (please specify)user-612527educate journal editors about the importance of replication and null findings...
- Other (please specify)user-673264No comments
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous research Other (please specify)user-781389sending controversial papers to experts in the fields employed (ie, immunology, genetics) rather than experts in the field (ie, paleontology) that are not familiar with the methods or controls employed.
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-570468I think we should value rigorous and reproducible research, even if the results aren't great. This would encourage the development of good study protocols and using appropriate methodologies. Hopefully!
- Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous research Other (please specify)user-676656Pre-acceptance of papers (before results known) in the more prestigious journals
- Creating dedicated journals for null or negative resultsuser-508906Embedding negative results in studies that also show relevant differences
- Other (please specify)user-293647I feel having guidance for reviewers for the consideration of negative results would be useful. Product stewardship support is very important for industry and should be important for everyone.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results Other (please specify)user-640071Honest reviewing and financial incentives to honest reviewers.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-765807
- Requiring the publication of all study results: Mandating that researchers publish all their findings, regardless of outcome, would reduce selective reporting and ensure transparency.
- Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results: Establishing journals specifically for negative or inconclusive findings provides a platform for sharing this important information. Researchers would be more likely to submit such results if they have a dedicated outlet.
- Changing academic incentive structures: Shifting away from rewarding only positive results and emphasizing rigorous research would motivate scientists to publish null or negative findings. This could involve recognizing pre-registered studies, replication efforts, and transparent reporting.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-902950All three propositions are good and valid. Rigorous research will always generate a mixture of results - positive or negative - though the incentives to publish the latter are lacking. The knowledge about negative results would likely curtail some unnecessary studies to be taken by other research groups/lines, thus maximizing time, money, and human resources.
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-534444Registered reports (or at least time-stamped preregistrations)
- Creating dedicated journals for null or negative resultsuser-731929I believe that negative results are extremely important and deserve special attention; unfortunately, to change current practices is very difficult; thus, it is faster and more efficient to have special journals.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-232888That's correct. The reforms above should help!
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous research Other (please specify)user-11487Pressure on journals to publish equal numbers of positive and negative studies.
- Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-887682In fact some journals are publishing null or negative results. However, these limited in number journals are open access and not everyone can pay publication fee. Subscription journals can be offered for example. In addition, academicians should be encouraged to publish true results after rigorous research.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-787588There are some journals already dedicated to negative results. However, the main goal would be to change the way reviewers and editors evaluate manuscripts
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-971114Publication of research conducted via rigorous study should be considered
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-828172To understand, and appreciate, that a negative, or null, outcome can provoke a reader to question accepted norms.
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-887652Unfortunately the only way to do this is to eliminate financial incentives at every level.
- Creating dedicated journals for null or negative resultsuser-350867NTP did this with their research report series. Particularly for their work in crumb rubber. Really hard to get exposure to these particles and they published what did not work and the little that did. Prevents others from making the same mistakes and wasting precious research dollars
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous researchuser-111275Null or negative results could be the inicial insigth to other positive results
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcomeuser-525512This can be achieved by the implementation of policies stating that results from all studies, regardless of their magnitude or direction of effect, be published. This would ensure transparency and prevent selection bias that might affect research in general.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of outcome Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous research Other (please specify)user-725842
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of the outcome: Mandating all research outcomes would ensure that null or negative results are included in the scientific literature, providing a more comprehensive evidence base.
- Creating dedicated journals for null or negative results: Establishing journals specifically for null or negative results would provide a platform for these studies, encouraging publication and recognition.
- Changing academic incentive structures to value all rigorous research: Reforming academic incentives to value all well-conducted research, regardless of the outcome equally, would reduce the pressure to produce positive results and promote the publication of null or negative findings.
- Other (please specify): Implement policies that promote open data sharing and transparency, encourage peer reviewers and editors to consider the scientific rigour and methodology rather than the results, and increase awareness about the importance of null and negative results in advancing science.
- Requiring the publication of all study results, regardless of the outcome: Mandating all research outcomes would ensure that null or negative results are included in the scientific literature, providing a more comprehensive evidence base.