(126 Answers)

Answer Explanations

  • Very concerned it will do more harm then good
    Artificial research often simplify too much the data published, so that it often supply a simplistic view to the members of the scientific community.
  • Very concerned it will do more harm then good
    Integration of AI into health related algorithms risks perpetuating bias that could be incredibly harmful.
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    Journal editors use AI detection software to detect AI language in writing. This is absolute laziness, and journal editors who do this should be removed from academia and shunned.
  • Very optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
     If we can carefully manage situations of both overestimation and, to some extent, underestimation, it will aid decision-making by reducing emotional and political biases. 
  • Very concerned it will do more harm then good
    The danger will be that people are unprepared and also that AI might rund havoc, as Bostrom has explained. I think we nee a moratorium and good regulations.
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    While AI can offer significant benefits, it also presents with considerable disadvantages that need careful consideration.
  • Very concerned it will do more harm then good
    Current AI (e.g., LLMs) merely mimics existing material, and occasionally "hallucinates." Current "peer review" barely works. Adding AI at either end adds to the problem. 
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    I would say Its somewhere within Somewhat Optimistic and Somewhat concerned. Its the wild west out there and so far very little regulation against fraud and also on-line defamation/harassment of scientist at PubPeer.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    AI is an interesting tool for research, analysis, interpretation, education, langage editing, etc. A rational use of AI will play a beneficial role in science progress,  eduction and training, automation, communication, etc.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    In my view, AI could help researchers, particularly new researchers or post graduate students, however, AI still machine and we should do not trust AI without checking but AI could save the time of collecting numerous data because AI have large data base.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    Like any other tech (e.g. nuclear energy) it presents challenges and opportunities.  Address the challenges and exploit the opportunities.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    No new technology is good or bad by default; it depends on the way we put it into practice. In my field of expertise, in particular, it is expected to free “bandwidth” that is consumed by repeated or procedural activities, thus helping to focus on important matters such as patient-physician interaction and relationship.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    AI will enable me to do more. It will assist and enhance my practice, not substitute or replace my expertise. 
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    Variation in perceptions of reality
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    I think it will help in transforming pedagogy, research methodologies, agricultural practices, and improving yield and quality of produce.
  • Very optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
     As a professor of Statistics, I strongly believe in the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transform the future of various fields, including my own. Statistics has been the foundation for the development of many techniques that support AI, such as machine learning and the analysis of large data sets. AI can not only optimize analytical processes but also provide new tools to explore complex patterns in data, something that would be unfeasible manually. Furthermore, I see AI as a powerful ally in making informed decisions, enabling more accurate predictive and preventive analyses across different disciplines. Of course, there are ethical and technical challenges, but with a responsible approach, AI can amplify the impact of Statistics and significantly contribute to scientific and societal advancements. I am optimistic about the future, where collaboration between statisticians and AI experts can produce revolutionary innovations. 
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    AI has a complex landscape with both potential benefits and risks, resulting in a spectrum of concern and optimism among experts. Potential benefits in improving efficiency and decision-making in fields like healthcare, education, and manufacturing. However, it also poses risks such as job displacement and bias amplification. 

  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    AI is great as text editor, performance in other applications is shaky.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    AI should be more specific in terms of Scientific research.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    In area of drug discovery, I expect AI will be helpful to bring the available information together but providing new therapeutic targets could be at this stage not realistic! 
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    Limited oversight on reliability of results.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    Alot of AI applications can be integrated in neurovascular projects and utilities 
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    Indian Cast system is the most advanced AI in the world invented 3000 yr ago,
    It can destroy all opportunities for good quality living
    One knowledge is a disgrace to rest of the humans nor having equal or less knowledge.
    Dehumanisation to the extent of making few animal gods
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    It streamlines information gathering and can point one to helpful and relevant resources. However, one has to execute caution when relying on information provided by AI, as there can be inaccuracies. It is an important to teach students to be critical about information from AI, as with other sources.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    My areas of expertise deals with solving complex socioeconomic problems of the society. Therefore, AI supports innovative solutions for the problems.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    Artificial intelligence will to some extent improve neurosurgical care in the future if used judiciously and appropriately, it application in neurosurgical diagnosis, and in improving the outcome of patients with traumatic spinal cord injury to help them regain ambulatory status through the use of implantable chips in the brain and connecting it to another chip in the spinal cord bye-passes the injured segment of the spinal cord
  • Very optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    It will enhance our ability to treat patient 
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    I have used generative AI in some of the work I do, and found it helpful. But I have also been around long enough to see people enthusiastically misunderstand how challenging it is to implement a technology (e.g., transcriptomics, metabolomics) at a broad level. I expect it will be akin to when computers became widely available: in 20 years there will be a few things we use it for all the time, and have discarded the old methods, but for creative, complex tasks, AI will be just making our work marginally easier.
  • Very optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    AI is similar to having an informed colleague nearby. You might not agree with everything that they say, but their presence promotes a dialogue. This, overall, improves the quality of the intellectual exchange.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    If humankind can control AI, it may help us about several issues. 
  • Very optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    I see it as helping me conceptualise and express my research and teaching better!
  • Very optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    I believe that materials science and nanobiotechnology can greatly benefit from AI.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    As an expert, I see AI as a tool to aid research which when used ethically, it will enhance productivity and research experience.
  • Very optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    Once well trained, AI could help easily bring about health equity across all levels of income and healthcare
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertise
    Like any instrument that humans use:  If used correctly and ethically AI is an excellent tool for knowledge and practice.
    If used incorrectly and/or with bad intentions: May do harm specially to those persons who believe everything they hear without analyzing facts themselves. 
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