(124 Answers)

Answer Explanations

  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    Students may benefit from AI if they don't ask AI to do the job the professors asked them to do (like scientific synthesis of data).
  • Very concerned it will do more harm then good
    Students in secondary school need to do the same work as those who went before them. AI should be used sparingly at this level.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
     Adequate research is needed to determine the extent to which students should be permitted to use AI tools in their studies. While over-restricting these tools may limit students' learning potential and ability to gain comprehensive subject matter knowledge, excessive reliance on these tools could hinder the development of essential skills. A balanced approach is crucial. 
  • Very optimistic it will be a help students
    Those who wish to learn are highly enthusiastic. Learning is least affected by AI. Thoughthey have even to learn to use AI at times to be effective.

    Some percentage may have misuse (Science + AI), but that may not be different than it has been without AI.
  • Very concerned it will do more harm then good
    Students will very often take the easy road and using AI to do their work. This will be detrimentory to their development.
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    AI can have ethical issues, particularly if the system trained on biased data, leading to unfair or discriminatory results. AI tools such as ChatGpt can sometimes make mistakes, leading to fake information.if students use AI carefully, it will endeed help them, particularly when thoy need quick information or generate Idea about their field. However, if they can't check the information they took or if they  heavily depend  on AI tools, it may affect their cognitive skills.
  • Very concerned it will do more harm then good
    Many incoming college students are already functionally illiterate, and (especially) large universities focusing on quantity rather than quality are not remediating this. Having AI "think and write" for students further masks the problem.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    AI may be helpful in highschool and college, when one uses it in rational and ethical way.
  • Very optimistic it will be a help students
    I do not have issue about this point, and I think AI will help them
  • No Opinion
    Most probably it will be helpful, but it’s not my area of expertise, so I don’t have a crystallised opinion.
  • No Opinion
    The jury is still out. In the long run, I feel that AI will more or less eliminate homework. This is a net positive. Requiring work outside the classroom itself does not ensure success. It largely distracts. AI will push for more tests and in class quizzes. Overall it will discourage mediocrity in K-12. Students will be forced to study if they want to succeed because they will have to undergo more tests that demand proof of having learned something.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    I think it will save their time and improve learning process.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    AI is a device like many others. If well-applied, it would be good. 
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
     Although I am an enthusiast of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and recognize that Statistics has been fundamental to the development of many techniques that support this technology, I also see some challenges, especially in the educational context. Students often seek quick solutions and may become dependent on AI to solve problems that require critical thinking and deeper understanding. Excessive use of AI tools can hinder the development of essential skills, such as analysis, data interpretation, and independent problem-solving. It is important to view AI as a supportive tool, not a substitute for deep learning. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage a conscious and balanced use, ensuring that students develop their own abilities before relying on AI. 
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    AI in secondar  education will propel our students to have better background in understanding possible outcome of scientific application in various endeavors 
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    The technology holds transformative potential to enhance human well-being and efficiency; however, without stringent ethical frameworks and regulations, the dangers it poses could outweigh its benefits. 
  • Very concerned it will do more harm then good
    I work as a university teacher of biochemistry (faculty of medicine) and I have a negative experience with the use of AI tools in the study of students, as it often provides half-truths or obviously incorrect information on the given question and the students study it "honestly". In addition, I feel a certain "pressure" to become a part of the "more modern" world, which is beautifully designed, but unfortunately content is false. I am currently 47 years old, have been teaching for 19 years and generally have no problem with technology. However, the use of AI bothers me.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    It will be great help if it used properly and not totally. Student should rely on reading from different sources and build their personal thoughts and not totally relying on AI!!
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    Students studying science need to be aware of documented facts rather than rely only on AI for answers. 
  • Very optimistic it will be a help students
    makes life better
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    It streamlines information gathering and can point one to helpful and relevant resources. However, one has to execute caution when relying on information provided by AI, as there can be inaccuracies. It is an important to teach students to be critical about information from AI, as with other sources.
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    I fear that AI reduces students' thinking abilities and practices because of their over dependence on it.
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    while I am optimistic that AI will make access to learning tools and simulation readily available and make abstract subjects easier to learn and understand, it also has the potential to make students lazy to their study
  • Very optimistic it will be a help students
    It will create more enthusiasm and creativity 
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    AI can be an infinitely patient and infinitely generous tutor capable of finding multiple ways to explain the same concept.
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    Because there is no control mechanism, especially in resource-limited countries. It may push the student to plagiarize from others.
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
     There's a risk of students relying too much on AI tools for problem-solving or analysis, potentially reducing their ability to think critically and independently. 
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    I am more optimistic than not for AI in this age group. AI can provide a general overview that can accelerate student's science knowledge and interest. AI can serve as a trigger for student's greater investment. 
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    AI can help them to solve some problems they have when studying
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    My Experience till date shows more help in understanding core concepts in science.
  • Somewhat concerned it will do more harm then good
    I believe that Ai will present many challenges to future education that should be matter of concern. I acknowledge the potential to increase productivity but it can also critically mitigate their creativity and problem-solving skills 
  • Somewhat optimistic it will help students
    Obviously, it will help students to kick start researches in areas they may be finding difficulties. If students are properly guided on its use, it can boost research speed.
  • Very optimistic it will be a help students
    Students should actually learn to incorporate this tool in research and academic progress
  • Very optimistic it will be a help students
    source of learning and knowledge - just like a library but better
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