A Ping is a single science-based question. The question comes from a fellow SciPinion Expert who is seeking input from the expert community. All participation in this service (i.e. asking or answering questions) is voluntary and anonymous if you prefer.
Can I post a Ping?
Yes, all SciPinion Experts are able to ask questions for the expert community to answer, provided you have
Ping Credits. All Experts start with
3 Ping Credits (i.e., can ask 3 questions), and have the opportunity to earn more (e.g.,
by answering Pings from other experts, applying to panel opportunities).
Can I sponsor a Paid Ping?
Yes, please contact SciPinion if you would like to sponsor a Paid Ping.
What do I get for answering a Ping?
By answering a question from a fellow SciPinion Expert you earn 1 Ping Credit, which allows you to sponsor your own Ping (e.g., for every question you answer, you can ask your own question)
You also receive the satisfaction of helping your fellow experts and supporting the scientific community.