SciPoll 548: AI: Harm or help in your area of expertise?
Artificial Intelligence is receiving enormous attention, with differing opinions on the utility and dangers of the new technology. What is your level of concern/optimism for AI to be harmful/helpful in your area of expertise?
(186 Answers)
Answer Explanations
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-818264help reduce human error, assist medical professionals and staff, and provide patient services 24/7.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-363282in the field of medicine AI is hopefully going to improve on areas where human error is often seen
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-732397Self-driving labs could help to free up researcher time from doing banal repetitive tasks in the lab so that they can spend more time thinking about science.
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-836505The outcome really depends on what the ultimate objective is. Despite all the hype, we do not have a self-evolving AI at this point so we have full control on what we are trying to teach it to do.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-153764much of the risk assessment work carried out by California's regulatory mechanism is rote (e.g., Superfund hazardous waste site remediation at DTSC). these tasks are the equivalent of clerical work, not necessary to have and pay PhD level graduates to review those reports written by contractors to responsible parties. AI can easily and more accurately review and provide decisions on those ecologic and human health risks posed by regulated sites and permitted facilities.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-887788Used cautiously, it can help integrate and organize information. But it needs appropriate expertise to judge its quality.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-445218AI is a remarkable tool that can really increase our reach. I believe the downsides can be controlled.
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-156475What I have read so farm in answers given is the problem of balance.
Most answers presenting one side of the application of science findings. - Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-546054Many professionals perform statistical analysis or estimate models and inferences about phenomena, mainly in health, without understanding the theoretical model or knowing its restrictions ...
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-195977I work in robotics and autonomous driving, there is no way to improve without using AI tools. Cars and robots need to perceive the world accurately and reason about other agents to enable safe interaction. This is not possible with classical techniques alone, AI tools are our best chance to bring the promise of robotics to reality.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-417392I believe AI will improve some procedures that are too bureaucratic and repetitive
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-270335AI tools needs validation but they showed a promising opportunity
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-180652Many people think that Ai generated answers are perfect, yet they may be wrong in some cases.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-234128Better prediction algorithms, especially with phenomena that have low base rates (e.g., suicidality)
- No opinionuser-628816Allow large datasets to be quickly evaluated and summarized.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-98823I see potential for it effectively providing a broad literature search for interpretation of specific experimental results (e.g., implications for a particular experimentally determined expression profile). We are already doing this with Gene Ontology software.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-9932AI is still in its infancy, and the scientific community should consider it with care. Hype is always a problem when novel and potentially disruptive technologies surface from time to time.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-99098There are many tasks, specially related to information processing in scientific publications (summarising, following up) as well as data analysis that would benefit from AI.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-625125The use of AI algorithms will help us to find new molecules able to be used in the medical field
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-801482patient features classification predictions of prognosis
treatment customization - Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-627640My area of expertise is very technological and I can see how AI might help in interpretation of results
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-947988Machine learning to improve enzyme function in plant systems could be very useful
- Very concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-765513People especially students rely more on it rather using their own brain
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-604521It will improve structure and also the language fluency
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-177409will help address the complex analysis of mixtures/foods/supplements
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-470071As much as you control it and put accurate data the AI will do the job you'll benefit from.
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-340576I probably don`t know enough to see who it can help in my area of expertise
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-66641I think that AI can help to improve my area of expertise
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-970956It could set up a better diagnosis and management protocol for a certain patient
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-276677AI or machines should never be end responsible
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-511217I work in the area drug discovery which involves lot of money, time, labour and hazardous chemicals. At this juncture AI could help me to simulate the drug discovery process so that we can know first hand many things that reduce the cost, time etc in the drug discovery.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-414626My caveat is that it is used properly and that any personal data are very secure.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-277089In the controlled area of drug development, AI has the potential to quickly bring together observations that would take longer for humans to discern.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-313917AI has great potential to facilitate the discovery of new molecules and potential uses.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-898139It will assist my area of expertise
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-733609Artificial intelligence can educate every individual around the world, whether he is educated or not
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-469485In Scientific writing, researchers own learnings should be presented while AI tools will not be presenting the true version.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-750007AI is helpful in the early detection of heart disease and cancer.
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-184231There is definite potential for good. However the danger is it being used without knowledge and treated as Blackbox statistics due to laziness- this often results in incorrect conclusions.
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-667012It might encourage mental laziness
- Very concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-300423Possibility of deep fake - fake photos and vídeos - can/will be used to create suspicion that can't be dispelled easily, even if you are aware that this can be done....
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-156962As long as it is used productively, AI can help accelerate research
- Very concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-615872AI could do the only thing we really Need in reaserch: Speed.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-599118I am optimistic AI might help omics and bioinformatics studies.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-556903
Thanks to AI (especially machine learning), we can better understand and predict what would happen in the multifactorial world of organism and including organism-environment relationships. This should be understood in a very broad sense, encompassing such areas as biology, ecology, medicine, climate change, etc.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-97558It will help to further understanding of biological processes increasing understanding of critical pathways and required mechanisms for critical interactions.
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-589379I think there is an agenda to use AI to not only support human intelligence (which would be useful), but to supplant it. This is worrysome to me.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-682252I believe AI will help improve my area of expertise and won’t replace humans
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-653283In my nature i am very optimistic to every discipline in which I observe everything deeply.this help me to improve my area of expertise.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-994669AI can help rheumatologist in his practice
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-944765I am a primary care physician, scientist, and health care leader. One the areas that I work in is reducing health disparities. I am concerned that AI will exacerbate disparities as it is generative from what already exits out there---a lot of stereotypes...and it may lead to incorrect diagnoses of people as there are nuances to people's use of language when they discuss how they are feeling/symptoms. It could however, help with routine tasks in primary care, like medication refills
- Very concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-531362Most of the work that humans have been performing manually to earn some income will be replaced with AI and people will lose their jobs. Not only that, the future shall be filled with people who do not use their brains intelligently to solve out life's problems.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-189534Probably will bring many opportunities
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-300516I will help to manage very big databases
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-902762أنا متفائل بعض الشيء لأنه ليس من السهل الانضمام إلى مجال خبرتي
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-102176Automated and real time decision making will optimize food animal production management at the farm level
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-470717AI has enormous potential to help clinicians to offer more accurate treatment to the patient.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-171296There is a lot of scope for AI to improve model-derived inference in pharmacometrics, although a major drawback is that AI models tend to apply the "shotgun" approach rather than leveraging prior knowledge and scientific plausibility. There are, however, applications in which it would improve things a lot.
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-509498I think the main issue is the further marginalization of already vulnerable groups and/or countries.
Sure, there are already many AI-powered tools which work great for those with access to them, but there's a significant risk that the benefits of AI will not be distributed equally. This could exacerbate existing inequalities, as those with the resources to develop and deploy AI can gain even more advantages, while those without such resources may fall further behind. - Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-340804Integrating various machine learning models has significantly advanced cancer diagnostics, automating routine processes and enabling more time for complex, creative tasks. These models offer a multi-faceted approach to analyzing complex data, improving the identification and classification of different cancer types.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-297941Good servant, bad master.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-695643I conduct applied research on AI in medicine, especially drug discovery, design and repurposing, diagnostics, prognostics.
AI can be instrumental in shortening the amount of time and resources needed for taking a drug from concept phase to clinical trials, saving enormous amounts of money and time, thus accelerating the drug discovery process. This will ultimately help in focusing on diseases with difficult targets. Moreover, it can also help in identifying new targets. - Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-777357With proper regulations, AI will create a much safer and smarter future for all humankind.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-740I am optimistic that leveraging AI capabilities can result into new possibilities for diagnosing, treating, and monitoring mental health problems
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-794592As a dental specialist (orthodontist), I think AI can assist with diagnosis and treatment planning our cases. I am excited for this possibility.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-282806add on tool for reducing time consuming tasks
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-520983While it appears to be useful in multiple areas, it is only as good as the programmer and the interpretation of data can be skewed by the incorrect information being "fed" to the AI program. I have seen data interpretation performed by AI software reach a conclusion that was clearly wrong and the conclusion was based on the personal opinion of whoever was controlling the background search parameters. It has also been shown to be detrimental if used with malicious intent. A prime example is the recent examples of making AI porn and being able to integrate the faces of high school students (also famous actresses) onto the characters and then releasing it on media.
- Very concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-3312971. Morocco is the largest producer of cannabis in the world and its population has been exposed to the substance for centuries. Local experience should be taken into account:
See Chapter 8. Cannabis in Morocco: history and epidemiology by Fatima El Omari, Jallal Toufiq In Cannabis (2008), pages 137 to 146.
Quote "Although its Arab-Muslim culture has prohibited such practices, Morocco has experienced the use of certain drugs such as cannabis for several centuries. The drug problem in Morocco has grown significantly over the past thirty years despite all the repressive measures deployed to combat and prevent it. Morocco is considered one of the main cannabis producing countries and the main exporter of this drug to Europe (Labrousse et al., 2001; UNODC 2003). Several epidemiological studies demonstrate the increase in drug consumption in Morocco across all social strata (Toufiq et al. 1999). The simultaneous or alternating use of several drugs (polydrug addiction) has also become more frequent. Due to its easy access due to its availability, cannabis is currently the most consumed illicit substance. Addictions are affecting more and more young adolescents or pre-adolescents, particularly boys, but the number of girls seems to be increasing in recent years (Toufiq, 2007)."
2. According to the PhD thesis of Delphine Sacchi. "Trouble schizophrénique débutant et consommation de cannabis : analyse des modalités de prise en charge. Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]. 2019. dumas-03134341". Quote : "In short, cannabis can lead to the onset of acute psychotic disorders toxic, but can also promote the occurrence of schizophrenia in people vulnerable and aggravate existing schizophrenic disorders. The decompensations are more brutal, more numerous relapses, more intense symptoms, effectiveness therapy is reduced and the progression of the disorder is more unfavorable."
3. At a time when resources are increasingly being invested into regulating chemicals on the basis of potential human health effects by exposure to trace levels in the environment, and efforts are being made to lower alcohol (a reprotoxic and carcinogenic substance) consumption and tobacco smoke (a carcinogen) exposure, it is dramatic for the future of our younger generation to create the perception that cannabis use can be perceived as socially acceptable and even depenalized. Quote: "France has one of the highest levels of cannabis use in the world, with almost 40% of 17-year-olds reporting use in the past year. While previous studies had highlighted the existence of a possible causal relationship between the early initiation of cannabis consumption during adolescence and the level of study attained later, researchers from Inserm and Sorbonne University at the Pierre-Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health looked at the impact of this early experimentation on the employment situation in adulthood. The results of the study indicate that people who have used cannabis would be more likely to experience a period of unemployment afterwards, especially if the initiation to this drug took place before the age of 16. The results, which involve monitoring 1,500 people over nine years, are published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence." - Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-180243Use of unchecked data. I.e. GIGO.
Use of algoritms that are not transparent. - Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-37487
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-7366AI is a bilateral, cutting-edge device that can either help or harm the discipline.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-310423Collection of relevant literature will improve.
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-671388Disinformation is so prevalent that I think AI will be used extensively to propagate false information and defame individuals.
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-211258I think AI will be helpful, so that's good; but the harm matters more.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-798662I am from the field of agricultural engineering where there are a lot of concerns which can be addressed by AI,like irrigation and drainage, crop processing machinery, etc.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-304247It is widely used in engineering research
- Very concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-914553It is already shown that without a human brain, machines like Google, Alexa and so on make mistakes and do not have pattern recognition which is needed for discovery processes.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-883671May be helpful.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-137308I think it will help finding articles and figures related to manuscripts and books that I am writing.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-988514help mainly in language, improve my language mainly in writing scientific field
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-9504LLM's have already shown their use in stremlining administrative tasks and grant writing. Machine learning is widely used throughout ecology, and the rise of unsupervised methods, perhaps guided by AI, could greatly accelerate the detection of patterns in very messy field data.
- No opinionuser-773118It depends on the intention of the people who develop AI.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-126526It helps do from scratch in brainstorming and help enrich my knowledge.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-307869In my area of expertise it could greatly reduce the time needed to write grant applications, answer to reviewers and overall help to review and rephrase parts of the texts generated.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-82216AI will help in data analysis but may also manipulate data or even generate data not supoprted by experiments.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-382369AI may help in the area of oncology and cancer research. Similar to other research areas, AI may be used with knowledge of the specific topic by the user. The search of a specific topic with AI may yield appropiate data as well as fake, incorrect data. Therefore, it should be used with caution and with good criteria
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-391781I believe it will help to diagnose easy cases so the time is channeled to more challenging and complex cases that may need extensive discussion with the clinicians.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-499104It will and already does allow the streamlining of most repetitive tasks: editing, rephrasing, simple statistics etc
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-237934AI can aid in various way in diagnostic imaging and radiology
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-390499Unregulated AI is like a new sports car without brakes: the benefits are great as long as the star can be stopped whenever needed. WIth the advent a
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-880409There is a lot of “routine” tasks in internal medicine and primary care that trickle down to the sub specialist level. AI may automate some of these tasks to allow for more time by the physician to be utilized in patient care.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-486614I hold a strong sense of optimism about the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on my area of expertise. In neurology and neuroscience, AI presents a wealth of opportunities for innovation and progress. The potential applications, such as advanced diagnostic tools, predictive modeling, and personalized treatment plans, have the capacity to significantly enhance our understanding and capabilities within the field.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-577966In the field of pathology, diagnosis will be more quicker and accurate with the use of AI.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-534902Considering the current technologies and the angle at which they are developing, I don’t see any danger for the next 20-30 years. However, making broader predictions is quite difficult. We will need to observe the progress together.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-61436AXi helps me in preparation of lectures, scientific manuscripts and more
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-844856I believe that as a tool it can streamline administrative work and allow professionals to invest their time in tasks that make real differences.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-362380I wouldn't have much direct benegit to lab works
- No opinionuser-181693I am very hopeful that this could be helpful but also very cautious in my adoption of its utilization.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-606285I am confident that AI can improve the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment planning, and research of hematological diseases, as well as reduce health disparities and bias in clinical decision-making.
- Somewhat concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-269733Too many unknowns; unintended consequences may be irreversible
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-180234My area of expertise demands keeping informed regarding current and emerging research in several areas (e.g., medical education, cognitive science, research methods and statistics, etcetera). Additionally, AI can enhance programming and data analysis work, as well as with data visualizations...and prevent "human error".
- No opinionuser-106770General knowledge needed can be underestimated.
- Very optimistic it will help improve/advance my area of expertiseuser-364672Great opportunity to benefit from exploding knowledge stock - conditioned on respectful doubts to AI outputs.
- Very concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-226006I think the artificial intelligence will be very useful in my work.
- Somewhat optimistic it will help improve my area of expertiseuser-577045If used constructively, it would make things faster and easier
- Very concerned it will do more harm than gooduser-788615AI will limit the thinking of the researchers, so new innovation will be hampered.
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