(148 Answers)

  • user-818264

    As AI tools continue to develop, there is potential to use AI even more in reading medical images, X-rays and scans, diagnosing medical problems and creating treatment plans.
  • user-363282

    it can offer prompts for patient medication interactions, illnesses present etc
  • user-460715

    Pre-publication screens of figures and text (iauthenticate, Proofig). Colleagues found it somewhat helpful is Scientific Writing although I do not use AI software to generate texts.
  • user-732397

    It could help experimental scientists who generate a lot of data, but only share that data via publications. AI might help to cull these results (in inaccessible text+PDF format) to help elucidate new and more effective synthetic procedures from all these papers. Right now, it's up to people to read, but no one can read *everything*. AI should be able to. 
  • user-836505

    AI is the key element in almost all aspects of autonomous driving, from vision to motion planning, and even control. 
  • user-153764

    cutting down on arbitrary decisions by regulatory personnel
  • user-887788

    It has the potential to tie together concepts and identify patterns that require labor intensive reading and thought. 
  • user-50697

    It can help save time on literature search, for example. 
  • user-445218

    Being about to scrap the available information from the internet
  • user-156475

    Nothing at present.
  • user-546054

    working as a team, not in isolation
  • user-195977

    I work in robotics and autonomous driving, there is no way to improve without using AI tools.  Cars and robots need to perceive the world accurately and reason about other agents to enable safe interaction.  This is not possible with classical techniques alone, AI tools are our best chance to bring the promise of robotics to reality.
  • user-417392

    I believe AI will improve some procedures that are too bureaucratic and repetitive
  • user-270335

    Standardizing procedures and decisions.
  • user-180652

    May help in making faster diagnosis 
  • user-234128

    Better prediction algorithms, especially with phenomena that have low base rates (e.g., suicidality)
  • user-628816

    Allow large datasets to be quickly evaluated and summarized.
  • user-98823

    It is enormously laborious to search for and read all of the relevant literature for a question.  The AI product can identify key items in the literature that I can then read and confirm relevance and veracity. 
  • user-9932

    It can improve the overall information crossing among platforms, publications, and patents with the aid of natural language.
  • user-99098

    In the interpretation of spectroscopic data, and in research search.
  • user-326793

    Diagnosis of ovarian masses. Diagnostic algorithm. 
  • user-263414

    analysis, data management
  • user-625125

    The use of AI algorithms will help us to find new molecules able to be used in the medical field
  • user-380603

    Reducing time when working with a large amount of data from different omics data.
  • user-80058

    Being very efficient in finding specific information.
    Time-saving in sorting data.
    Support in logical reasoning.
    Assistance in proofing and writing manuscripts.
  • user-627640

    interpretation of data
  • user-947988

     Machine learning to improve enzyme function in plant systems could be very useful  to increase yields on finite inputs.
  • user-765513

    One can rough information. Which are not that much helpful 
  • user-604521

    It will improve structure and also the language fluency
    And ultimately the handling and analysis of big data
  • user-470071

    Collect important data
    Make correct analysis. 
    Give you ideas for future research. 
  • user-340576

    Searching patterns of infectión and parasite transmission in function of environmental factors and anthropic forces
  • user-66641

    To control de patients and diagnostic
  • user-970956

    It could set up a better diagnosis and management protocol for a certain patient 
  • user-747249

    Risk stratification assessment 
  • user-276677

    e.g. in protocol writing and/or reporting
    or in checking any interactions between medications taken by patients to alert the physician
    however the PI/researcher should always be the end reponsible
  • user-511217

    We can utilise AI to guess the extraction of large pool of novel compounds from plants
  • user-389881

    alphafold etc
  • user-414626

    In combing through large data sets to look for patterns.
  • user-545783

    To predict toxicity of any chemical will decrease the number of animal assay 
  • user-313917

    It can potentially be beneficial to make the discovery of new therapies more agile and fast, knowledge about the organisms/cellular interactions, etc.
  • user-898139

    In computational modelling, calculations and designing of new materials.

  • user-123746

     It would be of great help in sceintific research desing, summarizining references, writing and editing. However, ethical ligeslation should be accompanying AI. 
  • user-883288

    Assist in identifying hazards and quantifying risks 
  • user-733609

    AI can educate patients so they can think logically and practically in maintaining their health and that of society
  • user-469485

    In mechanisation of production lines, AI can do wonderful job and assist the man power profoundly bye reducing the safety risks as well.
  • user-943896

    Replacing manual work 
  • user-750007

    AI is perhaps the most sensitive and efficient technology to detect the earliest changes of biomarkers in heart disease and breast cancer. 
  • user-637348

    Predict the toxicological effect of a chemical before application in the environment 
  • user-292351

    It may Help out in diagnosis processes 
  • user-184231

    Eliminating mandane tasks. 
  • Sonne72

  • user-667012

    I have never used it
  • user-300423

    yes - for dealing with big data, to ID species fro million of photos, - many useful applications
  • user-156962

    Can help speed up some analyses
  • user-615872

    More Speed in paper research and in the manuscript writing
  • user-774853

    better use for data processing and expediting outputs
  • user-599118

    AI might greatly help find novel patterns in genomes, metagenomes and in epigenetics. 
  • user-556903

    This is a big subject, so very briefly some of it. Better understanding of the relationships between a range of biological and environmental factors for more accurate forecasting and decision-making (ML and network models). Explaining the role of different environmental factors in strengthening and weakening of undesirable effects such as diseases, species decline, environmental stresses and disasters (eXplanable AI). More accurate insights into the spatial differentiation of environmental changes on land and in the ocean from the global to the local scales (computer vision and satellite remote sensing).

  • user-103828

    It will help getting protocol run. It would also help to put in together many differential  diagnosis . It will be great to see if prolonged video EEG can be sampled easily.  Also would help in getting sense of genetic and metabolic tests to given clinical diagnosis .
  • user-870844

    In data gathering 
  • user-97558

    It will enhance critical understanding of pathways, elucidate mechanisms involved in epigenetic, genetics and protein interactions that may ultimately promote personalized medicine.
  • user-150822

    Ìt can analyze all related data bery fast and find new target for therapy
  • user-589379

    It could help as an assistant system
  • user-439415

    Diagnostic and treatment
  • user-682252

    AI can be helpful in the analysis of big data, which would undoubtedly help scientists identify new therapeutic targets, perform early diagnoses and analyze multiple types of data 
  • user-663996

    Prediction of expression of certain genes in various tissues.
  • user-653283

    the context of AI in my expertise is more interesting because this allow me to deeply observe impact of  infectious disease on community and apply prevention methods.
  • user-994669

    Monitoring patient quality of life measures
  • user-900806

    Data acquisition, data calibration and environmental modeling 
  • user-944765

    It could however, help with routine tasks in primary care, like medication refills
  • user-732698

    Use dataset make forecast estimation
  • user-531362

    AI would help in saving time as most of the work done manually would require a certain amount of time as compared to AI
  • user-189534

    Improving diagnostic algorithms, improving Deep brain stimulation and other advanced therapies.
  • user-300516

     manage big amount of data
  • user-902762

    باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي، يمكن للصيادلة تتبع تاريخ استخدام المستخدمين، والملاحظة التي تم تسجيلها. ويمكن للذكاء الاصطناعي التنبؤي للحركات غير المنظمة في نظام الدوائي، مما يسمح للصيادلة بالتدخل أن يطلب الأمر.
  • user-102176

    Automated and real time decision making will optimize food animal production management at the farm level
  • user-470717

    It will improve the clinical decision making.
  • user-171296

    AI can be leveraged to answer specific questions, such as identifying covariate effects in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic systems, and automating some aspects of model development.
  • user-509498

    Automated analysis
    many times faster algorithms
    this two is already a huge addition to the field
  • user-340804

    By automating tasks such as data interpretation and image analysis, machine learning liberates researchers to focus on higher-value activities like innovative treatment development and in-depth analyses. 
  • user-297941

    Can solve many mechanical problems.
  • user-695643

    AI can help save resources and time in drug discovery
    It can also help identifying new drug targets, thus making drug repurposing a good option. Moreover, by its very nature, it can help in analysing the chemical and material space much faster than A/B experiments.
  • user-777357

    It will provide more opportunities to monitor drug development.
  • user-983196

    Use of data for policy making rather than subjective approach
  • user-79617

    It will help in many fields in my area of expertise:
    1- When integrated in ultrasound of fetal anomaly scan, it will help clinicians to obtain the adequate views and could draw attention to anomalies
    2- When integrated in cardiotocogram during labor, it could be useful in the prediction of hypoxia
  • user-740

    Automatically identify patterns in patients speech associated with psychiatric disorders
  • user-282806

    pattern recognition for counting cells and other subcellular structure
    summarizing scientic content of publications
  • user-533989

  • user-520983

    Interpretation of data sets for use in hypothesis mining. 
  • user-578906

    Writing or discover a problem 
  • user-331297

    No opinion
  • user-180243

    It is useful when a lot of data need to be elaborated, provided that that have been checked for appropriateness and relevance
  • user-37487

    From my point of view, Analytical Chemistry may benefit from AI since it may help predict operating or chemical conditions in the system under analysis. This will be positive for method development since it may help reduce trial assays and costs.
  • user-477483

    Improve tools used to better understand disease in populations.
  • user-484050

    Help writing article, find more faster useful information and will help us to find connections between different area
  • user-740613

    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into scientific endeavors has sparked widespread optimism, fueled by its potential to revolutionize research and discovery across various disciplines. AI's ability to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make predictions holds immense promise for accelerating scientific progress. In the field of medicine, AI algorithms can analyze medical images with unprecedented accuracy, aiding in early detection and diagnosis of diseases. Similarly, AI-powered drug discovery platforms can rapidly identify potential drug candidates, significantly reducing the time and resources required to bring new treatments to patients. In astronomy, AI algorithms can analyze astronomical data to identify new celestial objects, map the universe in greater detail, and uncover hidden patterns in cosmic phenomena. AI is also poised to transform materials science, enabling the design of new materials with enhanced properties tailored to specific applications. The transformative potential of AI in science is undeniable, offering a glimpse into a future where scientific breakthroughs are achieved at an unprecedented pace, leading to advancements in healthcare, environmental sustainability, and human understanding of the universe.

  • user-7366

    it supports easier understanding and access to what is known and what is unknown and what is the gap in the discipline.
  • user-310423

    Collecting relevant references. Brilliant!
  • user-671388

    Making it easier to aggregate disparate information.
  • user-211258

    Increasing efficiency in compiling research and in conducting studies.
  • user-798662

    It can aid in automating a lot of processes, both in the production and processing. 
  • user-304247

    It solves complex problems withing a short time
  • user-914553

    Collection of data, analysis of data
  • user-250140

    to elucidate mechanistic findings to support scientific evidences 
  • user-883671

    Make things easier.
  • user-137308

    I think it will help finding articles and figures related to manuscripts and books that I am writing.
  • user-988514

    help mainly in language, improve my language mainly in writing scientific field 
  • user-9504

    Ecological data is often very messy compared to other scientific fields. This is due both to demographic/environmental stochasticity and to inherent difficulties in experimental design/implementation. AI could accellerate the data cleaning and pattern recognition that ecologists are already using machine learning approaches for.
  • user-773118

    make imaging and pathology diagnoses more efficient.
  • user-126526

    it helps in matching different chemical combination for specific outcomes.
  • user-307869

    I have a busy clinical practice and multiple research projects and collaborations with the industry. As english is not my primary anguage it helps me often to rephrase certain parts of text or to help me write grant applications.
  • user-140649

    Reading chest x-ray
    Interpretation of results
    Making diagnosis 
  • user-913574

    I guess you refer to Generative AI as opposed to "classic" AI, where classification and regression tasks are the most usual.
  • user-82216

    Data acquisition and analysis can be optimized.
  • user-64752

    Future surgical devices. 
  • user-620550

    I can't see Ai may be helpful
  • user-382369

    It is very helpful as it permits gathering a lot of data from, for example, patients databases and analysing it.
    However, good criteria is needed in orderr to evaluate if the analyses of the data have been properly perfomed.
  • user-391781

    It will help to diagnose easy, uncomplicated cases so as to save time which can be channeled to more difficult cases and other activities for career improvement.
  • user-499104

    Allows the streamlining of most repetitive tasks: editing, rephrasing, simple statistics etc. Helps field officers understand certain tasks.
  • user-237934

    AI can be used as an diagnostic tool for being fast and accurate assessment of medical images.
  • user-390499

    Every other sector. 
  • user-880409

    Identifying areas of risk for potential patients with HCV and recommend screening options by collating list of patient information to be contacted or mailed.
  • user-486614

    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is significantly advance science, particularly in the fields of Neurology and Neuroscience. A noteworthy application is evident in the deployment of AI modeling for the early detection of cognitive decline risk in diseases such as Diabetes. This innovative approach proves highly beneficial in identifying individuals at risk at an early stage, allowing for timely intervention and proactive management. 
  • user-954693

    Finding potential interactions in large /big datasets
  • user-577966

    In the field of pathology, diagnosis will be more quicker and accurate with the use of AI.
  • user-534902

    In the field of radiology, doctors can sometimes overlook lesions. To overcome this, AI-based approaches such as radiogenomics and radiodiagnostics have been developed. Thanks to these approaches, AI can assist radiologists. Moreover, it’s not just that. In a study that I personally developed related to LLM models, we see that even models that have not been specifically developed for radiology can assist diagnostic radiology from certain angles.
  • user-61436

    Very helpful 
  • user-844856

    It could help in patient care, perform screening, and allow filtering by clinical severity.
  • user-362380

    Integration of it in lab machines in solving the errors
  • user-181693

    Predictive modeling for patients and outcomes
  • user-606285

     AI can improve the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment planning, and research of hematological diseases, as well as reduce health disparities and bias in clinical decision-making.
  • user-318554

    Improve patient management 
  • user-95563

    Information boost
  • user-719680

    Improved tracking and modeling of exposures 
  • user-269733

    In diagnostics; working with known information 
  • user-533285

    Helping to save lives
  • user-180234

    Providing access to a summary of the best research in an area from multiple disciplines.  I anticipate that AI will be able to point out problems in published studies/discount those that do not meet quality standards.   Unfortunately, sometimes articles of poor quality are published in reputable journals...and readers who do not understand research or are not critical readers assume that the article is accurate or does not have notable limitations to any generalizabilty because it was published.   Additionally, AI can enhance programming and data analysis work, as well as with data visualizations...and prevent "human error".   
  • user-106770

    Research, management of patients, organization skills, comunication. Collaboration. 
  • user-911600

    Increases accuracy of diagnostics 
  • user-364672

    Managing and exploiting the knowledge base of the field 
  • user-434792

    Serves as a statiscal tool for modelling

  • user-671182

  • user-226006

    AI could help us in a better care and treatment of our patients.
  • user-856013

    Analyzing and aggregating research data; Report/clinical notes writing.
  • user-529270

    Improving diagnosis and optimizing treatment
  • user-289373

    better diagnosis, accurate measruments
  • user-577045

    More relevant in reporting the results in a meticulous way. May be once the graphic creation is accessible, better graphical representations of our work can be given using AI
  • user-788615

    It is helpful in one way to find out the things what I am looking for.
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