(138 Answers)

  • user-363282

    it can have malice in case of bugs
  • user-460715

    They are introducing errors in generating text. 
  • user-732397

    Would it replace humans entirely? Doubtful, but.....
  • user-836505

    We need to recognize the limitations of AI in dealing with real-world high-risk situations. For instance, a poor motion planner can result in the loss of life. 
  • user-153764

  • user-887788

    It currently generates fictitious responses. It may be used to replace expertise and quality will drop if it becomes the primary or main resource 
  • user-50697

    Giving enough confidence to people without all the necessary knowledge on the subject, since chemistry is a very complex field, many theories are correlated and to consider only one AI affirmation about the topic you intend to work on can lead to big problems. 
  • user-445218

    I do not.
  • user-156475

    Can't say at present. Too early
  • user-195977

    It is also being used for military and surveillance purposes, but this is always true.  Drone attacks, killer humanoids, these things will happen and it is due to military and security concerns that will always be a part of the human experience.  It is best to do as much research as possible in an open manner and avoid monopolization of new technology behind military funding.  The playing field should stay as even as possible or it will be exploited by someone.
  • user-417392

    the use of AI without human validation in my area (medication safety) can be dangerous as it can lead to misinterpretation of results by the general public
  • user-270335

    Its use with mere commercial interests without waiting an appropriate validation 
  • user-180652

    May be depended on by patients instead of getting professional help
  • user-234128

    Could lead to "automatization" of specific procedures (e.g., assessments, therapy), which would remove the human providers and decision-makers from part of the process. This would be rationalized as a cost-efficient or cost-saving measure. 
  • user-628816

    Depending on it too much.
  • user-98823

    If such a literature search output is incorrectly biased, too much weight may be given to the wrong papers. 
  • user-9932

    It may reduce a lot the number of activities being made by humans, especially collecting, organizing, and deriving models using data.
  • user-99098

    Already many published works rely on questionable assumptions, and wrong interpretation of data (for example, assuming you can say something from a particular technique when that is not the case). It will only get worse. 
  • user-326793

    Wrong decision
  • user-263414

    teaching, misinformation
  • user-625125

    If the scientist do not check properly the outputs coming from the algorithms it could led to unuseful results and lost of time
  • user-627640

    too much dependence on the AI results
  • user-947988

    Social media fanatics suggesting Franken-plants again.
  • user-484966

    no too much
  • user-765513

    Students just doing cut copy paste without proper thinking and hard work 
  • user-604521

    When facts are not checked and when methods that may not be reproducable are used
  • user-177409

    black box - hard to verify - competing interest
  • user-470071

    If AI will control motorized units it can produce errors that can do a lot of harm to a patient 
  • user-340576

  • user-66641

    To do not realise the results
  • user-970956

    it could miss details
  • user-747249

  • user-276677

    computers and or AI should never be end responsible - e.g. in diagnostic or treatment decisions
  • user-511217

    I don't think so 
  • user-389881

    no way
  • user-414626

    If the data are personal (less likely in ecotoxicology) I would be concerned that the data would get into the wrong hands.
  • user-277089

    There is a possibility that scientists will become too dependent on AI without checking the results for validity.
  • user-545783

    Possibility of false prediction may prevent reaching the correct result, but this possibility also exists in other in vitro and in vivo tests.
  • user-313917

    My concerns are related to the potential possibility of dual-use or malicious technology regarding high-consequence pathogens, high/maximum biocontainment facilities, biotechnology, and synthetic biology. My concerns are related to biosecurity.
  • user-898139

    There will be no harm.
  • user-123746

    Authorship, lack of proper AI citation and copy rights  sheating and other research ethics guidelines.
  • user-883288

    I don’t 
  • user-733609

    AI can be dangerous if scientists stay away from AI, AI can be pushed by irresponsible people for misleading uses
  • user-469485

    Specially younger generation is adopting AI tools that in due course of time, AI will be driving them. So, in short, technology will rule the mam.
  • user-943896

    When it is used without philosophy 
  • user-637348

    Not harmful 

  • user-292351

    It could potentially drive to relaxing the attention of genetic counselling operators and cause diagnostic errors 
  • user-184231

    Incorrect utilization. Junk in still equals junk out. AI should not be used with no inderstanding of the underlying data or statistical analysis.
  • Sonne72

  • user-667012

    The tendency to plagiarize from it
  • user-300423

    If used without care can give very wrong results and be difficult to supervise 
  • user-156962

    Not sure
  • user-615872

    Wih optimism
  • user-599118

    AI might pose ethical issues especially if applied to human genetics and genomics.
  • user-556903

    There is always a danger that AI modelling will be used by researchers who are incompetent in AI and apply automatic ML tools "blindly". However, the main danger, in my opinion, is not selecting data for modelling too narrowly or too selectively. Failure to collect an adequate amount of data and, most importantly, to create an exhaustive list of factors and then "throw" this data into the model is the cause of wrong predictions and decisions. To avoid this data and feature engineering become very important. It is also the fuel for various pseudo-theories. Avoiding these effects is the main task of cooperation between the so-called domain specialists and AI specialists.

  • user-103828

    It may run protocol and may not be customized . clinical examinations and differentials need to be streamlined. This may potentially change . 
  • user-870844

    In manuscript development and publishing
  • user-97558

    It may promote information overload
  • user-150822

    The result of AI might be misleading. Ìt should be validated
  • user-589379

    The tendency and the over-optimism that AI will solve all problems better than humans might lead to the situation, where human intelligence will be replaced by AI to the point where silliness and simplistic solutions without humand judgement will take over. In the end machines might tell humans what to do. Nick Bostrom is not so far off the mark with his warnings.
  • user-439415

    Wrong information
  • user-682252

    I could see AI replacing some juman jobs, for example that of pathologists that have classically analyzed juman biopsies using microscopy tools, which are time-consuming and are prone to human error. AI could help in the diagnosis of many diseases by feeding it with images of the biopsy tissue 
  • user-663996

    By producing misleading results.
  • user-653283

    there is no harmful effect of AI on my expertise.
  • user-994669

  • user-900806

    Data breach, plagarism
  • user-944765

    I am concerned that AI will exacerbate disparities as it is generative from what already exits out there---a lot of stereotypes...and it may lead to incorrect diagnoses of people as there are nuances to people's use of language when they discuss how they are feeling/symptoms
  • user-531362

    Man is a Social being and usually depends on social capital. If replaced by AI, man will become idle and lonely as their will be less time to interact and discuss issues 
  • user-189534

    By taking decisions supported exclusively by AI
  • user-300516

    At the moment I do not see dangers for my area of expertise
  • user-902762

    الذكاء الاصطناعي لبعض المستخدمين "ويمكن أن يؤدي ذلك إلى أخطاء اصطناعية في جميع أنحاء العالم من المرضى، وخاصة البيانات الصحية وأمنها، بالإضافة إلى احتمالية الوصول إلى أشخاص غير مجتمعين".
  • user-102176

    Decision making and farm management practices based on AI will likely be dictated by single private company that owns the technology and algorithm. 
  • user-470717

    It may be misleading sometimes.
  • user-171296

    AI may discourage critical thinking in favour of rapid throughput. This may lead to models being developed that describe data well, but are not predictive, and are unhelpful in enhancing understanding of new drugs and systems.
  • user-509498

    I believe that many individuals and organizations will rely on pre-trained networks created by larger entities, as smaller groups, institutions, and the like often lack the necessary data or computational resources to develop their own. However, this reliance means that any potential biases embedded in these widely-used networks could have far-reaching and significant impacts.
  • user-340804

    I see no harm from AI. I know that some people are afraid that AI can substitute them in the workspace, herewith I believe that the development and widespread of AI technologies will offer new types of employment.  
  • user-297941

    Not at all harmful 
  • user-695643

    AI can be incredibly harmful if used in its pre-mature stages for diagnostics and prognostics. If an AI model is deployed for diagnostics which is not robust, we will see far more false positives and false negatives, which will result in wasted resources and danger to life.
    Moreover, if a sufficiently advanced AI falls into the wrong hands, it can be used to discover, design and manufacture harmful materials,
  • user-777357

    AI might ultimately become smarter than Homo sapiens (See work by Harari)
  • user-79617

    It may be harmful if the algorithms overdiagnose abnormalities in normal conditions, or underestimate the diagnoses in abnormal conditions.
  • user-740

    Data privacy 
  • user-794592

    As I noted above, I believe AI can be very helpful in diagnosis and treatment planning our cases.
  • user-282806

    AI systems are usually a black box, therefore there is no learn effect from a AI algorithm
  • user-533989

  • user-520983

    I think individuals completely accepting what AI spits back to them as a totally correct conclusion can harm the progress of research especially if the AI model does not take certain factors into consideration. 
  • user-578906

    Expecting database 
  • user-331297

    No opinion
  • user-180243

    Use of poor quality data, which pollute the literature
  • user-37487

    As far as I understand, AI seeks backwords. Thus, it is a mere repetition of the knowledge it has acquired. The total replacement of humans bringing new ideas and pushing  barriers is my worst fear.
  • user-477483

    If used without criteria can generate false information.
  • user-484050

  • user-7366

    for those that are not in the discipline a lot of detailed information may induce more fear and anxiety.

  • user-310423

    If AI produces fake references (I have experienced that - so you must check every article carefully...
  • user-671388

    For companies and other parties to publish false information that supports their products.
  • user-211258

    AI can be misused to misinterpret and misreport the research by people who are inexperienced or lacking in integrity. 
  • user-798662

    It can be harmful if it is used to engineer products which are unsafe and harmful to humans. 
  • user-304247

    i dont think it is
  • user-914553

    Make mistakes that a human would not do.
  • user-250140

    many kinds of junk or fake data or theories to disturb true evidences 
  • user-883671

    Maybe misused by students
  • user-137308

    It may stimulate people to just use AI to write their works.
  • user-988514

    Let AI working for you  completely
  • user-9504

    Only insofar as we fail to properly account for intrinsic biases of AI tools
  • user-773118

  • user-126526

    No, more good than harm.
  • user-307869

    For the moment I do not see any arm if it is used correctly.
  • user-140649

    People will relay on it and then make wrong decisions 
  • user-913574

    Too high expectations lead to AI winters. Let's hope we are not getting into one.
  • user-82216

    Manipulation of data will be possible/easier.
  • user-382369

    It would be harmful when the data and its analyses are not properly downloaded/performed. Also, good criteria is needed to discern whether the results of the use of AI are or not. 
  • user-391781

    Some cases are complex and the diagnosis rely heavily on clinical details, physical examination or even the expertise and experience of the pathologist. I feel that these considerations will not be properly addressed if we rely heavily on AI.
  • user-499104

    Abuse or missuse in tasks not understood by the person using it: statistics, rephrasing entire articles with little knowledge or expertise by the certain individual.
  • user-237934

    AI can analyze vast amounts of data and so can be a substitute for imaging professionals.
  • user-390499

  • user-880409

    Dependence by physicians will leads to gaps in care. 
  • user-486614

    The ethical use of AI in neurology raises important questions, particularly in terms of patient privacy, consent, and the responsible handling of sensitive medical data. There's a need for clear guidelines and regulations to ensure ethical practices in the development and deployment of AI technologies in healthcare.
  • user-954693

    Ethical decisions
  • user-577966

    No harm noted as yet. As its usage increases, we will learn more about the harms it can cause.
  • user-534902

    While it may not be in the near future, AI could potentially dominate the field of diagnostic radiology in the later stages, possibly replacing doctors. However, it should not be forgotten that Radiology is a multidisciplinary field that requires a great deal of depth. For AI to achieve this, it needs time.
  • user-61436

    Not so muvh
  • user-844856

    It could be dangerous to try to do without the human part that exists in the specialty
  • user-181693

    If it is utilized and takes the art of medicine away from physicians to look at the entire picture of a patient and make the best decision.  
  • user-606285

    I have several concerns on privacy and security issues, trasparency and quality of responses.
  • user-318554

  • user-95563

    Accuracy of knowledge regarding specificity of subject
  • user-719680

    Overreach into privacy. The continued issues with racist algorithms 
  • user-269733

    Known information may be incorrect; risk of data fabrication 
  • user-533285

    Social damage
  • user-180234

    AI that makes up responses is unacceptable and can be harmful to all disciplines.    The AI released for use needs to prioritize accuracy and note when information is not available or when it can otherwise not  respond to a request.    Creativity with responses is very dangerous.  For example, I received a reply with what looked like credible literature citations (i.e., the journal was  one that would publish articles on the information requested) but, when I checked, they were all fabricated.    Luckily I knew that the citations may be "hinky" and checked the citations....some people would not...yikes.  
  • user-106770

    Overestimation. No more patient centered care, increased level social and psichosocial pathologic behavior. 
  • user-911600

    Misses harmful effects 
  • user-364672

    Can't see harm. Missuse is possible if responsibilities are ignored and mysteries expected. Likewise with any other technical advance. 
  • user-434792

    Not at the very moment
  • user-856013

    Trying to be used in place of humans for psychotherapy 
  • user-529270

    It may loose the hability to sense the peculiaritiies of individual variations and human sensible aspescts.
  • user-289373

    inaccurate diagnosis 
  • user-577045

    Plagiarism and false reporting can also be done using AI
  • user-788615

    Although helps in finding things,but it limits the extraordinary thinking on a particular subject matters.
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