(125 Answers)

Answer Explanations

  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Lack of scientific literacy among the general public Perceived conflicts of interest in research funding
    People think scientists are corrupted by industry.
  • Other (please explain)
    All of the above.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Lack of scientific literacy among the general public
    Most people do not understand how research is actually conducted and how our foundation of scientific knowledge has been created and expanded.  I have often seen people identify themselves as "document researchers", meaning they can find scientific literature.  But they do not have the training to assess the veracity of what they read.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media
    Appropriate interpretation is the key of any findings. Only experts can provide a broad outlook of any scientific development.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Lack of scientific literacy among the general public
    AI is also the other fraud causing misinterpretation of the scientif outputs
  • Other (please explain)
    Publishing too much
  • Political polarization of scientific issues
    There may just be slight mistrust in science in the political front.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Influence of special interest groups
    Media must be one of the pillars of science on the next years, but we should be precise on how we inform peolple about our outcomes. Furthermore, politic polarization and special interest groups could improve fake news phenomena in the future. 
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Lack of scientific literacy among the general public Misconduct or fraud cases in science
    so, this is a total deasaster
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Conflicting research results
    Covid response especially
  • Lack of scientific literacy among the general public
    Because of the conflicting results 
  • Other (please explain)
    The speed of the internet and the lack of accountability it provides.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Misconduct or fraud cases in science Perceived conflicts of interest in research funding
    See responces above
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Conflicting research results
    Misinformation and Disinformation: The spread of false or misleading information, particularly on social media, undermines scientific consensus.
    Political Polarization: Science is increasingly caught in political debates, leading to skepticism among those who disagree with the prevailing scientific views.
    Conflicting Information from Experts: When scientists or health professionals present differing opinions, it can create confusion and doubt in the public.
    Lack of Transparency: Perceptions that research is driven by hidden agendas or corporate interests can lead to mistrust.
    Complexity of Scientific Concepts: Difficulty in understanding scientific information can lead to disengagement and skepticism.
  • Political polarization of scientific issues Influence of special interest groups Other (please explain)
    Science in general has failed in giving solutions for the main problems of present mankind. This means war, poverty, huge social gaps, injustice, climate disasters. Even one of the main scientific developments at present, the AI, became one of the main global threats for mankind, self destruction and a global loss of jobs. People realized that science is not put at the service of mankind, as it is managed by interests and money, as all in this world. Generalized disappointment led to a general rebellion and a loss of trust in science.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Use of generative AI
    Many factor contribute to erosion of scientific trust-ability.
    1. poor understanding how science works; fail error is an inborn part of scientific evolution
    2. poor training of people of a much complexer world than ever before
    3. information overload
    4. active misinterpretation
    more and more relevant future issues
    5. technologie driven information overload, misinterpretation, bending (AI others)
    6. political stategies to bend information
    7. covid-19 abuse experience induced a massive damage in broad society
  • Lack of scientific literacy among the general public
    More and more discussion at foundational level are needed especially highlighting the day today examples like kitchen is an advanced laboratory for dealing with hydrophilic water and hydrophobic like oil materials for mutually mixing for cooking food. Also, combustion by burning butane gas, quantum mechanics as frypan or cooker electron gain energy from butane combustion and undergo excitation from valence band energy state to conduction band through Fermi space or energy. 
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Lack of scientific literacy among the general public
    I think news and political abuse of sciences for personal or financial gains leads to many issues. This in combination with the lack of scientific knowledge of the public, which is not able to judge certain statements of newsbecause of that. 
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Misconduct or fraud cases in science
    Above reasons in general deviate the public and contrubute most to the erosion of its trust in Science & Technology.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Lack of scientific literacy among the general public
    A basic understanding of the scientific process and the iterative nature of scientific discovery is sorely lacking.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Lack of scientific literacy among the general public
    The problem begins early in the integration of the scientific method from school to adulthood. Naturally, the job market will demonstrate a distorted view of what can be measurable. Often, unfortunately, science is left aside because it is not pleasing to individual preconceptions.

  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Influence of special interest groups Perceived conflicts of interest in research funding
    Maybe i think that
  • Lack of scientific literacy among the general public
    It takes relatively long time to develop science (let's say a new drug or vaccine for covid 19). People cannot stand suffering from pandemy for long time. Their level of trust decreases when the governement/scientists are kate in response and solve their problem.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Conflicting research results
    Maintaining public trust in Science and technology necessitates transparency, responsibility, and responsiveness from developers, companies, and policymakers, ensuring they realize their full potential while respecting societal values and individual rights.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Influence of special interest groups
    Scientists threw away peer review at the first opportunity which allowed political polarization of science
  • Political polarization of scientific issues Lack of scientific literacy among the general public Influence of special interest groups
    In the US, a major cause of erosion of public trust in science is the republican party and trump, with their dreadful management of the Covid pandemic (including opposition to life-saving vaccines) and their attempts to discredit the human impact on climate change.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific findings in media Political polarization of scientific issues Other (please explain)
    what i mean by other is big corporations, mainly pharma, funding review boards and pushing for specific results. also funding the media that presents results. see covid and vaccines.
  • Lack of scientific literacy among the general public Conflicting research results Misconduct or fraud cases in science
    It is obvious. And furthermore, it is logical. The way the so-called medicine is being done. What a horror!
  • Political polarization of scientific issues Lack of scientific literacy among the general public Influence of special interest groups
    See above; COVID vacc crisis 
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