(3 Answers)

Expert 6

No, I do not think that it is necessary to test 1,3-D in non human primates.

Expert 11

No, regarding tumor endpoints, such studies are not helpful due to low numbers/group and duration required.

Expert 9

I would not recommend testing 1,3-D in NHP's. A primate study would be impractical in cost and time to completion because of the much longer life span of primates while still not providing a definitive answer to the question.

5 votes 5 0 votes
Expert 11
04/18/2019 05:32

Guess that there is agreement here and no need for debate ?

5 votes 5 0 votes
Expert 7
04/18/2019 08:28

Yes, not necessary. And agree with comments on practicalities as well as ethical considerations given current directions to reduce animal usage.

3 votes 3 0 votes
Expert 6
04/18/2019 15:06

Yes, everyone agrees that test in non human primates is not necessary.

2 votes 2 0 votes
Expert 9
04/18/2019 20:53

It seems that we all agree that a primate study is not warranted.

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