SciPoll 492: SOT: Insights on MOA, AOP and KCs in hazard characterization for better protecting human health
What is your level of experience and familiarity with key characteristics?
(21 Answers)
Answer Explanations
- Mediumuser-61732
As clinical pharmacologist I am interested in the effects of chemicals and "other exposures", with a specific interest in pregnancy and the developing fetus. I am well aware of the potential adverse effects of different exposures, beyond being carcinogenic, and more related to longterm adverse effect in view of a life course approach and transgenerational.
- Lowuser-847725
I have seen the concept presented at a previous conference, but have not used these in practice or read the publications in depth.
- Lowuser-261845
never used in practice
- Highuser-137578
I actively work with developing AOPs.
- Mediumuser-957551
My expertise is centered on pesticides, mainly insecticides and herbicides. The key characteristics of interest are selectivity mechanisms.
- Mediumuser-390626
Read the seminal literature. Been involved in project work where KCC was applied to describe potential hazard(s).
- Mediumuser-532952
I have a good understanding of the difference between hazard analysis/assessment and risk analysis/assessment