SciPoll 492: SOT: Insights on MOA, AOP and KCs in hazard characterization for better protecting human health
In your opinion, what are the weaknesses of Key Characteristics? (Select all that apply)
(21 Answers)
Answer Explanations
- Unclear and/or limited consideration of biological context Too simplistic Overlap of events within the same category (e.g., carcinogencity – “genotoxic” and “is electrophilic or can be metabolically activated”) Lack of harmonization across endpoints Lack of or unknown predictive potential Lack of systematic consideration of causalityuser-75230
Really helpful for organizing, but not so much assessing mechanistic data.
- Require too much data Unclear and/or limited consideration of biological context Too complex Other (please explain)user-61732
In my opinion, it is a great start. I would like to approach it wider than pure carcinogenic, but more "pathological in the long term".
- Difficult to understand Too simplistic Overlap of events within the same category (e.g., carcinogencity – “genotoxic” and “is electrophilic or can be metabolically activated”) Lack of or unknown predictive potential Lack of systematic consideration of causality Other (please explain)user-532952
Statisticians and editors lack knowledge and use may result in other scientists criticizing/ nullifying the research findings or refusing to pass PhD students
- Unclear and/or limited consideration of biological context Too simplistic Overlap of events within the same category (e.g., carcinogencity – “genotoxic” and “is electrophilic or can be metabolically activated”) Lack of or unknown predictive potential Lack of systematic consideration of causalityuser-390626
What is a strength of KCC (simplicity) is also a limitation in the degree to which KCC can be used to inform hazard (and especially risk assessment). While chemicals with similar KCC profiles can be considered together as a starting point for hazard characterization, the degree to which any one category informs the general endpoint is still going to vary on a chemical by chemical basis. Furthermore, it is far from clear how many KCs might be required for certain hazard classification (e.g., carcinogen), nor does KCC categorization really inform human relevance.