SciPoll 492: SOT: Insights on MOA, AOP and KCs in hazard characterization for better protecting human health
In your opinion, what are the strengths of pathway constructs (AOP, MOA)? (Select all that apply)
(17 Answers)
Answer Explanations
- Provide biological context Helpful in organizing mechanistic data Take into account a wide range of mechanistic data (e.g., QSAR, in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological/clinical) Consider causality Predictive Transparent development Included in regulatory guidanceuser-390626
MOA and AOP approaches can inform species relevance, hazard and potentially risk assessment. As more AOPs come online, the approach to testing new chemicals can become more targeted. The availability of published MOA are useful for mining data relevant to AOPs.
- Provide biological context Helpful in organizing mechanistic data Take into account a wide range of mechanistic data (e.g., QSAR, in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological/clinical) Consider causality Quantitative potential Included in regulatory guidanceuser-957551
AOPs are more likely to be predictive of potential specific physiological effects from environmental exposures. Often, secondary effects unrelated to AOPs are observed in most toxicology studies because of use of unrealistic dosing by non-relevant pathways (for example, who is exposed to a pesticide by subcutaneous injections or i.p. routes?)