SciPoll 492: SOT: Insights on MOA, AOP and KCs in hazard characterization for better protecting human health
In your opinion, how are pathway constructs (AOP/MOA) best applied? (Select all that apply)
(19 Answers)
Answer Explanations
- Establishing priorities for testing of chemicals/further research (e.g., developing IATA) Establishing priorities for further assessment of chemicals To inform hazard characterization for risk management (e.g., classification for labelling)user-957551
For pesticides, labeling is important and pesticide product labels have specific signal words to warn users. Thus, acetylcholinesterase inhibiting insecticides have know AOPs for the real word exposure levels and thus appropriate label on products is warranted.
- Establishing priorities for testing of chemicals/further research (e.g., developing IATA) Establishing priorities for further assessment of chemicals To inform hazard characterization for risk management (e.g., classification for labelling)user-75230
Pahtway constructs have a wide range of both chemically agnostic and specific eftects. However, they are currently rather labour intensive to develop but are being additionally simplified while still maintining adquate transparency to support regulatory application.
- Establishing priorities for testing of chemicals/further research (e.g., developing IATA) Establishing priorities for further assessment of chemicals To inform hazard characterization for risk management (e.g., classification for labelling)user-390626
As long as there are dose response data available to ground-truth adverse outcomes, MOA and/or AOP should be able to inform risk assessment.
- Establishing priorities for further assessment of chemicals To inform hazard characterization for risk management (e.g., classification for labelling)user-532952
Same argument I used previously. Research that ratifies this technique for food safety, chemical safety