(14 Answers)

Answer Explanations 8

Any regulatory agency that had jurisdiction over pesticides
Expert 4

I worked for the US Environmental Protection Agency for 33 years and spent the last 3 years of my career as a senior manager in the Pesticide Program overseeing a technical staff evaluating the safety of existing pesticides as part of the registration review process

Any regulatory agency that had jurisdiction over pesticides
Expert 8

I was employed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, albeit not in the Office of Pesticide Programs; rather I worked in the Offices of Water and Research and Development.

Any regulatory agency that had jurisdiction over pesticides
Expert 7

I was employed by the US Environmental Protection Agency from 1980 to 2013. I served in the Office of Pesticide Programs from late 1997 until 2013.

Expert 12

Never worked for such agency and company.

Any regulatory agency that had jurisdiction over pesticides
Expert 3

I was employed by the USEPA for 27 years until 2006. I never worked in the pesticide program although did review some pestide assessments carried out by that program.

Any regulatory agency that had jurisdiction over pesticides
Expert 2

being extra careful here-- OSHA has ceded almost all effective jurisdiction of pesticides to EPA...

A pesticide company
Expert 9

From 1978 through 1984 I worked for Union carbide Corporation, which had a pesticide business among many other businesses at that time.

Expert 6

I have never been an employee of a pesticide company or any regulatory agency that had jurisdiction over pesticides.

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