(13 Answers)

Expert 14


Expert 1

Did not have a look at the documents yet

Expert 2

Do you really mean to ask this (boilerplate?) question of this panel, given that the 2 documents we've been given so far provide NO author names? How can I answer this question? (but I'm confident the answer *would* be no...)

Expert 12


Expert 9


Expert 7


Expert 11

I have been working on halaogenated alkenes and their modes of action and know most people active in the area in person. Have not peer-reviewed this or collaborated on this issue.

Expert 5


Expert 8

No involvement.

Expert 4

To my knowledge, no, but since the white paper is being reviewed anonymously I may have had previous involvement with one or more of the authors. To the best of my recollection I have not been involved in the assessment of 1,3-D or epichlorohydrin or any of the papers cited in the document. However, in the early- to mid-1980’s I did work for EPA’s Carcinogen Assessment Group, and I may have helped prepare portions of 1984 epichlorohydrin document cited. I may also have supervised staff working on 1,3-D while in the pesticide program or reviewed material prepared for it, but I have no recollection of doing so.

Expert 10


Expert 13


Expert 6

Never had any involvement with the documents under consideration here.

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