(14 Answers)

Answer Explanations 5

Expert 1

Previous SciPinion panel

Expert 8

I submitted a declaration in support of the chlorpyrifos amicus curia brief above. The brief was petitioning for an additional year for review in the light of complex scientific issues.

Expert 4

In the last quarter of 2017 and the first two quarters of 2018 I served as an expert witness for a law firm representing an agrochemical company, and I was deposed.

Expert 2

I *think* that about 10 years ago, I did a very small amount of work for NRDC on a lawsuit seeking to change some EPA policy allowing human testing of pesticides, but if so, that would only have been a written report, and not deposition or trial work.

Expert 6

Never served as an expert in a pesticide related case.

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