(3 Answers)

Answer Explanations

  • Yes
    Expert 1

    The pattern does not speak for a genotoxic carcinogen (usually multi-tissue tunors). In line with negative result for gene mutation

  • I cannot answer
    Expert 14

    In my opinion, genotoxicity should be thoroughly and deeply investigated with the appropriate in vitro and in vivo test batteries for hazard identification regardless of cancer bioassay information. In addition, the implication of mutations are not limited to cancer but involve genetic diseases and somatic illnesses.

  • Yes
    Expert 5

    Yes it affects my conclusions. I think the lack of a consistent dose response and positive results nearly always only that highest dose, are not what I would expect from a genotoxic agent.

2 votes 1 1 vote
Expert 3
04/20/2019 15:09

It appears that the colleagues who answered Yes and No are saying the same thing. The pattern of response in the bioassays is not what might be expected with a mutagenic/genotoxic agent. While not definitive, these results can support our thinking regarding genotoxc potential when considering all of the evidence.

1 vote 1 0 votes
Expert 5
04/20/2019 17:56

I agree with user 320359 [Expert 3] . I think the yes and no answers reflect different interpretations in what the question is asking.

1 vote 0 1 vote
Expert 1
04/21/2019 19:49

also agree with my peers that the cancer data are supportive of a non-genotoxic mode of action, wich is why I had said 'no' in the above answer. No - it does not affect my conclusion since I, from the other overall data (although that dataset has its weaknesses), do not believe BB is a DNR reactive carcinogen.

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